=begin Copyright 2010-2022 Ecsypno This file is part of the Arachni Framework project and is subject to redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. =end require 'open3' # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # @version 0.1 class Arachni::Plugins::Exec < Arachni::Plugin::Base def prepare parsed_url = Arachni::URI( framework.options.url ) @data = {} @substitutions = { '__URL__' => framework.options.url, '__URL_SCHEME__' => parsed_url.scheme, '__URL_HOST__' => parsed_url.host, '__URL_PORT__' => parsed_url.port || 80, '__STAGE__' => proc { @stage }, '__ISSUE_COUNT__' => proc do Arachni::Data.issues.size end, '__SITEMAP_SIZE__' => proc do framework.data.sitemap.size end, '__FRAMEWORK_RUNTIME__' => proc do framework.statistics[:runtime] end, '__FRAMEWORK_STATUS__' => proc do framework.status end } exec( :pre ) end def run exec( :during ) end def clean_up wait_while_framework_running exec( :post ) register_results @data end def exec( stage ) return if options[stage].to_s.empty? if defined?( Arachni::RPC::Server::Framework ) && framework.is_a?( Arachni::RPC::Server::Framework ) print_error 'Cannot be executed while running as an RPC server.' return end @stage = stage data = @data[stage.to_s] = { 'status' => nil, 'pid' => nil, 'executable' => nil, 'stdout' => nil, 'stderr' => nil, 'runtime' => 0 } executable = options[stage.to_sym] expanded_executable = format( executable ) print_status "Running #{stage} executable: #{expanded_executable}" data['executable'] = expanded_executable t = Time.now data['stdout'], data['stderr'], status = Open3.capture3( expanded_executable ) data['runtime'] = Time.now - t data['status'] = status.exitstatus data['pid'] = status.pid print_info "Status: #{data['status']}" print_info "PID: #{data['pid']}" print_info "STDOUT: #{data['stdout']}" print_info "STDERR: #{data['stderr']}" end def format( string ) @substitutions.each do |variable, value| next if !string.include?( variable ) value = value.call if value.respond_to? :call string = string.gsub( variable, value.to_s ) end string end def self.info { name: 'Exec', description: %q{ Calls external executables at different scan stages. The following variables can be used in the executable string: * `__URL__`: Target URL. * `__URL_SCHEME__`: URL scheme (http/https). * `__URL_HOST__`: URL host. * `__URL_PORT__`: URL port. * `__STAGE__`: Scan stage (pre/during/post). * `__ISSUE_COUNT__`: Amount of logged issues. * `__SITEMAP_SIZE__`: Amount of discovered pages. * `__FRAMEWORK_RUNTIME__`: Scan runtime. * `__FRAMEWORK_STATUS__`: Framework status. **Example:** The following: echo "__URL__ __URL_SCHEME__ __URL_HOST__ __URL_PORT__ __STAGE__ __ISSUE_COUNT__ __SITEMAP_SIZE__ __FRAMEWORK_RUNTIME__ __FRAMEWORK_STATUS__" Will result in: http://testfire.net/ http testfire.net 80 post 0 2 3.906482517 cleanup _Will not work over RPC._ }, author: 'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos ', version: '0.1.1', options: [ Options::String.new( :pre, description: 'Executable to be called prior to the scan.' ), Options::String.new( :during, description: 'Executable to be called in parallel to the scan.' ), Options::String.new( :post, description: 'Executable to be called after the scan.' ) ] } end end