require "set" module GitLab module Exporter module Database # A helper class that executes the query its given and returns an int of # the row count # This class works under the assumption you do COUNT(*) queries, define # queries in the QUERIES constant. If in doubt how these work, read # #construct_query # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class RowCountCollector < Base # We ignore mirrors with a next_execution_timestamp before # 2020-03-28 because this is when we stopped processing mirrors # for private projects on the free plan. Skipping those can # significantly improve query performance: # WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED = <<~SQL.freeze projects.mirror = true AND projects.archived = false AND project_mirror_data.retry_count <= 14 AND ( (projects.visibility_level = 20 AND root_namespaces.visibility_level = 20) OR IN ('early_adopter', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold') ) AND project_mirror_data.next_execution_timestamp > '2020-03-28' SQL MIRROR_QUERY = { select: :projects, joins: <<~SQL, INNER JOIN project_mirror_data ON project_mirror_data.project_id = INNER JOIN namespaces AS root_namespaces ON = ( WITH RECURSIVE "base_and_ancestors" AS ( (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = projects.namespace_id) UNION (SELECT "namespaces".* FROM "namespaces", "base_and_ancestors" WHERE "namespaces"."id" = "base_and_ancestors"."parent_id") ) SELECT "namespaces".id FROM "base_and_ancestors" AS "namespaces" WHERE "namespaces"."parent_id" IS NULL ) LEFT JOIN gitlab_subscriptions ON gitlab_subscriptions.namespace_id = LEFT JOIN plans ON = gitlab_subscriptions.hosted_plan_id SQL check: "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='plans'" }.freeze QUERIES = { mirrors_ready_to_sync: MIRROR_QUERY.merge( # EE only where: <<~SQL #{WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED} AND project_mirror_data.status NOT IN ('scheduled', 'started') AND project_mirror_data.next_execution_timestamp <= NOW() SQL ), mirrors_not_updated_recently: MIRROR_QUERY.merge( # EE only where: <<~SQL #{WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED} AND project_mirror_data.status NOT IN ('scheduled', 'started') AND (project_mirror_data.next_execution_timestamp - project_mirror_data.last_update_at) <= '30 minutes'::interval AND project_mirror_data.last_update_at < NOW() - '30 minutes'::interval SQL ), mirrors_updated_very_recently: MIRROR_QUERY.merge( # EE only where: <<~SQL #{WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED} AND project_mirror_data.status NOT IN ('scheduled', 'started') AND project_mirror_data.last_update_at >= NOW() - '30 seconds'::interval SQL ), mirrors_behind_schedule: MIRROR_QUERY.merge( # EE only where: <<~SQL #{WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED} AND project_mirror_data.status NOT IN ('scheduled', 'started') AND project_mirror_data.next_execution_timestamp <= NOW() - '10 seconds'::interval SQL ), mirrors_scheduled_or_started: MIRROR_QUERY.merge( # EE only where: <<~SQL #{WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED} AND project_mirror_data.status IN ('scheduled', 'started') SQL ), mirrors_scheduled: MIRROR_QUERY.merge( # EE only where: <<~SQL #{WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED} AND project_mirror_data.status = 'scheduled' SQL ), mirrors_started: MIRROR_QUERY.merge( # EE only where: <<~SQL #{WHERE_MIRROR_ENABLED} AND project_mirror_data.status = 'started' SQL ), soft_deleted_projects: { select: :projects, where: "pending_delete=true" }, orphaned_projects: { select: :projects, joins: "LEFT JOIN namespaces ON projects.namespace_id =", where: " IS NULL" }, uploads: { select: :uploads }, users: { select: :users, joins: "LEFT JOIN ( SELECT members.user_id, MAX(access_level) as access_level FROM members GROUP BY members.user_id ) AS u ON = u.user_id", where: "user_type IS NULL", fields: { admin: {}, external: {}, state: {}, access_level: { definition: "COALESCE(u.access_level, 0)" } } }, projects: { select: :projects, fields: { visibility_level: {}, archived: {} } }, groups: { select: :namespaces, fields: { visibility_level: {}, root: { definition: "(parent_id IS NULL)" } } }, container_repositories_migration_pending: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state <> 'import_done' AND created_at < '2022-01-23 00:00:00' SQL }, container_repositories_pre_importing: { select: :container_repositories, where: "migration_state = 'pre_importing'" }, container_repositories_importing: { select: :container_repositories, where: "migration_state = 'importing'" }, container_repositories_pre_import_done: { select: :container_repositories, where: "migration_state = 'pre_import_done'" }, container_repositories_import_done: { select: :container_repositories, where: "migration_state = 'import_done'" }, container_repositories_import_skipped: { select: :container_repositories, where: "migration_state = 'import_skipped'" }, container_repositories_import_aborted: { select: :container_repositories, where: "migration_state = 'import_aborted'" }, container_repositories_migration_all_free: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_plan IN ('free', 'early_adopter') OR migration_plan IS NULL SQL }, container_repositories_migration_pending_free: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state <> 'import_done' AND created_at < '2022-01-23 00:00:00' AND (migration_plan IN ('free', 'early_adopter') OR migration_plan IS NULL) SQL }, container_repositories_import_done_free: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_done' AND (migration_plan IN ('free', 'early_adopter') OR migration_plan IS NULL) SQL }, container_repositories_stalled_pre_importing: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'pre_importing' AND (COALESCE(migration_pre_import_started_at, '01-01-1970') < (now() - INTERVAL '20 minutes')) SQL }, container_repositories_stalled_pre_import_done: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'pre_import_done' AND (COALESCE(migration_pre_import_done_at, '01-01-1970') < (now() - INTERVAL '5 minutes')) SQL }, container_repositories_stalled_importing: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'importing' AND (COALESCE(migration_import_started_at, '01-01-1970') < (now() - INTERVAL '5 minutes')) SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_not_in_plan: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason = 0 SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_too_many_retries: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason = 1 SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_too_many_tags: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason = 2 SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_deny_list: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason = 3 SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_canceled: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason IN (4, 8) SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_not_found: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason = 5 SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_native: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason = 6 SQL }, container_repositories_skipped_force_canceled: { select: :container_repositories, where: <<~SQL migration_state = 'import_skipped' AND migration_skipped_reason = 7 SQL } }.freeze def initialize(selected_queries: nil, **args) super(**args) @selected_queries = unless selected_queries.nil? end def run results = QUERIES.each do |key, query_hash| next if query_hash[:check] && !successful_check?(query_hash[:check]) next if !@selected_queries.nil? && !@selected_queries.include?(key) results[key] = count_from_query_hash(query_hash) end results end private def count_from_query_hash(query_hash) result = execute(construct_query(query_hash)) return [{ "count": 0, "labels": {} }] unless result do |row| labels = {} (query_hash[:fields] || []).each do |key, _| labels[key] = row[key.to_s] end { "count": row["count"], "labels": labels } end end def successful_check?(query) result = execute("SELECT EXISTS (#{query})") return unless result result[0]["exists"] end def execute(query) with_connection_pool do |conn| conn.exec(query) end rescue PG::UndefinedTable, PG::UndefinedColumn nil end # Not private so I can test it without meta programming tricks def construct_query(query) query_string = "SELECT COUNT(*)" (query[:fields] || []).each do |key, value| query_string << ", " query_string << "(#{value[:definition]}) AS " if value[:definition] query_string << key.to_s end query_string << " FROM #{query[:select]}" query_string << " #{query[:joins]}" if query[:joins] query_string << " WHERE #{query[:where]}" if query[:where] query_string << " GROUP BY " + query[:fields].keys.join(", ") if query[:fields] query_string << ";" end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength # The prober which is called when gathering metrics class RowCountProber def initialize(metrics:, **opts) @metrics = metrics @collector =**opts) end def probe_db results = results.each do |query_name, result| labels = { query_name: query_name.to_s } result.each do |row| @metrics.add("gitlab_database_rows", row[:count].to_f, **labels, **row[:labels]) end end self rescue PG::ConnectionBad self end def write_to(target) target.write(@metrics.to_s) end end end end end