require 'spec_helper' class SelfObserver def self.cache @cache ||= [] end def initialize self.class.cache << self end end module RSpec::Core describe ExampleGroup do describe "top level group" do it "runs its children" do examples_run = [] parent = ExampleGroup.describe("parent") child = parent.describe("child") do it "does something" do examples_run << running_example end end child.filtered_examples.replace(child.examples) parent.run_all examples_run.should have(1).example end describe "descendents" do it "returns self + all descendents" do group = ExampleGroup.describe("parent") do describe("child") do describe("grandchild 1") {} describe("grandchild 2") {} end end group.descendents.size.should == 4 end end end describe "child" do it "is known by parent" do parent = ExampleGroup.describe child = parent.describe parent.children.should == [child] end it "is not registered in world" do parent = ExampleGroup.describe child = parent.describe == [parent] end end describe "filtering" do it "includes all examples in an explicitly included group" do{ :awesome => true }) group = ExampleGroup.describe("does something", :awesome => true) examples = [ group.example("first"), group.example("second") ] group.filtered_examples.should == examples end it "includes explicitly included examples" do{ :include_me => true }) group = ExampleGroup.describe example = group.example("does something", :include_me => true) group.example("don't run me") group.filtered_examples.should == [example] end it "excludes all examples in an excluded group" do{ :include_me => false }) group = ExampleGroup.describe("does something", :include_me => false) examples = [ group.example("first"), group.example("second") ] group.filtered_examples.should == [] end it "filters out excluded examples" do{ :exclude_me => true }) group = ExampleGroup.describe("does something") examples = [ group.example("first", :exclude_me => true), group.example("second") ] group.filtered_examples.should == [examples[1]] end context "with no filters" do it "returns all" do group = ExampleGroup.describe example = group.example("does something") group.filtered_examples.should == [example] end end context "with no examples or groups that match filters" do it "returns none" do{ :awesome => false }) group = ExampleGroup.describe example = group.example("does something") group.filtered_examples.should == [] end end end describe '#describes' do context "with a constant as the first parameter" do it "is that constant" do ExampleGroup.describe(Object) { }.describes.should == Object end end context "with a string as the first parameter" do it "is nil" do ExampleGroup.describe("i'm a computer") { }.describes.should be_nil end end end describe '#description' do it "grabs the description from the metadata" do group = ExampleGroup.describe(Object, "my desc") { } group.description.should == group.metadata[:example_group][:description] end end describe '#metadata' do it "adds the third parameter to the metadata" do ExampleGroup.describe(Object, nil, 'foo' => 'bar') { }.metadata.should include({ "foo" => 'bar' }) end it "adds the caller to metadata" do ExampleGroup.describe(Object) { }.metadata[:example_group][:caller].any? {|f| f =~ /#{__FILE__}/ }.should be_true end it "adds the the file_path to metadata" do ExampleGroup.describe(Object) { }.metadata[:example_group][:file_path].should == __FILE__ end it "has a reader for file_path" do ExampleGroup.describe(Object) { }.file_path.should == __FILE__ end it "adds the line_number to metadata" do ExampleGroup.describe(Object) { }.metadata[:example_group][:line_number].should == __LINE__ end end describe "#before, after, and around hooks" do it "runs the before alls in order" do group = ExampleGroup.describe order = [] group.before(:all) { order << 1 } group.before(:all) { order << 2 } group.before(:all) { order << 3 } group.example("example") {} group.run_all order.should == [1,2,3] end it "runs the before eachs in order" do group = ExampleGroup.describe order = [] group.before(:each) { order << 1 } group.before(:each) { order << 2 } group.before(:each) { order << 3 } group.example("example") {} group.run_all order.should == [1,2,3] end it "runs the after eachs in reverse order" do group = ExampleGroup.describe order = [] group.after(:each) { order << 1 } group.after(:each) { order << 2 } group.after(:each) { order << 3 } group.example("example") {} group.run_all order.should == [3,2,1] end it "runs the after alls in reverse order" do group = ExampleGroup.describe order = [] group.after(:all) { order << 1 } group.after(:all) { order << 2 } group.after(:all) { order << 3 } group.example("example") {} group.run_all order.should == [3,2,1] end it "runs before all, before each, example, after each, after all, in that order" do group = ExampleGroup.describe order = [] group.after(:all) { order << :after_all } group.after(:each) { order << :after_each } group.before(:each) { order << :before_each } group.before(:all) { order << :before_all } group.example("example") { order << :example } group.run_all order.should == [ :before_all, :before_each, :example, :after_each, :after_all ] end it "accesses before(:all) state in after(:all)" do group = ExampleGroup.describe group.before(:all) { @ivar = "value" } group.after(:all) { @ivar.should eq("value") } group.example("ignore") { } expect do group.run_all end.to_not raise_error end it "exposes the around each blocks at after_alls" do group = ExampleGroup.describe group.around(:each) { 'foo' } group.should have(1).around_eachs end it "treats an error in before(:each) as a failure" do group = ExampleGroup.describe group.before(:each) { raise "error in before each" } example = group.example("equality") { 1.should == 2} group.run_all example.metadata[:execution_result][:exception_encountered].message.should == "error in before each" end it "treats an error in before(:all) as a failure" do pending("fix issue 21 - treat error in before all as failure") do group = ExampleGroup.describe group.before(:all) { raise "error in before all" } example = group.example("equality") { 1.should == 2} group.run_all example.metadata[:execution_result][:exception_encountered].message.should == "error in before all" end end end describe "adding examples" do it "allows adding an example using 'it'" do group = ExampleGroup.describe"should do something") { } group.examples.size.should == 1 end it "allows adding an example using 'its'" do group = ExampleGroup.describe group.its(:some_method) { } group.examples.size.should == 1 end it "exposes all examples at examples" do group = ExampleGroup.describe"should do something 1") { }"should do something 2") { }"should do something 3") { } group.should have(3).examples end it "maintains the example order" do group = ExampleGroup.describe"should 1") { }"should 2") { }"should 3") { } group.examples[0].description.should == 'should 1' group.examples[1].description.should == 'should 2' group.examples[2].description.should == 'should 3' end end describe Object, "describing nested example_groups", :little_less_nested => 'yep' do describe "A sample nested group", :nested_describe => "yep" do it "sets the described class to the constant Object" do running_example.example_group.describes.should == Object end it "sets the description to 'A sample nested describe'" do running_example.example_group.description.should == 'A sample nested group' end it "has top level metadata from the example_group and its ancestors" do running_example.example_group.metadata.should include(:little_less_nested => 'yep', :nested_describe => 'yep') end it "exposes the parent metadata to the contained examples" do running_example.metadata.should include(:little_less_nested => 'yep', :nested_describe => 'yep') end end end describe "#run_examples" do let(:reporter) { double("reporter").as_null_object } it "returns true if all examples pass" do group = ExampleGroup.describe('group') do example('ex 1') { 1.should == 1 } example('ex 2') { 1.should == 1 } end group.stub(:filtered_examples) { group.examples } be_true end it "returns false if any of the examples fail" do group = ExampleGroup.describe('group') do example('ex 1') { 1.should == 1 } example('ex 2') { 1.should == 2 } end group.stub(:filtered_examples) { group.examples } be_false end it "runs all examples, regardless of any of them failing" do group = ExampleGroup.describe('group') do example('ex 1') { 1.should == 2 } example('ex 2') { 1.should == 1 } end group.stub(:filtered_examples) { group.examples } group.filtered_examples.each do |example| example.should_receive(:run) end be_false end end describe "how instance variables are inherited" do before(:all) do @before_all_top_level = 'before_all_top_level' end before(:each) do @before_each_top_level = 'before_each_top_level' end it "should be able to access a before each ivar at the same level" do @before_each_top_level.should == 'before_each_top_level' end it "should be able to access a before all ivar at the same level" do @before_all_top_level.should == 'before_all_top_level' end it "should be able to access the before all ivars in the before_all_ivars hash", :ruby => 1.8 do running_example.example_group.before_all_ivars.should include('@before_all_top_level' => 'before_all_top_level') end it "should be able to access the before all ivars in the before_all_ivars hash", :ruby => 1.9 do running_example.example_group.before_all_ivars.should include(:@before_all_top_level => 'before_all_top_level') end describe "but now I am nested" do it "should be able to access a parent example groups before each ivar at a nested level" do @before_each_top_level.should == 'before_each_top_level' end it "should be able to access a parent example groups before all ivar at a nested level" do @before_all_top_level.should == "before_all_top_level" end it "changes to before all ivars from within an example do not persist outside the current describe" do @before_all_top_level = "ive been changed" end describe "accessing a before_all ivar that was changed in a parent example_group" do it "does not have access to the modified version" do @before_all_top_level.should == 'before_all_top_level' end end end end describe "ivars are not shared across examples" do it "(first example)" do @a = 1 @b.should be_nil end it "(second example)" do @b = 2 @a.should be_nil end end describe "#around" do around(:each) do |example| SelfObserver.cache.clear end it "has 1 SelfObserver (1)" do SelfObserver.cache.length.should == 1 end it "has 1 SelfObserver (2)" do SelfObserver.cache.length.should == 1 end end describe "#its" do its(:class) { should == RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup } it "does not interfere between examples" do subject.class.should == RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup end context "subject modified in before block" do before { subject.class.should == RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup } end context "with nil value" do subject do do def nil_value nil end end its(:nil_value) { should be_nil } end end describe "#top_level_description" do it "returns the description from the outermost example group" do group = nil ExampleGroup.describe("top") do context "middle" do group = describe "bottom" do end end end group.top_level_description.should == "top" end end end end