= Packable Library - Intro
If you need to do read and write binary data, there is of course Array::pack and String::unpack.
The packable library makes (un)packing nicer, smarter and more powerful.
In case you are wondering why on earth someone would want to do serious (un)packing when YAML & XML are built-in:
I wrote this library to read and write FLV files...
== Feature summary:
=== Explicit forms
Strings, integers & floats have long forms instead of the cryptic letter notation. For example:
["answer", 42].pack("C3n")
can be written as:
["answer", 42].pack({:bytes => 3}, {:bytes => 2, :endian => :big})
This can look a bit too verbose, so let's introduce shortcuts right away:
=== Shortcuts
Most commonly used options have shortcuts and you can define your own. For example:
:unsigned_long <===> {:bytes => 4, :signed => false, :endian => :big}
=== IO
IO classes (File & StringIO) can use (un)packing routines.
For example:
signature, block_len, temperature = my_file >> [String, :bytes=>3] >> Integer >> :float
The method +each+ also accepts packing options:
StringIO.new("\000\001\000\002\000\003").each(:short).to_a ===> [1,2,3]
=== Custom classes
It's easy to make you own classes (un)packable. All the previous goodies are thus available:
File.open("great_flick.flv") do |f|
head = f.read(FLV::Header)
f.each(FLV::Tag) do |tag|
# do something meaningful with each tag...
=== Filters
It's also easy to define special shortcuts that will call blocks to (un)pack any class.
As an example, this could be useful to add special packing features to String (without monkey patching String::pack).
== Installation
First, ensure that you're running at least RubyGems 1.2 (check gem --version if you're not sure -- to update: sudo gem update --system).
Add GitHub to your gem sources (if you haven't already):
sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
Get the gem:
sudo gem install marcandre-packable
That's it! Simply require 'packable' in your code to use it.
== Compatibility
Designed to work with ruby 1.8 & 1.9.
If using with ruby 2.5 and higher be sure not to pass `Hash` and `Symbol` arguments to `write` unless you want it to be packed.
= Documentation
== Packing and unpacking
The library was designed to be backward compatible, so the usual packing and unpacking methods still work as before.
All packable objects can also be packed directly (no need to use an array). For example:
42.pack("n") ===> "\000*"
In a similar fashion, unpacking can done using class methods:
Integer.unpack("\000*", "n") ===> 42
== Formats
Although the standard string formats can still be used, it is possible to pass a list of options (see example in feature summary).
These are the options for core types:
=== Integer
[+bytes+] Number of bytes (default is 4) to use.
[+endian+] Either :big (or :network, default), :little or :native.
[+signed+] Either +true+ (default) or +false+. This will make a difference only when unpacking.
=== Float
[+precision+] Either :single (default) or :double.
[+endian+] Either :big (or :network, default), :little or :native.
=== String
[+bytes+] Total length (default is the full length)
[+fill+] The string to use for filling when packing a string shorter than the specified bytes option. Default is a space.
=== Array
[+repeat+] This option can be used (when packing only) to repeat the current option. A value of :all will mean for all remaining elements of the array.
When unpacking, it is necessary to specify the class in addition to any option, like so:
"AB".unpack(Integer, :bytes => 2, :endian => :big, :signed => false) ===> 0x3132
== Shortcuts and default values
It's easy to add shortcuts for easier (un)packing:
String.packers.set :flv_signature, :bytes => 3, :fill => "FLV"
"x".pack(:flv_signature) ===> "xFL"
Two shortcut names have special meanings: +default+ and +merge_all+. +default+ specifies the options to use when
nothing is specified, while +merge_all+ will be merged with all options. For example:
String.packers do |p|
p.set :merge_all, :fill => "*" # Unless explicitly specified, :fill will now be "*"
p.set :default, :bytes => 8 # If no option is given, this will act as default
"ab".pack ===> "ab******"
"ab".pack(:bytes=>4) ===> "ab**"
"ab".pack(:fill => "!") ===> "ab" # Not "ab!!"
A shortcut can refer to another shortcut, as so:
String.packers do |p|
p.set :creator, :bytes => 4
p.set :app_type, :creator
"hello".pack(:app_type) ===> "hell"
The following shortcuts and defaults are built-in the library:
=== Integer
:merge_all => :bytes=>4, :signed=>true, :endian=>:big
:default => :long
:long => {}
:short => :bytes=>2
:byte => :bytes=>1
:unsigned_long => :bytes=>4, :signed=>false
:unsigned_short => :bytes=>2, :signed=>false
=== Float
:merge_all => :precision => :single, :endian => :big
:default => :float
:double => :precision => :double
:float => {}
=== String
:merge_all => :fill => " "
== Files and StringIO
All IO objects (in particular files) can deal with packing easily. These examples will all return an array with 3 elements (a string, an integer and another string):
io >> :flv_signature >> Integer >> [String, {:bytes => 8}]
io.read(:flv_signature, Integer, [String, {:bytes => 8}])
io.read(:flv_signature, Integer, String, {:bytes => 8})
[io.read(:flv_signature), io.read(Integer), io.read(String, :bytes => 8)]
In a similar fashion, these have the same effect although the return value is different
io << "x".pack(:flv_signature) << 66.pack << "Hello".pack(:bytes => 8) # returns io
io << ["x", 66, "Hello"].pack(:flv_signature, {} , {:bytes => 8}) # returns io
io.write("x", :flv_signature, 66, "Hello", {:bytes => 8}) # returns the # of bytes written
io.packed << ["x",:flv_signature] << 66 << ["Hello", {:bytes => 8}] # returns a "packed io"
The last example shows how io.packed returns a special IO object (a packing IO) that will pack arguments before writing it.
This is to insure compatibility with the usual behavior of IO objects:
io << 66 ==> appends "66"
io.packed << 66 ==> appends "\000\000\000B"
We "cheated" in the previous example; instead of writing io.packed.write(...) we used the shorter form.
This works because we're passing more than one argument; for only one argument we must call io.packed.write(66)
less the usual +write+ method is called. Ruby 2.5+ allows more than 1 argument, so monkeypatching was clearly a bad idea. We distinguish between packed or not by checking for Hashes/Symbol or classes including Packable for now.
Since the standard library desn't define the >> operator for IO objects, we are free to use either io.packed or io directly.
Note that reading one value only will return that value directly, not an array containing that value:
io.read(Integer) ===> 42, not [42]
io.read(Integer,Integer) ===> [42,43]
io << Integer ===> [42]
== Custom classes
Including the mixin +Packable+ will make a class (un)packable. Packable relies on +write_packed+
and unpacking on +read_packed+. For example:
class MyHeader < Struct.new(:signature, :nb_blocks)
include Packable
def write_packed(packedio, options)
packedio << [signature, {:bytes=>3}] << [nb_blocks, :short]
def self.read_packed(packedio, options)
h = MyHeader.new
h.signature, h.nb_blocks = packedio >> [String, {:bytes => 3}] >> :short
We used the argument name +packedio+ to remind us that these are packed IO objects, i.e.
they will write their arguments after packing them instead of converting them to string like normal IO objects.
With this definition, +MyHeader+ can be both packed and unpacked:
h = MyHeader.new("FLV", 65)
h.pack ===> "FLV\000A"
StringIO.new("FLV\000A") >> Signature ===> [a copy of h]
A default self.read_packed is provided by the +Packable+ mixin, which allows you to define +read_packed+ as
an instance method instead of a class method. In that case, +read_packed+ instance method is called with
the same arguments and should modify +self+ accordingly (instead of returning a new object).
It is not necessary to return +self+. The previous example can thus be shortened:
class MyHeader
def read_packed(packedio, options)
self.signature, self.nb_blocks = packedio >> [String, {:bytes => 3}] >> :short
== Filter
Instead of writing a full-fledge class, sometimes it can be convenient to define a sort of wrapper we'll call filter. Here's an example:
String.packers.set :length_encoded do |packer|
packer.write { |packedio| packedio << length << self }
packer.read { |packedio| packedio.read(packedio.read(Integer)) }
"hello!".pack(:length_encoded) ===> "\000\000\000\006hello!"
["this", "is", "great!"].pack(*[:length_encoded]*3).unpack(*[:length_encoded]*3) ===> ["this", "is", "great!"]
Note that the +write+ block will be executed as an instance method (which is why we could use +length+ & +self+),
while +read+ is a normal block that must return the newly read object.
== Inheritance
A final note to say that packers are inherited in some way. For instance one could define a filter for all objects:
Object.packers.set :with_class do |packer|
packer.write { |io| io << [self.class.name, :length_encoded] << self }
packer.read do |io|
klass = eval(io.read(:length_encoded))
[42, MyHeader.new("Wow", 1)].pack(:with_class, :with_class).unpack(:with_class, :with_class) ===> [42, MyHeader.new("Wow", 1)]
= License
packable is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included LICENSE file.
Author:: Marc-André Lafortune