class WiceGridProcessor constructor: (@name, @baseRequestForFilter, @baseLinkForShowAllRecords, @linkForExport, @parameterNameForQueryLoading, @parameterNameForFocus, @environment) -> @filterDeclarations = new Array(); @checkIfJsFrameworkIsLoaded() checkIfJsFrameworkIsLoaded : -> if ! jQuery alert "jQuery not loaded, WiceGrid cannot proceed!" toString : -> "" process : (domIdToFocus)-> @visit @buildUrlWithParams(domIdToFocus) visit : (path) -> if Turbolinks? Turbolinks.visit path else window.location = path setProcessTimer : (domIdToFocus)-> if @timer clearTimeout(@timer) @timer = null processor = this @timer = setTimeout( -> processor.process(domIdToFocus) 1000 ) reloadPageForGivenGridState : (gridState)-> requestPath = @gridStateToRequest(gridState) @visit @appendToUrl(@baseLinkForShowAllRecords, requestPath) gridStateToRequest : (gridState)-> gridState (pair) -> encodeURIComponent(pair[0]) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(pair[1]) ).join('&') appendToUrl : (url, str)-> sep = if url.indexOf('?') != -1 if /[&\?]$/.exec(url) '' else '&' else '?' url + sep + str buildUrlWithParams : (domIdToFocus)-> results = new Array() jQuery.each( @filterDeclarations (i, filterDeclaration)=> param = @readValuesAndFormQueryString(filterDeclaration.filterName, filterDeclaration.detached, filterDeclaration.templates, filterDeclaration.ids) if param && param != '' results.push(param) ) res = @baseRequestForFilter if results.length != 0 allFilterParams = results.join('&') res = @appendToUrl(res, allFilterParams) if domIdToFocus res = @appendToUrl(res, @parameterNameForFocus + domIdToFocus) res reset : -> @visit @baseRequestForFilter exportToCsv : -> @visit @linkForExport register : (func)-> @filterDeclarations.push(func) readValuesAndFormQueryString : (filterName, detached, templates, ids)-> res = new Array() for i in [0 .. templates.length-1] if $(ids[i]) == null if this.environment == "development" message = 'WiceGrid: Error reading state of filter "' + filterName + '". No DOM element with id "' + ids[i] + '" found.' if detached message += 'You have declared "' + filterName + '" as a detached filter but have not output it anywhere in the template. Read documentation about detached filters.' alert(message); return '' el = $('#' + ids[i]) if el[0] && el[0].type == 'checkbox' if el[0].checked val = 1; else val = el.val() if val instanceof Array for j in [0 .. val.length-1] if val[j] && val[j] != "" res.push(templates[i] + encodeURIComponent(val[j])) else if val && val != '' res.push(templates[i] + encodeURIComponent(val)); res.join('&'); this WiceGridProcessor._version = '3.4' window['WiceGridProcessor'] = WiceGridProcessor