a library to accept connections as a server, and send back what it received on request.
# File spec/accept.rb, line 14 def initialize(args = {}) opts = { :port => 9292, :debug => false } opts.update(args) puts "Starting up server on port #{opts[:port]} ..." @opts = opts @server = TCPServer.new(opts[:port]) @@input_history = [] @handle = Thread.start do while (@session = server.accept) Thread.start do # puts "log: Connection from #{session.peeraddr[2]} at #{session.peeraddr[3]}" # session.puts "Server: Connection from #{session.peeraddr[2]}\n" handle_input session.close end end end end
clear history
# File spec/accept.rb, line 80
def clear
# File spec/accept.rb, line 75
def close
session = nil
# File spec/accept.rb, line 40 def handle_input input = session.gets if input puts "received: #{input.inspect}" if opts[:debug] case input when /clear/ clear when /history/ session.puts input_history.to_json when /exit/ begin close rescue Exception end return when /^\s*(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE)\s+([^ ]*)\s+(.*)$/ @@input_history << parse_input(input) else @@input_history << input.chomp end end end
# File spec/accept.rb, line 33
def input_history
# File spec/accept.rb, line 62 def parse_input(input) data = {} data[:raw] = input.chomp (method,uri,http) = input.scan(/^\s*(\w+)\s+([^ ]*)\s+(.*)$/).flatten data[:method] = method data[:http] = http.chomp data[:uri] = uri u = URI(uri) data[:path] = u.path data[:query] = CGI.parse(u.query) return data end
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