module Fog module CDN class AWS class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/cdn/streaming_distribution' # Create a new streaming distribution in CloudFront. # # @param options [Hash] Config for distribution. # # REQUIRED: # * S3Origin [Hash]: # * DNSName [String] Origin to associate with distribution, ie ''. # OPTIONAL: # * CallerReference [String] Used to prevent replay, defaults to # * Comment [String] Optional comment about distribution. # * CNAME [Array] Optional array of strings to set as CNAMEs. # * Enabled [Boolean] Whether or not distribution should accept requests, defaults to true. # * Logging [Hash]: Optional logging config. # * Bucket [String] Bucket to store logs in, ie ''. # * Prefix [String] Optional prefix for log filenames, ie 'myprefix/'. # # @return [Excon::Response] # * body[Hash]: # * Id [String] - Id of distribution. # * Status'[String] - Status of distribution. # * LastModifiedTime [String] - Timestamp of last modification of distribution. # * DomainName [String] - Domain name of distribution. # * StreamingDistributionConfig [Array]: # * CallerReference [String] - Used to prevent replay, defaults to # * CNAME [Array] - Array of associated cnames. # * Comment [String] - Comment associated with distribution. # * Enabled [Boolean] - Whether or not distribution is enabled. # * Logging [Hash]: # * Bucket [String] - Bucket logs are stored in. # * Prefix [String] - Prefix logs are stored with. # # @see def post_streaming_distribution(options = {}) options['CallerReference'] = data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' data << "<StreamingDistributionConfig xmlns=\"{@version}/\">" for key, value in options case value when Array for item in value data << "<#{key}>#{item}</#{key}>" end when Hash data << "<#{key}>" for inner_key, inner_value in value data << "<#{inner_key}>#{inner_value}</#{inner_key}>" end data << "</#{key}>" else data << "<#{key}>#{value}</#{key}>" end end data << "</StreamingDistributionConfig>" request({ :body => data, :expects => 201, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' }, :idempotent => true, :method => 'POST', :parser =>, :path => "/streaming-distribution" }) end end class Mock require 'time' def post_streaming_distribution(options = {}) if[:streaming_distributions].values.any? { |d| (d['CNAME'] & (options['CNAME']||[])).empty? } Fog::CDN::AWS::Mock.error(:invalid_argument, 'CNAME is already in use') end response = response.status = 201 options['CallerReference'] = dist_id = Fog::CDN::AWS::Mock.distribution_id distribution = { 'DomainName' => Fog::CDN::AWS::Mock.domain_name, 'Id' => dist_id, 'Status' => 'InProgress', 'LastModifiedTime' =>, 'StreamingDistributionConfig' => { 'CallerReference' => options['CallerReference'], 'CNAME' => options['CNAME'] || [], 'Comment' => options['Comment'], 'Enabled' => options['Enabled'], 'Logging' => { 'Bucket' => options['Bucket'], 'Prefix' => options['Prefix'] }, 'S3Origin' => options['S3Origin'], 'TrustedSigners' => options['TrustedSigners'] || [] } }[:streaming_distributions][dist_id] = distribution response.body = distribution response end end end end end