require 'cucumber/rspec/doubles' require 'lighthouse' require 'redis' require 'rspec/expectations' require 'yaml' require 'yajl' BASE = File.expand_path '../../../', __FILE__ BIN = "#{BASE}/bin/gitc" ENV['CONFIG'] = GITCYCLE = "#{BASE}/features/fixtures/gitcycle.yml" ENV['ENV'] = 'development' $:.unshift File.expand_path(__FILE__, "../../../lib") require "gitcycle" $redis = Before do |scenario| Launchy.stub :open do |url| if url =~ /https:\/\/\/.+\/issues\/\d+/ $github_url = url end $url = url end @scenario_title = scenario.title $execute = [] $input = [] $remotes = nil $ticket = nil end def branches(options={}) b = `git branch#{" -a" if options[:all]}` if options[:current] b.match(/\*\s+(.+)/)[1] elsif options[:match] b.match(/([\s]+|origin\/)(#{options[:match]})/)[2] rescue nil else b end end def config(reload=false) @config = nil if reload @config ||= YAML.load("#{BASE}/features/config/config.yml")) Lighthouse.account = @config['lighthouse']['account'] Lighthouse.token = @config['lighthouse']['token'] @config end def gsub_variables(str) if $ticket str = str.gsub('', $ticket.attributes['id']) end if $tickets str = str.gsub('', $tickets.last.attributes['id']) end if $github_url issue_id = $github_url.match(/https:\/\/\/.+\/issues\/(\d+)/)[1] str = str.gsub('', issue_id) end str = str.gsub('env.home', ENV['REPO'] == 'owner' ? config['owner'] : config['user']) str = str.gsub('config.owner', config['owner']) str = str.gsub('config.repo', config['repo']) str = str.gsub('config.user', config['user']) str end def log(match) log = `git log --pretty=format:%s` !(match =~ /^#{match}$/).nil? end def repos(reload=false) fixtures = "#{BASE}/features/fixtures" if !$repo_cache_created || !$repos || reload Dir.chdir(fixtures) end if !$repo_cache_created || reload $stdout.puts "Creating cached fixture repositories..." system [ "rm -rf #{fixtures}/owner_cache", "rm -rf #{fixtures}/user_cache", "mkdir -p #{fixtures}/owner_cache", "cd #{fixtures}/owner_cache", "git init . -q", "git remote add origin{config['owner']}/#{config['repo']}.git", "echo 'first commit' > README", "git add .", "git commit -q -a -m 'First commit'", "git push origin master --force -q", "git fetch -q", "cd #{fixtures}", "rm -rf user_cache", "cp -r owner_cache user_cache", "cd user_cache", "git remote rm origin", "git remote add origin{config['user']}/#{config['repo']}.git", "git fetch -q", "git push origin master --force -q" ].join(' && ') unless $repo_cache_created $stdout.puts "Clearing old fixture branches..." [ 'owner', 'user' ].each do |type| system( "cd #{fixtures}/#{type}_cache && " + [ "git branch -r", "grep origin/", "grep -v master$", "grep -v HEAD", "cut -d/ -f2-", "while read line; do git push origin :$line -q; git branch -D $line; done;" ].join(' | ') ) end end $repo_cache_created = true end if !$repos || reload $repos = {} [ 'owner', 'user' ].each do |type| FileUtils.rm_rf("#{fixtures}/#{type}") $repos[type.to_sym] = "#{fixtures}/#{type}" system [ "cd #{fixtures}", "cp -R #{type}_cache #{type}" ].join(' && ') end end $repos end def run_gitcycle(cmd) @output = '' @gitcycle = @gitcycle.stub(:puts) do |str| str = str.gsub(/\e\[\d{1,2}m/, '') @output << "#{str}\n" puts str end if @scenario_title.include?('Collaborator') @gitcycle.stub(:collab?).and_return(true) end if cmd @gitcycle.start(Shellwords.split(cmd)) else @gitcycle.start end end def type(text) $input << text end Given /^a fresh set of repositories$/ do repos(true) end When /^I create a new branch "([^\"]*)"$/ do |branch| `git branch #{branch}` end When /^I execute gitcycle with nothing$/ do $execute << nil end When /^I execute gitcycle with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |cmd| $execute << gsub_variables(cmd) end When /^I give default input$/ do step "I enter \"y\"" step "I enter \"y\"" end When /^I execute gitcycle setup$/ do FileUtils.rm(GITCYCLE) if File.exists?(GITCYCLE) $execute << [ "setup", config['user'], config['repo'], config['token_dev'] ].join(' ') $execute << [ "setup", config['user'], "#{config['owner']}/#{config['repo']}", config['token_qa'] ].join(' ') end When /^I execute gitcycle (.*) with a new URL or string$/ do |cmd| $ticket = :body => "test", :project_id => config['lighthouse']['project'], :state => "open", :title => "Test ticket" ) $ $tickets ||= [] $tickets << $ticket $execute << "#{cmd} #{$ticket.url}" end When /^I execute gitcycle (.*) with the last URL or string$/ do |cmd| $execute << "#{cmd} #{$tickets.last.url}" end When /^I cd to the (.*) repo$/ do |user| if ENV['REPO'] puts "(overiding repo as #{ENV['REPO']})" end Dir.chdir($repos[(ENV['REPO'] || user).to_sym]) end When /^I enter "([^\"]*)"$/ do |input| input = gsub_variables(input) type(input) end When /^I commit something$/ do branch = branches(:current => true) $commit_msg = "#{@scenario_title} - #{rand}"'README', 'w') {|f| f.write($commit_msg) } `git add . && git add . -u && git commit -q -a -m '#{$commit_msg}'` `git push origin #{branch} -q` end When /^I checkout (.+)$/ do |branch| branch = gsub_variables(branch) `git checkout #{branch} -q` end When /^I push (.+)$/ do |branch| branch = gsub_variables(branch) `git push origin #{branch} -q` end When /^gitcycle runs$/ do run_gitcycle($execute.shift) until $execute.empty? end Then /^gitcycle runs with exit$/ do $execute.each do |cmd| lambda { run_gitcycle(cmd) }.should raise_error SystemExit end end Then /^gitcycle\.yml should be valid$/ do gitcycle = YAML.load( repo = "#{config['user']}/#{config['repo']}" gitcycle[repo].should == [ config['user'], config['token_dev'] ] repo = "#{config['owner']}/#{config['repo']}" gitcycle[repo].should == [ config['user'], config['token_qa'] ] end Then /^output includes \"([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected| expected = gsub_variables(expected) @output.include?(expected).should == true end Then /^output includes \"([^\"]*)" with URL$/ do |expected| expected = gsub_variables(expected) @output.should =~ /#{expected}.*(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/ end Then /^output includes$/ do |expected| expected = gsub_variables(expected).gsub('\t', "\t") $stdout.puts expected @output.gsub(/\n+/, "\n").include?(expected).should == true end Then /^output does not include \"([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected| expected = gsub_variables(expected) @output.include?(expected).should == false end Then /^redis entries valid$/ do collab = @scenario_title.include?('Collaborator') before = if collab "br-some_branch-" else "master-" end after = if @scenario_title.include?('Custom branch name') "-rename" else "" end ticket_id = "#{before}#{$ticket.attributes['id']}#{after}" branch = $redis.hget( [ "users", config['user'], "repos", "#{config['owner']}:#{config['repo']}", "branches" ].join('/'), ticket_id ) branch = Yajl::Parser.parse(branch) should = { 'lighthouse_url' => $ticket.url, 'body' => "


\n\n#{$ticket.url}", 'home' => collab || ENV['REPO'] == 'owner' ? config['owner'] : config['user'], 'name' => ticket_id, 'id' => ticket_id, 'title' => $ticket.title, 'repo' => "#{config['owner']}:#{config['repo']}", 'user' => config['user'], 'source' => collab ? 'some_branch' : 'master' } if @scenario_title == 'No parameters and something committed' should['issue_url'] = $github_url end branch.should == should end Then /^current branch is \"([^\"]*)"$/ do |branch| branches(:current => true).should == gsub_variables(branch) end Then /^git log should contain the last commit$/ do log($commit_msg).should == true end Then /^URL is a valid issue$/ do $github_url.should =~ /https:\/\/\/.+\/issues\/\d+/ end