# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory require 'metasm/ia32/opcodes' require 'metasm/ia32/encode' require 'metasm/parse' module Metasm class Ia32 class ModRM # may return a SegReg # must be called before SegReg parser (which could match only the seg part of a modrm) def self.parse(lexer, otok, cpu) tok = otok # read operand size specifier if tok and tok.type == :string and tok.raw =~ /^(?:byte|[dqo]?word|_(\d+)bits)$/ ptsz = if $1 $1.to_i else case tok.raw when 'byte'; 8 when 'word'; 16 when 'dword'; 32 when 'qword'; 64 when 'oword'; 128 else raise otok, 'mrm: bad ptr size' end end lexer.skip_space if tok = lexer.readtok and tok.type == :string and tok.raw == 'ptr' lexer.skip_space tok = lexer.readtok end end # read segment selector if tok and tok.type == :string and seg = SegReg.s_to_i[tok.raw] lexer.skip_space seg = SegReg.new(seg) if not ntok = lexer.readtok or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ':' raise otok, 'invalid modrm' if ptsz lexer.unreadtok ntok return seg end lexer.skip_space tok = lexer.readtok end # ensure we have a modrm if not tok or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '[' raise otok, 'invalid modrm' if ptsz or seg return end lexer.skip_space_eol # support fasm syntax [fs:eax] for segment selector if tok = lexer.readtok and tok.type == :string and not seg and seg = SegReg.s_to_i[tok.raw] raise otok, 'invalid modrm' if not ntok = lexer.readtok or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ':' seg = SegReg.new(seg) lexer.skip_space_eol else lexer.unreadtok tok end # read modrm content as generic expression content = Expression.parse(lexer) lexer.skip_space_eol raise(otok, 'bad modrm') if not content or not ntok = lexer.readtok or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ']' # converts matching externals to Regs in an expression regify = lambda { |o| case o when Expression o.lexpr = regify[o.lexpr] o.rexpr = regify[o.rexpr] o when String cpu.str_to_reg(o) || o else o end } s = i = b = imm = nil # assigns the Regs in the expression to base or index field of the modrm walker = lambda { |o| case o when nil when Reg if b raise otok, 'mrm: too many regs' if i i = o s = 1 else b = o end when Expression if o.op == :* and (o.rexpr.kind_of? Reg or o.lexpr.kind_of? Reg) # scaled index raise otok, 'mrm: too many indexes' if i s = o.lexpr i = o.rexpr s, i = i, s if s.kind_of? Reg raise otok, 'mrm: bad scale' unless s.kind_of? Integer elsif o.op == :+ # recurse walker[o.lexpr] walker[o.rexpr] else # found (a part of) the immediate imm = Expression[imm, :+, o] end else # found (a part of) the immediate imm = Expression[imm, :+, o] end } # do it walker[regify[content.reduce]] # ensure found immediate is really an immediate raise otok, 'mrm: reg in imm' if imm.kind_of? Expression and not imm.externals.grep(Reg).empty? # find default address size adsz = b ? b.sz : i ? i.sz : nil # ptsz may be nil now, will be fixed up later (in parse_instr_fixup) to match another instruction argument's size new adsz, ptsz, s, i, b, imm, seg end end # handles cpu-specific parser instruction, falls back to Ancestor's version if unknown keyword # XXX changing the cpu size in the middle of the code may have baaad effects... def parse_parser_instruction(lexer, instr) case instr.raw.downcase when '.mode', '.bits' lexer.skip_space if tok = lexer.readtok and tok.type == :string and (tok.raw == '16' or tok.raw == '32') @size = tok.raw.to_i lexer.skip_space raise instr, 'syntax error' if ntok = lexer.nexttok and ntok.type != :eol else raise instr, 'invalid cpu mode' end else super(lexer, instr) end end def parse_prefix(i, pfx) # XXX check for redefinition ? # implicit 'true' return value when assignment occur i.prefix ||= {} case pfx when 'lock'; i.prefix[:lock] = true when 'rep'; i.prefix[:rep] = 'rep' when 'repe', 'repz'; i.prefix[:rep] = 'repz' when 'repne', 'repnz'; i.prefix[:rep] = 'repnz' when 'code16'; i.prefix[:sz] = 16 when 'code32'; i.prefix[:sz] = 32 end end def parse_argregclasslist [Reg, SimdReg, SegReg, DbgReg, CtrlReg, FpReg] end def parse_modrm(lex, tok, cpu) ModRM.parse(lex, tok, cpu) end # parses an arbitrary ia32 instruction argument def parse_argument(lexer) lexer = AsmPreprocessor.new(lexer) if lexer.kind_of? String # reserved names (registers/segments etc) @args_token ||= parse_argregclasslist.map { |a| a.s_to_i.keys }.flatten.inject({}) { |h, e| h.update e => true } lexer.skip_space return if not tok = lexer.readtok if tok.type == :string and tok.raw == 'ST' lexer.skip_space if ntok = lexer.readtok and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '(' lexer.skip_space if not nntok = lexer.readtok or nntok.type != :string or nntok.raw !~ /^[0-9]$/ or not ntok = (lexer.skip_space; lexer.readtok) or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' raise tok, 'invalid FP register' else tok.raw << '(' << nntok.raw << ')' fpr = parse_argregclasslist.last if fpr.s_to_i.has_key? tok.raw return fpr.new(fpr.s_to_i[tok.raw]) else raise tok, 'invalid FP register' end end else lexer.unreadtok ntok end end if ret = parse_modrm(lexer, tok, self) ret elsif @args_token[tok.raw] parse_argregclasslist.each { |a| return a.from_str(tok.raw) if a.s_to_i.has_key? tok.raw } raise tok, 'internal error' else lexer.unreadtok tok expr = Expression.parse(lexer) lexer.skip_space # may be a farptr if expr and ntok = lexer.readtok and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == ':' raise tok, 'invalid farptr' if not addr = Expression.parse(lexer) Farptr.new expr, addr else lexer.unreadtok ntok Expression[expr.reduce] if expr end end end # check if the argument matches the opcode's argument spec def parse_arg_valid?(o, spec, arg) if o.name == 'movsx' or o.name == 'movzx' if not arg.kind_of? Reg and not arg.kind_of? ModRM return elsif not arg.sz puts "ambiguous arg size for indirection in #{o.name}" if $VERBOSE return elsif spec == :reg # reg=dst, modrm=src (smaller) return (arg.kind_of? Reg and arg.sz >= 16) elsif o.props[:argsz] return arg.sz == o.props[:argsz] else return arg.sz <= 16 end end return false if arg.kind_of? ModRM and arg.adsz and o.props[:adsz] and arg.adsz != o.props[:adsz] cond = true if s = o.props[:argsz] and (arg.kind_of? Reg or arg.kind_of? ModRM) cond = (!arg.sz or arg.sz == s or spec == :reg_dx) end cond and case spec when :reg; arg.kind_of? Reg and (arg.sz >= 16 or o.props[:argsz]) when :modrm; (arg.kind_of? ModRM or arg.kind_of? Reg) and (!arg.sz or arg.sz >= 16 or o.props[:argsz]) when :i; arg.kind_of? Expression when :imm_val1; arg.kind_of? Expression and arg.reduce == 1 when :imm_val3; arg.kind_of? Expression and arg.reduce == 3 when :reg_eax; arg.kind_of? Reg and arg.val == 0 when :reg_cl; arg.kind_of? Reg and arg.val == 1 and arg.sz == 8 when :reg_dx; arg.kind_of? Reg and arg.val == 2 and arg.sz == 16 when :seg3; arg.kind_of? SegReg when :seg3A; arg.kind_of? SegReg and arg.val > 3 when :seg2; arg.kind_of? SegReg and arg.val < 4 when :seg2A; arg.kind_of? SegReg and arg.val < 4 and arg.val != 1 when :eeec; arg.kind_of? CtrlReg when :eeed; arg.kind_of? DbgReg when :modrmA; arg.kind_of? ModRM when :mrm_imm; arg.kind_of? ModRM and not arg.s and not arg.i and not arg.b when :farptr; arg.kind_of? Farptr when :regfp; arg.kind_of? FpReg when :regfp0; arg.kind_of? FpReg and (arg.val == nil or arg.val == 0) when :modrmmmx; arg.kind_of? ModRM or (arg.kind_of? SimdReg and (arg.sz == 64 or (arg.sz == 128 and o.props[:xmmx]))) when :regmmx; arg.kind_of? SimdReg and (arg.sz == 64 or (arg.sz == 128 and o.props[:xmmx])) when :modrmxmm; arg.kind_of? ModRM or (arg.kind_of? SimdReg and arg.sz == 128) when :regxmm; arg.kind_of? SimdReg and arg.sz == 128 when :i8, :u8, :u16 arg.kind_of? Expression and (o.props[:setip] or Expression.in_range?(arg, spec) != false) # true or nil allowed # jz 0x28282828 may fit in :i8 depending on instr addr else raise EncodeError, "Internal error: unknown argument specification #{spec.inspect}" end end def parse_instruction_checkproto(i) case i.opname when 'imul' if i.args.length == 2 and i.args.first.kind_of? Reg and i.args.last.kind_of? Expression i.args.unshift i.args.first.dup end end super(i) end # fixup the sz of a modrm argument, defaults to other argument size or current cpu mode def parse_instruction_fixup(i) if m = i.args.grep(ModRM).first and not m.sz if i.opname == 'movzx' or i.opname == 'movsx' m.sz = 8 else if r = i.args.grep(Reg).first m.sz = r.sz elsif opcode_list_byname[i.opname].all? { |o| o.props[:argsz] } m.sz = opcode_list_byname[i.opname].first.props[:argsz] else # this is also the size of ctrlreg/dbgreg etc # XXX fpu/simd ? m.sz = i.prefix[:sz] || @size end end end if m and not m.adsz if opcode_list_byname[i.opname].all? { |o| o.props[:adsz] } m.adsz = opcode_list_byname[i.opname].first.props[:adsz] else m.adsz = i.prefix[:sz] || @size end end end def instr_uncond_jump_to(target) parse_instruction("jmp #{target}") end end end