# = Bytes # # WARNING: Use Rich Units package for future compatibilty! # # == Synopisis # # Additional methods for Numeric class to make working with # bits and bytes easier. # # Additional methods for Numeric class to make working with # bits and bytes easier. Bits are used as the base value and # these methods can be used to convert between different # magnitudes. # # 1.byte #=> 8 # 2.bytes #=> 16 # 1.kilobit #=> 1024 # 1.kilobyte #=> 8192 # # Use the in_* methods to perform the inverse operations. # # 8192.in_kilobytes #=> 1 # 1024.in_kilobits #=> 1 # # == History # # Special thanks to Richard Kilmer for the orignal work. # This library is based on the original library bytes.rb # Copyright (c) 2004 by Rich Kilmer. # # Also thanks to Alexander Kellett for suggesting it be # included in Facets. # # == Authors # # * Rich Kilmer # * Thomas Sawyer # # == NOTES # # This library is not compatible with STICK's units.rb (an spin-off # of Facets old units.rb library). Do not attempt to use both at the same time. # # == Todo # # * Currently kilo, mega, etc. are all powers of two and not ten, # which technically isn't corrent even though it is common usage. # * The in_* notation is weak. If a better nomentclature is thought # of then consider changing this. # # == Copying # # Copyright (c) 2005 Rich Kilmer # # Ruby License # # This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this # software under the same terms as Ruby. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # = Bytes # # Additional methods for Numeric class to make working with # bits and bytes easier. Bits are used as the base value and # these methods can be used to convert between different # magnitudes. # # 1.byte #=> 8 # 2.bytes #=> 16 # 1.kilobit #=> 1024 # 1.kilobyte #=> 8192 # # Use the in_* methods to perform the inverse operations. # # 8192.in_kilobytes #=> 1 # 1024.in_kilobits #=> 1 # class Numeric def bit ; self ; end def bits ; self ; end def byte ; self * 8 ; end def bytes ; self * 8 ; end [ 'kilo', 'mega', 'giga', 'tera', 'peta', 'exa' ].each_with_index do |m, i| j = i + 1 class_eval %{ def #{m}bit ; self * #{1024**j} ; end def #{m}byte ; self * #{1024**j*8} ; end def in_#{m}bits ; self / #{1024**j} ; end def in_#{m}bytes ; self / #{1024**j*8} ; end alias_method :#{m}bits, :#{m}bit alias_method :#{m}bytes, :#{m}byte } end [ 'kibi', 'mebi', 'gibi', 'tebi', 'pebi', 'exbi' ].each_with_index do |m, i| j = i + 1 class_eval %{ def #{m}bit ; self * #{1024**j} ; end def #{m}byte ; self * #{1024**j*8} ; end def in_#{m}bits ; self / #{1024**j} ; end def in_#{m}bytes ; self / #{1024**j*8} ; end alias_method :#{m}bits, :#{m}bit alias_method :#{m}bytes, :#{m}byte } end # Formated string of bits proportial to size. # # 1024.bits_to_s #=> "1.00 kb" # 1048576.bits_to_s #=> "1.00 mb" # 1073741824.bits_to_s #=> "1.00 gb" # 1099511627776.bits_to_s #=> "1.00 tb" # # Takes a format string to adjust output. # # 1024.bits_to_s('%.0f') #=> "1 kb" # def strfbits(fmt='%.2f') case when self < 1024 "#{self} bits" when self < 1024**2 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024)} kb" when self < 1024**3 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024**2)} mb" when self < 1024**4 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024**3)} gb" when self < 1024**5 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024**4)} tb" else "#{self} bits" end end # Formated string of bytes proportial to size. # # 1024.bytes_to_s #=> "1.00 KB" # 1048576.bytes_to_s #=> "1.00 MB" # 1073741824.bytes_to_s #=> "1.00 GB" # 1099511627776.bytes_to_s #=> "1.00 TB" # # Takes a format string to adjust output. # # 1024.bytes_to_s('%.0f') #=> "1 KB" # def strfbytes(fmt='%.2f') case when self < 1024 "#{self} bytes" when self < 1024**2 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024)} KB" when self < 1024**3 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024**2)} MB" when self < 1024**4 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024**3)} GB" when self < 1024**5 "#{fmt % (self.to_f / 1024**4)} TB" else "#{self} bytes" end end # deprecated alias_method :octet_units, :strfbytes end