require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "Sequel::Plugins::DefaultsSetter" do before do @db = db = Sequel.mock def db.supports_schema_parsing?() true end def db.schema(*) [] end @c = c =[:foo])) @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:a=>{}}) @c.plugin :defaults_setter @c.columns :a @pr = proc{|x| db.meta_def(:schema){|*| [[:id, {:primary_key=>true}], [:a, {:ruby_default => x, :primary_key=>false}]]}; c.dataset = c.dataset; c} end after do Sequel.datetime_class = Time end it "should set default value upon initialization" do 2 end it "should not mark the column as modified" do [] end it "should not set a default of nil" do{}) end it "should set a default of false" do false end it "should handle Sequel::CURRENT_DATE default by using the current Date" do end it "should handle Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP default by using the current Time" do t = t.must_be_kind_of(Time) (t - :<, 1 end it "should handle Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP default by using the current DateTime if Sequel.datetime_class is DateTime" do Sequel.datetime_class = DateTime t = t.must_be_kind_of(DateTime) (t - :<, 1/86400.0 end it "should work correctly with the current_datetime_timestamp extension" do @db.autoid = 1 @db.fetch = {:id=>1} @c.dataset = @c.dataset.extension(:current_datetime_timestamp) c = @db.sqls o = o.a = o.a @db.sqls.must_equal ["INSERT INTO foo (a) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)", "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = 1"] end it "should not override a given value" do'a'=>3).a.must_equal 3'a'=>nil).a.must_be_nil end it "should work correctly when subclassing" do 2 end it "should contain the default values in default_values" do>2){}) end it "should allow modifications of default values" do @c.default_values[:a] = 3 3 end it "should allow proc default values" do @c.default_values[:a] = proc{3} 3 end it "should have procs that set default values set them to nil" do @c.default_values[:a] = proc{nil} end it "should work correctly on a model without a dataset" do c =[:bar])) c.plugin :defaults_setter c.default_values.must_equal(:a=>2) end end