begin require 'active_support/concern' rescue LoadError # This is falsely true during specs ran by Guard. FIXME. abort 'Eaco::Controller requires activesupport. Please add it to Gemfile.' end module Eaco ## # An ActionController extension to verify authorization in Rails applications. # # Tested on Rails 3.2 and up on Ruby 2.0 and up. # module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern ## # Controller authorization DSL. # module ClassMethods ## # Defines the ability required to access a given controller action. # # Example: # # class DocumentsController < ApplicationController # authorize :index, [:folder, :index] # authorize :show, [:folder, :read] # authorize :create, :update, [:folder, :write] # end # # Here +@folder+ is expected to be an authorized +Resource+, and for the # +index+ action the +current_user+ is checked to +can?(:index, @folder)+ # while for +show+, +can?(:read, @folder)+ and for +create+ and +update+ # checks that it +can?(:write, @folder)+. # # The special +:all+ action name requires the given ability on the given # Resource for all actions. # # If an action has no authorization defined, access is granted. # # Adds {Controller#confront_eaco} as a +before_filter+. # # @param actions [Variadic] see above. # # @return void # def authorize(*actions) target = actions.pop actions.each {|action| authorization_permissions.update(action => target)} @_eaco_filter_installed ||= begin before_filter :confront_eaco true end end ## # @return [Symbol] the permission required to access the given action. # def permission_for(action) authorization_permissions[action] || authorization_permissions[:all] end protected ## # Permission requirements configured on this controller. # def authorization_permissions @_authorization_permissions ||= {} end end ## # Asks Eaco whether thou shalt pass or not. # # The implementation is left in this method's body, despite a bit long for # many's taste, as it is pretty imperative and simple code. Moreover, the # less we pollute ActionController's namespace, the better. # # @return [void] # # @raise [Error] if the instance variable configured in {.authorize} is not found # @raise [Forbidden] if the +current_user+ is not granted access. # # # == La Guardiana # /\ # .-_-. / \ # || .-.( .' .-. // \ / # \\\/ (((\ /))) \ / // )( # ) '._ ,-. ___. )/ //(__) # \_((( ( :) \)))/ , / || # \_ \ '-' /_ /| ),// || # \ (_._.'_ \ (o__// _||_ # \ )\ .(/ / __) \ \ # ( \ '_ .' /( |-. \ # \_'._'.\__/)))) (__)'.'. # _._ | | _.-._ || \ '. # / //--' / '--//'-'/\||____\ '. # \---.\ .----.// // ||// '\ \ # / ' \/ ' \\__\\ ,||\\_______.' # \\___//\\____//\____\ || # _.-'''---. /\___/ \____/ \\/ || # ..'_.''''---.| /. \ / || # .'.-'O __ / _/ )_.--.____( || # / / / \__/ /' /\ \(__.--._____) || # | | /\ \ \_.' | | \ | || # \ '.__\,_.'.__/./ / ) . |\ || # '..__ O --' ___..' /\ /|'. || # ''----' | \/\.' / /'. || # |\(()).' / \ || # _/ \ \/ / \|| # __..--'' '. | ||| # .-'' / '._|/ ||| # / __.- / /|| # \ ____..-----'' / | || # '. )). | / || # ''._// \ .-----./ || # '. \ (.-----.) || # '. \ | / || # )_ \ | | || # /__'O\ ( ) ( || # _______mrf,-'____/|/__ |\ \ || # | | || # |____) (__) # '-----' || # \ | || # \ | || # \ | || # | \ || # |_ \ || # /_'O\|| # .-'___/(__) # # # def confront_eaco action = params[:action].intern resource_ivar, permission = self.class.permission_for(action) if resource_ivar && permission resource = instance_variable_get(['@', resource_ivar].join.intern) if resource.nil? raise Error, <<-EOF @#{resource_ivar} is not set, can't authorize #{self}##{action} EOF end unless current_user.can? permission, resource raise Forbidden, <<-EOF `#{current_user}' not authorized to `#{action}' on `#{resource}' EOF end end end end end