$.fn.romoDatepicker = function() { return $.map(this, function(element) { return new RomoDatepicker(element); }); } var RomoDatepicker = function(element) { this.elem = $(element); this.defaultFormat = 'yyyy-mm-dd' this.monthNames = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] this.defaultPrevClass = undefined; this.defaultNextClass = undefined; this.defaultIndicatorClass = undefined; this.itemSelector = 'TD.romo-datepicker-day:not(.disabled)'; this.calTable = $(); this.date = undefined; this.today = new Date; this.doInit(); this.doBindElem(); this.doSetFormat(); this.doSetDate(this.elem.val()); this.doBindDropdown(); this.doBuildUI(); this.elem.trigger('datepicker:ready', [this]); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doInit = function() { // override as needed } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doBindElem = function() { var elemWrapper = $('
'); elemWrapper.css({'display': (this.elem.data('romo-datepicker-elem-display') || 'inline-block')}); if (this.elem.data('romo-datepicker-btn-group') === true) { elemWrapper.addClass('romo-btn-group'); } this.elem.before(elemWrapper); elemWrapper.append(this.elem); this.elem.attr('autocomplete', 'off'); this.indicatorElem = $(); var indicatorClass = this.elem.data('romo-datepicker-indicator') || this.defaultIndicatorClass; if (indicatorClass !== undefined && indicatorClass !== 'none') { this.indicatorElem = $(''); this.indicatorElem.css({'line-height': this.elem.css('height')}); if (this.elem.prop('disabled') === true) { this.indicatorElem.addClass('disabled'); } this.indicatorElem.on('click', $.proxy(this.onIndicatorClick, this)); this.elem.css({'padding-right': '22px'}); this.elem.after(this.indicatorElem); } this.elem.on('datepicker:triggerEnable', $.proxy(function(e) { this.doEnable(); }, this)); this.elem.on('datepicker:triggerDisable', $.proxy(function(e) { this.doDisable(); }, this)); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doSetFormat = function() { var format = this.elem.data('romo-datepicker-format') || this.defaultFormat; this.formatValues = this._parseFormatValues(format); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doSetDate = function(value) { this.date = this._parseDate(value); if (this.date !== undefined) { this.elem.val(this._formatDate(this.date)); } else { this.elem.val(value); } } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doEnable = function() { this.elem.prop('disabled', false); this.elem.removeClass('disabled'); this.indicatorElem.removeClass('disabled'); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doDisable = function() { this.elem.prop('disabled', true); this.elem.addClass('disabled'); this.indicatorElem.addClass('disabled'); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doBindDropdown = function() { this.elem.attr('data-romo-dropdown-disable-toggle', 'true'); if (this.elem.data('romo-dropdown-width') === undefined) { this.elem.attr('data-romo-dropdown-width', 'elem'); } if (this.elem.width() < 175) { this.elem.attr('data-romo-dropdown-width', '175px'); } this.romoDropdown = this.elem.romoDropdown()[0]; this.romoDropdown.doSetPopupZIndex(this.elem); this.romoDropdown.bodyElem.addClass('romo-datepicker-calendar'); this.romoDropdown.elem.on('dropdown:popupOpen', $.proxy(this.onPopupOpen, this)); this.romoDropdown.elem.on('dropdown:popupClose', $.proxy(this.onPopupClose, this)); this.romoDropdown.elem.on('blur', $.proxy(function(e) { this.blurTimeoutId = setTimeout($.proxy(function() { if (this.popupMouseDown !== true) { this.romoDropdown.elem.trigger('dropdown:triggerPopupClose', []); } }, this), 10); }, this)); this.romoDropdown.elem.on('keydown', $.proxy(this.onElemKeyDown, this)); this.romoDropdown.elem.on('dropdown:toggle', $.proxy(function(e, dropdown) { this.elem.trigger('datepicker:dropdown:toggle', [dropdown, this]); }, this)); this.romoDropdown.elem.on('dropdown:popupOpen', $.proxy(function(e, dropdown) { this.elem.trigger('datepicker:dropdown:popupOpen', [dropdown, this]); }, this)); this.romoDropdown.elem.on('dropdown:popupClose', $.proxy(function(e, dropdown) { this.elem.trigger('datepicker:dropdown:popupClose', [dropdown, this]); }, this)); this.elem.on('datepicker:triggerToggle', $.proxy(function(e) { this.romoDropdown.elem.trigger('dropdown:triggerToggle', []); }, this)); this.elem.on('datepicker:triggerPopupOpen', $.proxy(function(e) { this.romoDropdown.elem.trigger('dropdown:triggerPopupOpen', []); }, this)); this.elem.on('datepicker:triggerPopupClose', $.proxy(function(e) { this.romoDropdown.elem.trigger('dropdown:triggerPopupClose', []); }, this)); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doBuildUI = function() { this.calTable = this._buildCalendar(); this.romoDropdown.bodyElem.html(''); this.romoDropdown.bodyElem.append(this.calTable); this.calTable.find('.romo-datepicker-prev').on('click', $.proxy(this.onPrevClick, this)); this.calTable.find('.romo-datepicker-next').on('click', $.proxy(this.onNextClick, this)); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doRefreshUI = function(date) { var rDate = date || this.date || (new Date); this._refreshCalendar(rDate); this.elem.trigger('datepicker:refresh', [rDate, this]); this.calTable.find(this.itemSelector).on('hover', $.proxy(this.onItemHover, this)); this.calTable.find(this.itemSelector).on('click', $.proxy(this.onItemClick, this)); this.romoDropdown.popupElem.on('mousedown', $.proxy(this.onPopupMouseDown, this)); this.romoDropdown.popupElem.on('mouseup', $.proxy(this.onPopupMouseUp, this)); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doRefreshToPrevMonth = function() { var date = this.refreshDate || this.date || (new Date); var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var month = date.getUTCMonth() - 1; if (month < 0) { year -= 1; month = 11; } var pDate = this._UTCDate(year, month, 1); this.doRefreshUI(pDate); this.elem.trigger('datepicker:prevRefresh', [pDate, this]); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doRefreshToNextMonth = function() { var date = this.refreshDate || this.date || (new Date); var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1; if (month > 11) { year += 1; month = 0; } var nDate = this._UTCDate(year, month, 1); this.doRefreshUI(nDate); this.elem.trigger('datepicker:nextRefresh', [nDate, this]); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.doSelectHighlightedItem = function() { var prevValue = this.elem.val(); var newValue = this.calTable.find('TD.romo-datepicker-highlight').data('romo-datepicker-value'); this.romoDropdown.doPopupClose(); this.doSetDate(newValue); this.elem.focus(); this.elem.trigger('datepicker:itemSelected', [newValue, prevValue, this]); if (newValue !== prevValue) { this.elem.trigger('change'); this.elem.trigger('datepicker:change', [newValue, prevValue, this]); } } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onElemKeyDown = function(e) { if (this.elem.hasClass('disabled') === false) { if (this.romoDropdown.popupElem.hasClass('romo-dropdown-open')) { return true; } else { if(e.keyCode === 40 /* Down */ ) { this.romoDropdown.doPopupOpen(); this.romoDropdown.popupElem.focus(); return false; } else { return true; } } } return true; } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onPopupOpen = function(e) { if (this.elem.hasClass('disabled') === false) { this.doSetDate(this.elem.val()); this.doRefreshUI(); } } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onPopupClose = function(e) { this._highlightItem($()); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onItemHover = function(e) { if (e !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this._highlightItem($(e.target)); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onIndicatorClick = function(e) { this._clearBlurTimeout(); if (e !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } if (this.elem.prop('disabled') === false) { this.elem.focus(); this.elem.trigger('datepicker:triggerPopupOpen'); } } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onItemClick = function(e) { this._clearBlurTimeout(); if (e !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this.doSelectHighlightedItem(); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onPrevClick = function(e) { this._clearBlurTimeout(); if (e !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this.doRefreshToPrevMonth(); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onNextClick = function(e) { this._clearBlurTimeout(); if (e !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } this.doRefreshToNextMonth(); } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onPopupMouseDown = function(e) { this.popupMouseDown = true; } RomoDatepicker.prototype.onPopupMouseUp = function(e) { this.popupMouseDown = false; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._clearBlurTimeout = function() { if (this.blurTimeoutId !== undefined) { clearTimeout(this.blurTimeoutId); this.blurTimeoutId = undefined; } } RomoDatepicker.prototype._refreshCalendar = function(date) { this.calTable.find('.romo-datepicker-title').html(this._buildCalendarTitle(date)); this.calTable.find('tbody').empty().append(this._buildCalendarBody(date)); this.refreshDate = date; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._buildCalendar = function() { var table = $('
'); table.append(this._buildCalendarHeader()); table.append($('')); return table; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._buildCalendarHeader = function() { var prevClass = this.elem.data('romo-datepicker-prev') || this.defaultPrevClass; var nextClass = this.elem.data('romo-datepicker-next') || this.defaultNextClass; var header = $(''); var th = $(''); if (prevClass) { th.append(''); } else { th.text('<<'); } row.append(th); row.append($('')); var th = $(''); if (nextClass) { th.append(''); } else { th.text('>>'); } row.append(th); header.append(row); row = $(''); row.append($('Su')); row.append($('M')); row.append($('T')); row.append($('W')); row.append($('Th')); row.append($('F')); row.append($('S')); header.append(row); return header; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._buildCalendarTitle = function(date) { return this.monthNames[date.getUTCMonth()] + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear().toString(); } RomoDatepicker.prototype._buildCalendarBody = function(date) { var ty = this.today.getUTCFullYear(); var tm = this.today.getUTCMonth(); var td = this.today.getUTCDate(); var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var month = date.getUTCMonth(); var day = date.getUTCDate(); var fomdow = this._UTCDate(year, month, 1).getUTCDay(); // first-of-the-month day-of-the-week if (fomdow == 0) { fomdow = 7; // don't start calendar on the first-of-the-month, show last week of prev month } var iDate = this._UTCDate(year, month, 1 - fomdow); var iWeek = 0; var html = []; while (iWeek < 6) { // render 6 weeks in the calendar var y = iDate.getUTCFullYear(); var m = iDate.getUTCMonth(); var d = iDate.getUTCDate(); var dow = iDate.getUTCDay(); var cls = []; if (dow === 0) { html.push(''); } cls.push('romo-datepicker-day'); if (dow === 0 || dow === 6) { cls.push('romo-datepicker-day-weekend'); } if (y !== year || m !== month) { cls.push('romo-datepicker-day-other'); } if (y === ty && m === tm && d === td) { cls.push('romo-datepicker-day-today'); } if (this.date && y === this.date.getUTCFullYear() && m === this.date.getUTCMonth() && d === this.date.getUTCDate()) { cls.push('selected'); } html.push(''); html.push(d.toString()); html.push(''); if (dow === 6) { html.push(''); iWeek += 1; } iDate.setUTCDate(iDate.getUTCDate()+1); } return $(html.join('')); } RomoDatepicker.prototype._highlightItem = function(item) { this.calTable.find('TD.romo-datepicker-highlight').removeClass('romo-datepicker-highlight'); item.addClass('romo-datepicker-highlight'); } RomoDatepicker.prototype._formatDate = function(date) { var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1; var day = date.getUTCDate(); return this.formatValues.reduce(function(prev, curr) { switch (curr) { case "yyyy": case "yyy": prev += year.toString(); break; case "yy": case "y": prev += year.toString().slice(-2); break; case "mm": prev += ("00"+ month.toString()).slice(-2); // pad 2 with "0"s break; case "m": prev += month.toString(); break; case "dd": prev += ("00"+ day.toString()).slice(-2); // pad 2 with "0"s break; case "d": prev += day.toString(); break; default: prev += curr; // delimeter, pass-thru } return prev; }, ''); } RomoDatepicker.prototype._parseFormatValues = function(value) { var regex, matches; regex = /^([m]{1,2})([^md]+)([d]{1,2})([^dy]+)([y]{2,4})$/; // mm dd yyyy or mm dd yy matches = this._regexMatches(value, regex); if (matches.length === 5) { return matches; } regex = /^([y]{3,4})([^ym]+)([m]{1,2})([^md]+)([d]{1,2})$/; // yyyy mm dd matches = this._regexMatches(value, regex); if (matches.length === 5) { return matches; } return ['yyyy', '-', 'mm', '-', 'dd']; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._parseDate = function(value) { if (value.trim() === '') { return undefined; } var dateValues = this._parseDateValues(value.trim()); if (dateValues.length === 0) { return undefined; } var year = parseInt(dateValues[0]); if (year < 0) { return undefined; } if (dateValues[0].length > 2 && year < 100) { return undefined; } if (dateValues[0].length === 2 && year < 100) { year = this._currentYear() - (this._currentYear() % 1000) + year; } var month = parseInt(dateValues[1]) - 1; if (month < 0 || month > 11) { return undefined; } var day = parseInt(dateValues[2]); var date = this._UTCDate(year, month, day); if (date.getUTCMonth() !== month) { return undefined; } return date; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._parseDateValues = function(value) { var regex, matches; regex = /^([0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]+([0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]+([0-9]{2,4})$/; // mm dd yyyy or mm dd yy matches = this._regexMatches(value, regex); if (matches.length === 3) { return [matches[2], matches[0], matches[1]]; } regex = /^([0-9]{3,4})[^0-9]+([0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]+([0-9]{1,2})$/; // yyyy mm dd matches = this._regexMatches(value, regex); if (matches.length === 3) { return matches; } regex = /^([0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]+([0-9]{1,2})$/; // mm dd matches = this._regexMatches(value, regex); if (matches.length === 2) { return [this._currentYear(), matches[0], matches[1]]; } return []; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._regexMatches = function(value, regex) { if (regex.test(value) === true) { return regex.exec(value).slice(1); } return []; } RomoDatepicker.prototype._currentYear = function() { return (new Date).getUTCFullYear(); } RomoDatepicker.prototype._UTCDate = function(year, month, day) { return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, [year, month, day])); } Romo.onInitUI(function(e) { Romo.initUIElems(e, '[data-romo-datepicker-auto="true"]').romoDatepicker(); });