/* Isolation forests and variations thereof, with adjustments for incorporation * of categorical variables and missing values. * Writen for C++11 standard and aimed at being used in R and Python. * * This library is based on the following works: * [1] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "Isolation forest." * 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE, 2008. * [2] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "Isolation-based anomaly detection." * ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6.1 (2012): 3. * [3] Hariri, Sahand, Matias Carrasco Kind, and Robert J. Brunner. * "Extended Isolation Forest." * arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02141 (2018). * [4] Liu, Fei Tony, Kai Ming Ting, and Zhi-Hua Zhou. * "On detecting clustered anomalies using SCiForest." * Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. * [5] https://sourceforge.net/projects/iforest/ * [6] https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3388518/expected-number-of-paths-required-to-separate-elements-in-a-binary-tree * [7] Quinlan, J. Ross. C4. 5: programs for machine learning. Elsevier, 2014. * [8] Cortes, David. "Distance approximation using Isolation Forests." arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.12362 (2019). * [9] Cortes, David. "Imputing missing values with unsupervised random trees." arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.06646 (2019). * * BSD 2-Clause License * Copyright (c) 2020, David Cortes * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "isotree.hpp" void split_itree_recursive(std::vector &trees, WorkerMemory &workspace, InputData &input_data, ModelParams &model_params, std::vector *impute_nodes, size_t curr_depth) { long double sum_weight = -HUGE_VAL; /* calculate imputation statistics if desired */ if (impute_nodes != NULL) { if (input_data.Xc_indptr != NULL) std::sort(workspace.ix_arr.begin() + workspace.st, workspace.ix_arr.begin() + workspace.end + 1); build_impute_node(impute_nodes->back(), workspace, input_data, model_params, *impute_nodes, curr_depth, model_params.min_imp_obs); } /* check for potential isolated leafs */ if (workspace.end == workspace.st || curr_depth >= model_params.max_depth) goto terminal_statistics; /* with 2 observations and no weights, there's only 1 potential or assumed split */ if ((workspace.end - workspace.st) == 1 && !workspace.weights_arr.size() && !workspace.weights_map.size()) goto terminal_statistics; /* when using weights, the split should stop when the sum of weights is <= 2 */ sum_weight = calculate_sum_weights(workspace.ix_arr, workspace.st, workspace.end, curr_depth, workspace.weights_arr, workspace.weights_map); if (curr_depth > 0 && (workspace.weights_arr.size() || workspace.weights_map.size()) && sum_weight < 2.5) goto terminal_statistics; /* for sparse matrices, need to sort the indices */ if (input_data.Xc_indptr != NULL && impute_nodes == NULL) std::sort(workspace.ix_arr.begin() + workspace.st, workspace.ix_arr.begin() + workspace.end + 1); /* pick column to split according to criteria */ workspace.prob_split_type = workspace.rbin(workspace.rnd_generator); /* case1: guided, pick column and point with best gain */ if ( workspace.prob_split_type < ( model_params.prob_pick_by_gain_avg + model_params.prob_pick_by_gain_pl ) ) { workspace.determine_split = false; /* case 1.1: column is decided by averaged gain */ if (workspace.prob_split_type < model_params.prob_pick_by_gain_avg) workspace.criterion = Averaged; /* case 1.2: column is decided by pooled gain */ else workspace.criterion = Pooled; /* evaluate gain for all columns */ trees.back().score = -HUGE_VAL; /* this is used to track the best gain */ if (input_data.Xc_indptr == NULL) { for (size_t col = 0; col < input_data.ncols_numeric; col++) { workspace.this_gain = eval_guided_crit(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, input_data.numeric_data + col * input_data.nrows, workspace.split_ix, workspace.this_split_point, workspace.xmin, workspace.xmax, workspace.criterion, model_params.min_gain, model_params.missing_action); if (workspace.this_gain <= -HUGE_VAL) { workspace.cols_possible[col] = false; } else if (workspace.this_gain > trees.back().score) { trees.back().score = workspace.this_gain; trees.back().col_num = col; trees.back().num_split = workspace.this_split_point; if (model_params.penalize_range) { trees.back().range_low = workspace.xmin - workspace.xmax + trees.back().num_split; trees.back().range_high = workspace.xmax - workspace.xmin + trees.back().num_split; } } } } else { for (size_t col = 0; col < input_data.ncols_numeric; col++) { workspace.this_gain = eval_guided_crit(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, col, input_data.Xc, input_data.Xc_ind, input_data.Xc_indptr, workspace.buffer_dbl.data(), workspace.buffer_szt.data(), workspace.this_split_point, workspace.xmin, workspace.xmax, workspace.criterion, model_params.min_gain, model_params.missing_action); if (workspace.this_gain <= -HUGE_VAL) { workspace.cols_possible[col] = false; } else if (workspace.this_gain > trees.back().score) { trees.back().score = workspace.this_gain; trees.back().col_num = col; trees.back().num_split = workspace.this_split_point; if (model_params.penalize_range) { trees.back().range_low = workspace.xmin - workspace.xmax + trees.back().num_split; trees.back().range_high = workspace.xmax - workspace.xmin + trees.back().num_split; } } } } for (size_t col = 0; col < input_data.ncols_categ; col++) { workspace.this_gain = eval_guided_crit(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, input_data.categ_data + col * input_data.nrows, input_data.ncat[col], workspace.buffer_szt.data(), workspace.buffer_szt.data() + input_data.max_categ, workspace.buffer_dbl.data(), workspace.this_categ, workspace.this_split_categ.data(), workspace.buffer_chr.data(), workspace.criterion, model_params.min_gain, model_params.all_perm, model_params.missing_action, model_params.cat_split_type); if (workspace.this_gain <= -HUGE_VAL) { workspace.cols_possible[col + input_data.ncols_numeric] = false; } else if (workspace.this_gain > trees.back().score) { trees.back().score = workspace.this_gain; trees.back().col_num = col + input_data.ncols_numeric; switch(model_params.cat_split_type) { case SingleCateg: { trees.back().chosen_cat = workspace.this_categ; break; } case SubSet: { trees.back().cat_split.assign(workspace.this_split_categ.begin(), workspace.this_split_categ.begin() + input_data.ncat[col]); break; } } } } if (trees.back().score <= 0.) goto terminal_statistics; else trees.back().score = 0.; if (trees.back().col_num < input_data.ncols_numeric) { trees.back().col_type = Numeric; } else { trees.back().col_type = Categorical; trees.back().col_num -= input_data.ncols_numeric; } } /* case2: column is chosen at random */ else { workspace.determine_split = true; /* case 2.1: split point is chosen according to gain (averaged) */ if ( workspace.prob_split_type < ( model_params.prob_pick_by_gain_avg + model_params.prob_pick_by_gain_pl + model_params.prob_split_by_gain_avg ) ) workspace.criterion = Averaged; /* case 2.2: split point is chosen according to gain (pooled) */ else if ( workspace.prob_split_type < ( model_params.prob_pick_by_gain_avg + model_params.prob_pick_by_gain_pl + model_params.prob_split_by_gain_avg + model_params.prob_split_by_gain_pl ) ) workspace.criterion = Pooled; /* case 2.3: split point is chosen randomly (like in the original paper) */ else workspace.criterion = NoCrit; /* pick column at random */ decide_column(input_data.ncols_numeric, input_data.ncols_categ, trees.back().col_num, trees.back().col_type, workspace.rnd_generator, workspace.runif, workspace.col_sampler); /* get the range of possible splits */ get_split_range(workspace, input_data, model_params, trees.back()); /* if it's not possible to split, will have to try more */ if (workspace.unsplittable) { /* keep track of which columns are tried */ add_unsplittable_col(workspace, trees.back(), input_data); /* try more random columns for {(1/2) * ncols} times */ workspace.ncols_tried = 1; do { decide_column(input_data.ncols_numeric, input_data.ncols_categ, trees.back().col_num, trees.back().col_type, workspace.rnd_generator, workspace.runif, workspace.col_sampler); if (!check_is_not_unsplittable_col(workspace, trees.back(), input_data)) { get_split_range(workspace, input_data, model_params, trees.back()); if (!workspace.unsplittable) break; else add_unsplittable_col(workspace, trees.back(), input_data); } workspace.ncols_tried++; } while (workspace.ncols_tried < input_data.ncols_tot / 2); /* if that didn't work, then check all the columns that are still splittable */ if (workspace.unsplittable) { workspace.ncols_tried = 0; /* note: this is used here as a counter for the number of still splittable columns */ if (input_data.Xc_indptr == NULL) { for (size_t col = 0; col < input_data.ncols_numeric; col++) { if (!workspace.cols_possible[col]) continue; get_range(workspace.ix_arr.data(), input_data.numeric_data + input_data.nrows * col, workspace.st, workspace.end, model_params.missing_action, workspace.xmin, workspace.xmax, workspace.unsplittable); workspace.cols_possible[col] = !workspace.unsplittable; workspace.ncols_tried += !workspace.unsplittable; } } else { for (size_t col = 0; col < input_data.ncols_numeric; col++) { if (!workspace.cols_possible[col]) continue; get_range(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, col, input_data.Xc, input_data.Xc_ind, input_data.Xc_indptr, model_params.missing_action, workspace.xmin, workspace.xmax, workspace.unsplittable); workspace.cols_possible[col] = !workspace.unsplittable; workspace.ncols_tried += !workspace.unsplittable; } } for (size_t col = 0; col < input_data.ncols_categ; col++) { if (!workspace.cols_possible[col + input_data.ncols_numeric]) continue; get_categs(workspace.ix_arr.data(), input_data.categ_data + input_data.nrows * col, workspace.st, workspace.end, input_data.ncat[col], model_params.missing_action, workspace.categs.data(), workspace.npresent, workspace.unsplittable); workspace.cols_possible[col + input_data.ncols_numeric] = !workspace.unsplittable; workspace.ncols_tried += !workspace.unsplittable; } /* if no further splits are possible, end the procedure here */ workspace.npresent = workspace.ncols_tried; if (!workspace.npresent) goto terminal_statistics; /* otherwise, pick a column at random from the possible ones */ if (!workspace.col_sampler.max()) { /* no weights by columns */ trees.back().col_num = std::uniform_int_distribution (0, workspace.npresent - 1) (workspace.rnd_generator); workspace.ncols_tried = 0; for (size_t col = 0; col < input_data.ncols_tot; col++) { if (workspace.cols_possible[col]) { if (workspace.ncols_tried == trees.back().col_num) { if (col < input_data.ncols_numeric) { trees.back().col_num = col; trees.back().col_type = Numeric; } else { trees.back().col_num = col - input_data.ncols_numeric; trees.back().col_type = Categorical; } break; } workspace.ncols_tried++; } } } else { /* weights by columns */ std::vector col_weights = workspace.col_sampler.probabilities(); update_col_sampler(workspace, input_data); decide_column(input_data.ncols_numeric, input_data.ncols_categ, trees.back().col_num, trees.back().col_type, workspace.rnd_generator, workspace.runif, workspace.col_sampler); } } /* finally, check the range if needed, and later decide on the split point */ if (workspace.criterion == NoCrit) get_split_range(workspace, input_data, model_params, trees.back()); } } /* for numeric, choose a random point, or pick the best point as determined earlier */ if (trees.back().col_type == Numeric) { if (workspace.determine_split) { switch(workspace.criterion) { case NoCrit: { trees.back().num_split = std::uniform_real_distribution (workspace.xmin, workspace.xmax) (workspace.rnd_generator); break; } default: { if (input_data.Xc_indptr == NULL) { eval_guided_crit(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, input_data.numeric_data + trees.back().col_num * input_data.nrows, workspace.split_ix, trees.back().num_split, workspace.xmin, workspace.xmax, workspace.criterion, model_params.min_gain, model_params.missing_action); if (model_params.missing_action == Fail) /* data is already split */ { workspace.split_ix++; goto follow_branches; } } else { eval_guided_crit(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, trees.back().col_num, input_data.Xc, input_data.Xc_ind, input_data.Xc_indptr, workspace.buffer_dbl.data(), workspace.buffer_szt.data(), trees.back().num_split, workspace.xmin, workspace.xmax, workspace.criterion, model_params.min_gain, model_params.missing_action); } break; } } if (model_params.penalize_range) { trees.back().range_low = workspace.xmin - workspace.xmax + trees.back().num_split; trees.back().range_high = workspace.xmax - workspace.xmin + trees.back().num_split; } } if (input_data.Xc_indptr == NULL) divide_subset_split(workspace.ix_arr.data(), input_data.numeric_data + input_data.nrows * trees.back().col_num, workspace.st, workspace.end, trees.back().num_split, model_params.missing_action, workspace.st_NA, workspace.end_NA, workspace.split_ix); else divide_subset_split(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, trees.back().col_num, input_data.Xc, input_data.Xc_ind, input_data.Xc_indptr, trees.back().num_split, model_params.missing_action, workspace.st_NA, workspace.end_NA, workspace.split_ix); } /* for categorical, there are different ways of splitting */ else { /* if the columns is binary, there's only one possible split */ if (input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num] <= 2) { trees.back().chosen_cat = 0; divide_subset_split(workspace.ix_arr.data(), input_data.categ_data + input_data.nrows * trees.back().col_num, workspace.st, workspace.end, (int)0, model_params.missing_action, workspace.st_NA, workspace.end_NA, workspace.split_ix); trees.back().cat_split.clear(); trees.back().cat_split.shrink_to_fit(); } /* otherwise, split according to desired type (single/subset) */ /* TODO: refactor this */ else { switch(model_params.cat_split_type) { case SingleCateg: { if (workspace.determine_split) { switch(workspace.criterion) { case NoCrit: { trees.back().chosen_cat = choose_cat_from_present(workspace, input_data, trees.back().col_num); break; } default: { eval_guided_crit(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, input_data.categ_data + trees.back().col_num * input_data.nrows, input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num], workspace.buffer_szt.data(), workspace.buffer_szt.data() + input_data.max_categ, workspace.buffer_dbl.data(), trees.back().chosen_cat, workspace.this_split_categ.data(), workspace.buffer_chr.data(), workspace.criterion, model_params.min_gain, model_params.all_perm, model_params.missing_action, model_params.cat_split_type); break; } } } divide_subset_split(workspace.ix_arr.data(), input_data.categ_data + input_data.nrows * trees.back().col_num, workspace.st, workspace.end, trees.back().chosen_cat, model_params.missing_action, workspace.st_NA, workspace.end_NA, workspace.split_ix); break; } case SubSet: { if (workspace.determine_split) { switch(workspace.criterion) { case NoCrit: { workspace.unsplittable = true; while(workspace.unsplittable) { workspace.npresent = 0; workspace.ncols_tried = 0; for (int cat = 0; cat < input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num]; cat++) { if (workspace.categs[cat] >= 0) { workspace.categs[cat] = workspace.rbin(workspace.rnd_generator) < 0.5; workspace.npresent += workspace.categs[cat]; workspace.ncols_tried += !workspace.categs[cat]; } workspace.unsplittable = !(workspace.npresent && workspace.ncols_tried); } } trees.back().cat_split.assign(workspace.categs.begin(), workspace.categs.begin() + input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num]); break; /* NoCrit */ } default: { trees.back().cat_split.resize(input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num]); eval_guided_crit(workspace.ix_arr.data(), workspace.st, workspace.end, input_data.categ_data + trees.back().col_num * input_data.nrows, input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num], workspace.buffer_szt.data(), workspace.buffer_szt.data() + input_data.max_categ, workspace.buffer_dbl.data(), trees.back().chosen_cat, trees.back().cat_split.data(), workspace.buffer_chr.data(), workspace.criterion, model_params.min_gain, model_params.all_perm, model_params.missing_action, model_params.cat_split_type); break; } } } if (model_params.new_cat_action == Random) for (int cat = 0; cat < input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num]; cat++) if (trees.back().cat_split[cat] < 0) trees.back().cat_split[cat] = workspace.rbin(workspace.rnd_generator) < 0.5; divide_subset_split(workspace.ix_arr.data(), input_data.categ_data + input_data.nrows * trees.back().col_num, workspace.st, workspace.end, trees.back().cat_split.data(), model_params.missing_action, workspace.st_NA, workspace.end_NA, workspace.split_ix); } } } } /* if it hasn't reached the limit, continue splitting from here */ follow_branches: { /* add another round of separation depth for distance */ if (model_params.calc_dist && curr_depth > 0) add_separation_step(workspace, input_data, (double)(-1)); size_t tree_from = trees.size() - 1; size_t ix2, ix3; std::unique_ptr> cols_possible_ptr; std::unique_ptr> col_sampler_ptr; trees.back().score = -1; /* compute statistics for NAs and remember recursion indices/weights */ std::unique_ptr recursion_state; if (model_params.missing_action != Fail) { recursion_state = std::unique_ptr(new RecursionState); backup_recursion_state(workspace, *recursion_state); trees.back().pct_tree_left = (long double)(workspace.st_NA - workspace.st) / (long double)(workspace.end - workspace.st + 1 - (workspace.end_NA - workspace.st_NA)); switch(model_params.missing_action) { case Impute: { if (trees.back().pct_tree_left >= .5) workspace.end = workspace.end_NA - 1; else workspace.end = workspace.st_NA - 1; break; } case Divide: { if (workspace.weights_map.size()) for (size_t row = workspace.st_NA; row < workspace.end_NA; row++) workspace.weights_map[workspace.ix_arr[row]] *= trees.back().pct_tree_left; else for (size_t row = workspace.st_NA; row < workspace.end_NA; row++) workspace.weights_arr[workspace.ix_arr[row]] *= trees.back().pct_tree_left; workspace.end = workspace.end_NA - 1; break; } } } else { trees.back().pct_tree_left = (long double) (workspace.split_ix - workspace.st) / (long double) (workspace.end - workspace.st + 1); ix2 = workspace.split_ix; ix3 = workspace.end; cols_possible_ptr = std::unique_ptr>(new std::vector); *cols_possible_ptr = workspace.cols_possible; if (workspace.col_sampler.max()) { col_sampler_ptr = std::unique_ptr>(new std::discrete_distribution); *col_sampler_ptr = workspace.col_sampler; } workspace.end = workspace.split_ix - 1; } /* Branch where to assign new categories can be pre-determined in this case */ if ( trees.back().col_type == Categorical && model_params.cat_split_type == SubSet && input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num] > 2 && model_params.new_cat_action == Smallest ) { bool new_to_left = trees.back().pct_tree_left < 0.5; for (int cat = 0; cat < input_data.ncat[trees.back().col_num]; cat++) if (trees.back().cat_split[cat] < 0) trees.back().cat_split[cat] = new_to_left; } /* left branch */ trees.back().tree_left = trees.size(); trees.emplace_back(); if (impute_nodes != NULL) impute_nodes->emplace_back(tree_from); split_itree_recursive(trees, workspace, input_data, model_params, impute_nodes, curr_depth + 1); /* right branch */ if (model_params.missing_action != Fail) { restore_recursion_state(workspace, *recursion_state); switch(model_params.missing_action) { case Impute: { if (trees[tree_from].pct_tree_left >= .5) workspace.st = workspace.end_NA; else workspace.st = workspace.st_NA; break; } case Divide: { if (workspace.weights_map.size()) for (size_t row = workspace.st_NA; row < workspace.end_NA; row++) workspace.weights_map[workspace.ix_arr[row]] *= (1 - trees[tree_from].pct_tree_left); else for (size_t row = workspace.st_NA; row < workspace.end_NA; row++) workspace.weights_arr[workspace.ix_arr[row]] *= (1 - trees[tree_from].pct_tree_left); workspace.st = workspace.st_NA; break; } } } else { workspace.st = ix2; workspace.end = ix3; workspace.cols_possible = std::move(*cols_possible_ptr); if (col_sampler_ptr) workspace.col_sampler = std::move(*col_sampler_ptr); } trees[tree_from].tree_right = trees.size(); trees.emplace_back(); if (impute_nodes != NULL) impute_nodes->emplace_back(tree_from); split_itree_recursive(trees, workspace, input_data, model_params, impute_nodes, curr_depth + 1); } return; /* if it reached the limit, calculate terminal statistics */ terminal_statistics: { if (!workspace.weights_arr.size() && !workspace.weights_map.size()) { trees.back().score = (double)(curr_depth + expected_avg_depth(workspace.end - workspace.st + 1)); } else { if (sum_weight == -HUGE_VAL) sum_weight = calculate_sum_weights(workspace.ix_arr, workspace.st, workspace.end, curr_depth, workspace.weights_arr, workspace.weights_map); trees.back().score = (double)(curr_depth + expected_avg_depth(sum_weight)); } trees.back().cat_split.clear(); trees.back().cat_split.shrink_to_fit(); trees.back().remainder = workspace.weights_arr.size()? sum_weight : (workspace.weights_map.size()? sum_weight : ((double)(workspace.end - workspace.st + 1)) ); /* for distance, assume also the elements keep being split */ if (model_params.calc_dist) add_remainder_separation_steps(workspace, input_data, sum_weight); /* add this depth right away if requested */ if (workspace.row_depths.size()) { if (!workspace.weights_arr.size() && !workspace.weights_map.size()) { for (size_t row = workspace.st; row <= workspace.end; row++) workspace.row_depths[workspace.ix_arr[row]] += trees.back().score; } else if (workspace.weights_arr.size()) { for (size_t row = workspace.st; row <= workspace.end; row++) workspace.row_depths[workspace.ix_arr[row]] += workspace.weights_arr[workspace.ix_arr[row]] * trees.back().score; } else { for (size_t row = workspace.st; row <= workspace.end; row++) workspace.row_depths[workspace.ix_arr[row]] += workspace.weights_map[workspace.ix_arr[row]] * trees.back().score; } } /* add imputations from node if requested */ if (model_params.impute_at_fit) add_from_impute_node(impute_nodes->back(), workspace, input_data); } }