module Lacewing class Scans def self.subdomains return unless $prompt.yes?(Lacewing::PROMPT + 'Do you want to find subdomains?') puts Lacewing::PROMPT + "Here are a few places you can get #{'subdomains'.bold}:" places = ["{$target.gsub('http://', '')}", '', ''] places.each { |i| puts "\t#{i}" } if $prompt.yes?(Lacewing::PROMPT + 'Would you like to open one of these in a browser?') url = $'Which one?', places) system("open \"#{url}\"") end end def self.nmap puts Lacewing::PROMPT + 'Here are some nmap scans to get info on ' + $target scans = ["nmap -p 1-65535 -sV -sS -T4 \"#{$target}\"", "nmap -v -sS -A -T4 \"#{$target}\"", "nmap -v -Pn -sS -sV --version-light \"#{$target}\""] scans.each { |i| puts "\t#{i}" } if $prompt.yes?(Lacewing::PROMPT + 'Would you like to execute one of these? (nmap required)') if `which nmap`.empty? puts Lacewing::PROMPT + 'nmap is not installed. Skipping...'.red else cmd = $'Which one?', scans) system(cmd) end end end end # Scans end # Lacewing