# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- def register_uri(name, uri_full) uri = URI.parse(uri_full) unless File.exists?("./test/fixtures/uri_#{name}.fake") pp "downloading new fixture from #{uri_full}" system "curl -s -i -G -d \"#{uri.query}\" #{uri.host}:#{uri.port}#{uri.path} > ./test/fixtures/uri_#{name}.fake" end FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "#{uri_full}", :response => "./test/fixtures/uri_#{name}.fake") #p "added #{@count_uries} url to fake web" end def register_uri_post(name, uri_full) uri = URI.parse(uri_full) if File.exists?("./test/fixtures_post_body/#{name}.txt") unless File.exists?("./test/fixtures/#{name}.fake") pp "downloading new fixture from POST #{uri_full}" system "curl -s -d \"@test/fixtures_post_body/post_body_#{name}.txt\" #{uri.host}:#{uri.port}#{uri.path} > ./test/fixtures/uri_#{name}.fake" end body = "" File.open("./test/fixtures/uri_#{name}.fake", "r:UTF-8") do |fo| while( line = fo.gets) do body += line end end FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "#{uri_full}", :body => body) else puts "YOU NEED TO CREATE FILE: test/fixtures_post_body/post_body_#{name}.txt which will contain POST body" end #p "added #{@count_uries} url to fake web" end #reports #register_uri("foreman_report", "") #register_uri_post("refinery_relations_ataxo", "http://refinery.stage.internal.ataxo.com/relations/ataxo") FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = true p "FakeWeb registered and set to allow net connection: #{FakeWeb.allow_net_connect?}"