# There are two other text methods available: formatted_text and # formatted_text_box. # # These are useful when the provided text has numerous portions that need to be # formatted differently. As you might imply from their names the first should # be used for free flowing text just like the text method and the # last should be used for positioned text just like text_box. # # The main difference between these methods and the text and # text_box methods is how the text is provided. The # formatted_text and formatted_text_box methods accept # an array of hashes. Each hash must provide a :text option which # is the text string and may provide the following options: :styles # (an array of symbols), :size (the font size), # :character_spacing (additional space between the characters), # :font (the name of a registered font), :color (the # same input accepted by fill_color and stroke_color), # :link (an URL to create a link), and :local # (a link to a local file). require_relative '../example_helper' filename = File.basename(__FILE__).gsub('.rb', '.pdf') Prawn::ManualBuilder::Example.generate(filename) do formatted_text [ { text: 'Some bold. ', styles: [:bold] }, { text: 'Some italic. ', styles: [:italic] }, { text: 'Bold italic. ', styles: [:bold, :italic] }, { text: 'Bigger Text. ', size: 20 }, { text: 'More spacing. ', character_spacing: 3 }, { text: 'Different Font. ', font: 'Courier' }, { text: 'Some coloring. ', color: 'FF00FF' }, { text: 'Link to the wiki. ', color: '0000FF', link: 'https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn/wiki' }, { text: 'Link to a local file. ', color: '0000FF', local: './local_file.txt' } ] formatted_text_box( [ { text: 'Just your regular' }, { text: ' text_box ', font: 'Courier' }, { text: 'with some additional formatting options added to the mix.', color: [50, 100, 0, 0], styles: [:italic] } ], at: [100, 100], width: 200, height: 100 ) end