#:stopdoc: # this file was autogenerated on Thu Jul 09 15:17:33 -0700 2009 # using amqp-0.8.json (mtime: Sat Jan 03 08:58:13 -0600 2009) # # DO NOT EDIT! (edit protocol/codegen.rb instead, and run `rake codegen`) module AMQP HEADER = "AMQP".freeze VERSION_MAJOR = 8 VERSION_MINOR = 0 PORT = 5672 class Frame def self.types @types ||= {} end def self.Frame id (@_base_frames ||= {})[id] ||= Class.new(Frame) { class_eval %[ def self.inherited klass klass.const_set(:ID, #{id}) Frame.types[#{id}] = klass end ] } end class Method < Frame( 1 ); end class Header < Frame( 2 ); end class Body < Frame( 3 ); end class OobMethod < Frame( 4 ); end class OobHeader < Frame( 5 ); end class OobBody < Frame( 6 ); end class Trace < Frame( 7 ); end class Heartbeat < Frame( 8 ); end FOOTER = 206 end RESPONSES = { 200 => :REPLY_SUCCESS, 310 => :NOT_DELIVERED, 311 => :CONTENT_TOO_LARGE, 312 => :NO_ROUTE, 313 => :NO_CONSUMERS, 403 => :ACCESS_REFUSED, 404 => :NOT_FOUND, 405 => :RESOURCE_LOCKED, 406 => :PRECONDITION_FAILED, 320 => :CONNECTION_FORCED, 402 => :INVALID_PATH, } FIELDS = [ :bit, :long, :longlong, :longstr, :octet, :short, :shortstr, :table, :timestamp, ] module Protocol class Class class << self FIELDS.each do |f| class_eval %[ def #{f} name properties << [ :#{f}, name ] unless properties.include?([:#{f}, name]) attr_accessor name end ] end def properties() @properties ||= [] end def id() self::ID end def name() self::NAME end end class Method class << self FIELDS.each do |f| class_eval %[ def #{f} name arguments << [ :#{f}, name ] unless arguments.include?([:#{f}, name]) attr_accessor name end ] end def arguments() @arguments ||= [] end def section() Protocol.const_get(self.to_s[/Protocol::(.+?)::/,1]) end def id() self::ID end def name() self::NAME end end def == b self.class.arguments.inject(true) do |eql, (type, name)| eql and __send__("#{name}") == b.__send__("#{name}") end end end def self.methods() @methods ||= {} end def self.Method(id, name) @_base_methods ||= {} @_base_methods[id] ||= ::Class.new(Method) do class_eval %[ def self.inherited klass klass.const_set(:ID, #{id}) klass.const_set(:NAME, :#{name.to_s}) klass.section.methods[#{id}] = klass klass.section.methods[klass::NAME] = klass end ] end end end def self.classes() @classes ||= {} end def self.Class(id, name) @_base_classes ||= {} @_base_classes[id] ||= ::Class.new(Class) do class_eval %[ def self.inherited klass klass.const_set(:ID, #{id}) klass.const_set(:NAME, :#{name.to_s}) Protocol.classes[#{id}] = klass Protocol.classes[klass::NAME] = klass end ] end end end end module AMQP module Protocol class Connection < Class( 10, :connection ); end class Channel < Class( 20, :channel ); end class Access < Class( 30, :access ); end class Exchange < Class( 40, :exchange ); end class Queue < Class( 50, :queue ); end class Basic < Class( 60, :basic ); end class File < Class( 70, :file ); end class Stream < Class( 80, :stream ); end class Tx < Class( 90, :tx ); end class Dtx < Class( 100, :dtx ); end class Tunnel < Class( 110, :tunnel ); end class Test < Class( 120, :test ); end class Connection class Start < Method( 10, :start ); end class StartOk < Method( 11, :start_ok ); end class Secure < Method( 20, :secure ); end class SecureOk < Method( 21, :secure_ok ); end class Tune < Method( 30, :tune ); end class TuneOk < Method( 31, :tune_ok ); end class Open < Method( 40, :open ); end class OpenOk < Method( 41, :open_ok ); end class Redirect < Method( 50, :redirect ); end class Close < Method( 60, :close ); end class CloseOk < Method( 61, :close_ok ); end class Start octet :version_major octet :version_minor table :server_properties longstr :mechanisms longstr :locales end class StartOk table :client_properties shortstr :mechanism longstr :response shortstr :locale end class Secure longstr :challenge end class SecureOk longstr :response end class Tune short :channel_max long :frame_max short :heartbeat end class TuneOk short :channel_max long :frame_max short :heartbeat end class Open shortstr :virtual_host shortstr :capabilities bit :insist end class OpenOk shortstr :known_hosts end class Redirect shortstr :host shortstr :known_hosts end class Close short :reply_code shortstr :reply_text short :class_id short :method_id end class CloseOk end end class Channel class Open < Method( 10, :open ); end class OpenOk < Method( 11, :open_ok ); end class Flow < Method( 20, :flow ); end class FlowOk < Method( 21, :flow_ok ); end class Alert < Method( 30, :alert ); end class Close < Method( 40, :close ); end class CloseOk < Method( 41, :close_ok ); end class Open shortstr :out_of_band end class OpenOk end class Flow bit :active end class FlowOk bit :active end class Alert short :reply_code shortstr :reply_text table :details end class Close short :reply_code shortstr :reply_text short :class_id short :method_id end class CloseOk end end class Access class Request < Method( 10, :request ); end class RequestOk < Method( 11, :request_ok ); end class Request shortstr :realm bit :exclusive bit :passive bit :active bit :write bit :read end class RequestOk short :ticket end end class Exchange class Declare < Method( 10, :declare ); end class DeclareOk < Method( 11, :declare_ok ); end class Delete < Method( 20, :delete ); end class DeleteOk < Method( 21, :delete_ok ); end class Declare short :ticket shortstr :exchange shortstr :type bit :passive bit :durable bit :auto_delete bit :internal bit :nowait table :arguments end class DeclareOk end class Delete short :ticket shortstr :exchange bit :if_unused bit :nowait end class DeleteOk end end class Queue class Declare < Method( 10, :declare ); end class DeclareOk < Method( 11, :declare_ok ); end class Bind < Method( 20, :bind ); end class BindOk < Method( 21, :bind_ok ); end class Purge < Method( 30, :purge ); end class PurgeOk < Method( 31, :purge_ok ); end class Delete < Method( 40, :delete ); end class DeleteOk < Method( 41, :delete_ok ); end class Unbind < Method( 50, :unbind ); end class UnbindOk < Method( 51, :unbind_ok ); end class Declare short :ticket shortstr :queue bit :passive bit :durable bit :exclusive bit :auto_delete bit :nowait table :arguments end class DeclareOk shortstr :queue long :message_count long :consumer_count end class Bind short :ticket shortstr :queue shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key bit :nowait table :arguments end class BindOk end class Purge short :ticket shortstr :queue bit :nowait end class PurgeOk long :message_count end class Delete short :ticket shortstr :queue bit :if_unused bit :if_empty bit :nowait end class DeleteOk long :message_count end class Unbind short :ticket shortstr :queue shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key table :arguments end class UnbindOk end end class Basic shortstr :content_type shortstr :content_encoding table :headers octet :delivery_mode octet :priority shortstr :correlation_id shortstr :reply_to shortstr :expiration shortstr :message_id timestamp :timestamp shortstr :type shortstr :user_id shortstr :app_id shortstr :cluster_id class Qos < Method( 10, :qos ); end class QosOk < Method( 11, :qos_ok ); end class Consume < Method( 20, :consume ); end class ConsumeOk < Method( 21, :consume_ok ); end class Cancel < Method( 30, :cancel ); end class CancelOk < Method( 31, :cancel_ok ); end class Publish < Method( 40, :publish ); end class Return < Method( 50, :return ); end class Deliver < Method( 60, :deliver ); end class Get < Method( 70, :get ); end class GetOk < Method( 71, :get_ok ); end class GetEmpty < Method( 72, :get_empty ); end class Ack < Method( 80, :ack ); end class Reject < Method( 90, :reject ); end class Recover < Method( 100, :recover ); end class Qos long :prefetch_size short :prefetch_count bit :global end class QosOk end class Consume short :ticket shortstr :queue shortstr :consumer_tag bit :no_local bit :no_ack bit :exclusive bit :nowait end class ConsumeOk shortstr :consumer_tag end class Cancel shortstr :consumer_tag bit :nowait end class CancelOk shortstr :consumer_tag end class Publish short :ticket shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key bit :mandatory bit :immediate end class Return short :reply_code shortstr :reply_text shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key end class Deliver shortstr :consumer_tag longlong :delivery_tag bit :redelivered shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key end class Get short :ticket shortstr :queue bit :no_ack end class GetOk longlong :delivery_tag bit :redelivered shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key long :message_count end class GetEmpty shortstr :cluster_id end class Ack longlong :delivery_tag bit :multiple end class Reject longlong :delivery_tag bit :requeue end class Recover bit :requeue end end class File shortstr :content_type shortstr :content_encoding table :headers octet :priority shortstr :reply_to shortstr :message_id shortstr :filename timestamp :timestamp shortstr :cluster_id class Qos < Method( 10, :qos ); end class QosOk < Method( 11, :qos_ok ); end class Consume < Method( 20, :consume ); end class ConsumeOk < Method( 21, :consume_ok ); end class Cancel < Method( 30, :cancel ); end class CancelOk < Method( 31, :cancel_ok ); end class Open < Method( 40, :open ); end class OpenOk < Method( 41, :open_ok ); end class Stage < Method( 50, :stage ); end class Publish < Method( 60, :publish ); end class Return < Method( 70, :return ); end class Deliver < Method( 80, :deliver ); end class Ack < Method( 90, :ack ); end class Reject < Method( 100, :reject ); end class Qos long :prefetch_size short :prefetch_count bit :global end class QosOk end class Consume short :ticket shortstr :queue shortstr :consumer_tag bit :no_local bit :no_ack bit :exclusive bit :nowait end class ConsumeOk shortstr :consumer_tag end class Cancel shortstr :consumer_tag bit :nowait end class CancelOk shortstr :consumer_tag end class Open shortstr :identifier longlong :content_size end class OpenOk longlong :staged_size end class Stage end class Publish short :ticket shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key bit :mandatory bit :immediate shortstr :identifier end class Return short :reply_code shortstr :reply_text shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key end class Deliver shortstr :consumer_tag longlong :delivery_tag bit :redelivered shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key shortstr :identifier end class Ack longlong :delivery_tag bit :multiple end class Reject longlong :delivery_tag bit :requeue end end class Stream shortstr :content_type shortstr :content_encoding table :headers octet :priority timestamp :timestamp class Qos < Method( 10, :qos ); end class QosOk < Method( 11, :qos_ok ); end class Consume < Method( 20, :consume ); end class ConsumeOk < Method( 21, :consume_ok ); end class Cancel < Method( 30, :cancel ); end class CancelOk < Method( 31, :cancel_ok ); end class Publish < Method( 40, :publish ); end class Return < Method( 50, :return ); end class Deliver < Method( 60, :deliver ); end class Qos long :prefetch_size short :prefetch_count long :consume_rate bit :global end class QosOk end class Consume short :ticket shortstr :queue shortstr :consumer_tag bit :no_local bit :exclusive bit :nowait end class ConsumeOk shortstr :consumer_tag end class Cancel shortstr :consumer_tag bit :nowait end class CancelOk shortstr :consumer_tag end class Publish short :ticket shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key bit :mandatory bit :immediate end class Return short :reply_code shortstr :reply_text shortstr :exchange shortstr :routing_key end class Deliver shortstr :consumer_tag longlong :delivery_tag shortstr :exchange shortstr :queue end end class Tx class Select < Method( 10, :select ); end class SelectOk < Method( 11, :select_ok ); end class Commit < Method( 20, :commit ); end class CommitOk < Method( 21, :commit_ok ); end class Rollback < Method( 30, :rollback ); end class RollbackOk < Method( 31, :rollback_ok ); end class Select end class SelectOk end class Commit end class CommitOk end class Rollback end class RollbackOk end end class Dtx class Select < Method( 10, :select ); end class SelectOk < Method( 11, :select_ok ); end class Start < Method( 20, :start ); end class StartOk < Method( 21, :start_ok ); end class Select end class SelectOk end class Start shortstr :dtx_identifier end class StartOk end end class Tunnel table :headers shortstr :proxy_name shortstr :data_name octet :durable octet :broadcast class Request < Method( 10, :request ); end class Request table :meta_data end end class Test class Integer < Method( 10, :integer ); end class IntegerOk < Method( 11, :integer_ok ); end class String < Method( 20, :string ); end class StringOk < Method( 21, :string_ok ); end class Table < Method( 30, :table ); end class TableOk < Method( 31, :table_ok ); end class Content < Method( 40, :content ); end class ContentOk < Method( 41, :content_ok ); end class Integer octet :integer_1 short :integer_2 long :integer_3 longlong :integer_4 octet :operation end class IntegerOk longlong :result end class String shortstr :string_1 longstr :string_2 octet :operation end class StringOk longstr :result end class Table table :table octet :integer_op octet :string_op end class TableOk longlong :integer_result longstr :string_result end class Content end class ContentOk long :content_checksum end end end end