splunk Cookbook =============== This cookbook manages a Splunk Universal Forwarder (client) or a Splunk Enterprise (server) installation. The Splunk default user is admin and the password is changeme. See the `setup_auth` recipe below for more information about how to manage changing the password with Chef and Chef Vault. This recipe downloads packages from Splunk directly. There are attributes to set a URL to retrieve the packages, so if the packages are mirrored locally, supply the local URL instead. At this time the cookbook doesn't support installing from networked package managers (like apt or yum), since Splunk doesn't provide package repositories. ## Requirements ### Platforms This cookbook uses Test Kitchen to do cross-platform convergence and post-convergence tests. The tested platforms are considered supported. This cookbook may work on other platforms or platform versions with or without modification. * Debian 7 * Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04 * CentOS 6 * OmniOS r151008 ### Cookbooks Used for managing secrets, see __Usage__: * chef-vault ## Attributes Attributes have default values set in `attributes/default.rb`. Where possible or appropriate, the default values from Splunk Enterprise are used. General attributes: * `node['splunk']['accept_license']`: Whether to accept the Splunk EULA. Default is false. This *must* be set to true for Splunk to be functional with this cookbook, which means end users must read the EULA and agree to the terms. * `node['splunk']['is_server']`: Set this to true if the node is a splunk server, for example in a role. Default is false. * `node['splunk']['disabled']`: Disable the splunk agent by setting this to true. Default is false. * `node['splunk']['receiver_port']`: The port that the receiver (server) listens to. This is set to the Splunk Enterprise default, 9997. * `node['splunk']['web_port']`: The port that the splunkweb service listens to. This is set to the default for HTTPS, 443, as it is configured by the `setup_ssl` recipe. The two URL attributes below are selected by platform and architecture by default. * `node['splunk']['forwarder']['url']`: The URL to the Splunk Universal Forwarder package file. * `node['splunk']['server']['url']`: The URL to the Splunk Enterprise package file. Special attributes for managing the Splunk user: * `node['splunk']['user']`: A hash of attributes to set for the splunk user resource in the `user` recipe. It's unlikely that someone would need to change these, other than the UID, but just in case... - `username`: the username - `comment`: gecos field - `home`: the home directory, defaults to `/opt/splunkforwarder`, will be set to `/opt/splunk` if `node['splunk']['is_server']` is true. - `shell`: the shell to use - `uid`: the numeric UID. The default, `396` is an integer arbitrarily chosen and doesn't conflict with anything on the supported platforms (see list above). It is within the `system` UID range on Linux systems. * `node['splunk']['server']['runasroot']`: if runasroot is true (which is the splunk upstream package default) then the splunk server runs as root. If runasroot is false modify the init script to run as the `node['splunk']['user']`. This does not apply to the splunk client as they may need root permissions to read logfiles. NOTE1: you may also need to change `node['splunk']['web_port']` on a splunk server to run on a port >1024 if you don't run as root (splunk user cannot bind to privelaged ports). NOTE2: If you want to switch from root to the splunk user or vice versa on an existing install, please stop the splunk service first before changing the runasroot boolean value. The following attributes are related to setting up `splunkweb` with SSL in the `setup_ssl` recipe. * `node['splunk']['ssl_options']`: A hash of SSL options used in the `setup_ssl` recipe * `node['splunk']['ssl_options']['enable_ssl']`: Whether to enable SSL, must be set to `true` to use the `setup_ssl` recipe. Defaults to `false`, must be set using a boolean literal `true` or `false`. * `node['splunk']['ssl_options']['data_bag']`: The data bag name to load, defaults to `vault` (as chef-vault is used). * `node['splunk']['ssl_options']['data_bag_item']`: The data bag item name that contains the keyfile and crtfile, defaults to `splunk_ceritficates`. * `node['splunk']['ssl_options']['keyfile']`: The name of the SSL key file, and the content will be written to `etc/auth/splunkweb/KEYFILE`. Must be an element under `data` in the data bag item. See __Usage__ for instructions. Defaults to '`self-signed.example.com.key`', and should be changed to something relevant for the local site before use, in a role or wrapper cookbook. * `node['splunk']['ssl_options']['crtfile']`: The name of the SSL cert (crt) file, and the content will be written to `/etc/auth/splunkweb/CRTFILE`. Must be an element under `data` in the data bag item. See __Usage__ for instructions. Defaults to '`self-signed.example.com.crt`', and should be changed to something relevant for the local site before use, in a role or wrapper cookbook. The following attributes are related to setting up a splunk forwarder with the `client` recipe `node['splunk']['outputs_conf']` is a hash of configuration values that are used to dynamically populate the `outputs.conf` file's "`tcpout:splunk_indexers_PORT`" configuration section. Each key/value pair in the hash is used as configuration in the file. For example the `attributes/default.rb` has this: ```ruby default['splunk']['outputs_conf'] = { 'forwardedindex.0.whitelist' => '.*', 'forwardedindex.1.blacklist' => '_.*', 'forwardedindex.2.whitelist' => '_audit', 'forwardedindex.filter.disable' => 'false' } ``` This will result in the following being rendered in `outputs.conf`: ``` [tcpout:splunk_indexers_9997] server= forwardedindex.0.whitelist = .* forwardedindex.1.blacklist = _.* forwardedindex.2.whitelist = _audit forwardedindex.filter.disable = false ``` The `tcpout:splunk_indexers_9997` section is defined by the search results for Splunk Servers, and the `server` directive is a comma-separated listed of server IPs and the ports. For example, to add an `sslCertPath` directive, define the attribute in your role, wrapper cookbook, etc: ``` node.default['splunk']['outputs_conf']['sslCertPath'] = '$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/certs/cert.pem' ``` `node['splunk']['inputs_conf']` is a hash of configuration values that are used to populate the `inputs.conf` file. * `node['splunk']['inputs_conf']['host']`: A string that specifies the default host name used in the inputs.conf file. The inputs.conf file is not overwritten if this is not set or is an empty string. * `node['splunk']['inputs_conf']['ports']`: An array of hashes that contain the input port configuration necessary to generate the inputs.conf file. For example: ``` node.default['splunk']['inputs_conf'][ports] = [ { port_num => 123123, config => { 'sourcetype' => 'syslog' } } ] ``` The following attributes are related to upgrades in the `upgrade` recipe. **Note** The version is set to 4.3.7 and should be modified to suit in a role or wrapper, since we don't know what upgrade versions may be relevant. Enabling the upgrade and blindly using the default URLs may have undesirable consequences, hence this is not enabled, and must be set explicitly elsewhere on the node(s). * `node['splunk']['upgrade_enabled']`: Controls whether the upgrade is enabled and the `attributes/upgrade.rb` file should be loaded. Set this in a role or wrapper cookbook to perform an upgrade. * `node['splunk']['upgrade']`: Sets `server_url` and `forwarder_url` attributes based on platform and architecture. These are only loaded if `upgrade_enabled` is set. ## Definitions ### splunk_installer The Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Universal Forwarder package installation is the same save the name of the package and the URL to download. This definition abstracts the package installation to a common baseline. Any new platform installation support should be added by modifying the definition as appropriate. One goal of this definition is to have a single occurance of a `package` resource, using the appropriate "local package file" provider per platform. For example, on RHEL, we use `rpm` and on Debian we use `dpkg`. Package files will be downloaded to Chef's file cache path (e.g., `file_cache_path` in `/etc/chef/client.rb`, `/var/chef/cache` by default). The definition has two parameters. * `name`: The name of the package (e.g., `splunk`). * `url`: The URL to the package file. #### Examples For example, if the nodes in the environment are all Debian-family, and the desired splunkforwarder package is provided locally as `splunkforwarder.deb` on an internal HTTP server: ```ruby splunk_installer 'splunkforwarder' do url 'https://www-int.example.com/splunk/splunkforwarder.deb' end ``` The `install_forwarder` and `install_server` recipes use the definition with the appropriate `url` attribute. ## Recipes This cookbook has several composable recipes that can be used in a role, or a local "wrapper" cookbook. The `default`, `client`, and `server` recipes are intended to be used wholesale with all the assumptions they contain. The general default assumption is that a node including the `default` recipe will be a Splunk Universal Forwarder (client). ### client This recipe encapsulates a completely configured "client" - a Splunk Universal Forwarder configured to talk to a node that is the splunk server (with node['splunk']['is_server'] true). The recipes can be used on their own composed in a wrapper cookbook or role. This recipe will include the `user`, `install_forwarder`, `service`, and `setup_auth` recipes. It will also search a Chef Server for a Splunk Enterprise (server) node with `splunk_is_server:true` in the same `chef_environment` and write out `etc/system/local/outputs.conf` with the server's IP and the `receiver_port` attribute in the Splunk install directory (`/opt/splunkforwarder`). Setting node['splunk']['tcpout_server_config_map'] with key value pairs updates the outputs.conf server configuration with those key value pairs. These key value pairs can be used to setup SSL encryption on messages forwarded through this client: ``` # Note that the ssl CA and certs must exist on the server. node['splunk']['tcpout_server_config_map'] = { 'sslCommonNameToCheck' => 'sslCommonName', 'sslCertPath' => '$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/certs/cert.pem', 'sslPassword' => 'password' 'sslRootCAPath' => '$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/certs/cacert.pem' 'sslVerifyServerCert' => false } ``` The inputs.conf file can also be managed through this recipe if you want to setup a splunk forwarder just set the default host: ``` node['splunk']['inputs_conf']['host'] = 'myhost' ``` Then set up the port configuration for each input port: ``` node['splunk']['inputs_conf']['ports'] = [ { port_num => 123123, config => { 'sourcetype' => 'syslog', ... } }, ... ] ``` ### default The default recipe will include the `disabled` recipe if `node['splunk']['disabled']` is true. It will include the `client` or `server` recipe depending on whether the `is_server` attribute is set. The attribute use allows users to control the included recipes by easily manipulating the attributes of a node, or a node's roles, or through a wrapper cookbook. ### disabled In some cases it may be required to disable Splunk on a particular node. For example, it may be sending too much data to Splunk and exceed the local license capacity. To use the `disabled` recipe, set the `node['splunk']['disabled']` attribute to true, and include the recipe on the required node, or just use the `default` recipe. ### install_forwarder This recipe uses the `splunk_installer` definition to install the splunkforwarder package from the specified URL (via the `node['splunk']['forwarder']['url']` attribute). ### install_server This recipe uses the `splunk_installer` definition to install the splunk (Enterprise server) package from the specified URL (via the `node['splunk']['server']['url']` attribute). ### server This recipe encapsulates a completely configured "server" - Splunk Enterprise configured to receive data from Splunk Universal Forwarder clients. The recipe sets the attribute `node['splunk']['is_server']` to true, and is included from the `default` recipe if the attribute is true as well. The recipes can be used on their own composed in a wrapper cookbook or role, too. This recipe will include the `user`, `install_server`, `service`, and `setup_auth` recipes. It will also enable Splunk Enterprise as an indexer, listening on the `node['splunk']['receiver_port']`. ## service This recipe sets up the `splunk` service, and applies to both client and server use, since `splunk` is the same service for both deployments of Splunk. The attribute `node['splunk']['accept_license']` must be true in order to set up the boot script. If it's true, then the boot script gets put into place (`/etc/init.d/splunk` on Linux/Unix systems), with the license accepted. The service is managed using the Chef `init` service provider, which operates by using the `/etc/init.d/splunk` script for start, stop, restart, etc commands. ## setup_auth This recipe loads an encrypted data bag with the Splunk user credentials as an `-auth` string, '`user:password`', using the [chef-vault cookbook](http://ckbk.it/chef-vault) helper method, `chef_vault_item`. See __Usage__ for how to set this up. The recipe will edit the specified user (assuming `admin`), and then write a state file to `etc/.setup_admin_password` to indicate in future Chef runs that it has set the password. If the password should be changed, then that file should be removed. ## upgrade **Important** Read the upgrade documentation and release notes for any particular Splunk version upgrades before performing an upgrade. Also back up the Splunk directory, configuration, etc. This recipe can be used to upgrade a splunk installation, for example from an existing 4.2.1 to 4.3.7. The default recipe can be used for 6.0.1 after upgrading earlier versions is completed. Note that the attributes file is only loaded w/ the URLs to the splunk packages to upgrade if the `node['splunk']['upgrade_enabled']` attribute is set to true. We recommend setting the actual URL attributes needed in a wrapper cookbook or role. ## user This recipe manages the `splunk` user and group. On Linux systems, the user and group will be created with the `system` attribute; other platforms may not be aware of `system` users/groups (e.g., illumos/solaris). Both resources will be created with the UID or GID of the `node['splunk']['user']['uid']` attribute. The default value is 396, arbitrarily chosen to fall under the `system` UID/GID set by `/etc/login.defs` on both RHEL and Debian family Linux systems. If this is a conflicting UID/GID, then modify the attribute as required. ## Usage ### Data Bag Items #### Admin User Authentication Splunk admin user authentication information should be stored in a data bag item that is encrypted using Chef Vault. Create a data bag named `vault`, with an item `splunk_CHEF-ENVIRONMENT`, where `CHEF-ENVIRONMENT` is the `node.chef_environment` that the Splunk Enterprise server will be assigned. If environments are not used, use `_default`. For example in a Chef Repository (not in a cookbook): % cat data_bags/vault/splunk__default.json { "id": "splunk__default", "auth": "admin:notarealpassword" } Or with an environment, '`production`': % cat data_bags/vault/splunk_production.json { "id": "splunk_production", "auth": "admin:notarealpassword" } Then, upload the data bag item to the Chef Server using the `chef-vault` `knife encrypt` plugin (first example, `_default` environment): knife encrypt create vault splunk__default \ --json data_bags/vault/splunk__default.json \ --search 'splunk:*' --admins 'yourusername' \ --mode client More information about Chef Vault is available on the [GitHub Project Page](https://github.com/Nordstrom/chef-vault). #### Web UI SSL A Splunk server should have the Web UI available via HTTPS. This can be set up using self-signed SSL certificates, or "real" SSL certificates. This loaded via a data bag item with chef-vault. Using the defaults from the attributes: % cat data_bags/vault/splunk_certificates.json { "id": "splunk_certificates", "data": { "self-signed.example.com.crt": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...SNIP", "self-signed.example.com.key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...SNIP" } } Like the authentication credentials above, run the `knife encrypt` command. Note the search here is for the splunk server only: knife encrypt create vault splunk_certificates \ --json data_bags/vault/splunk_certificates.json \ --search 'splunk_is_server:true' --admins 'yourusername' \ --mode client ## License and Authors - Author: Joshua Timberman - Copyright 2013, Chef Software, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.