## Description A cross-platform Ruby interface for getting operating system information. The name comes from the Unix 'uname' command, but this library works on MS Windows as well. ## Prerequisites ffi 1.0 or later ## Installation `gem install sys-uname` ## Synopsis ``` require 'sys/uname' # require 'sys-uname' works, too # You now have Sys::Uname and Sys::Platform classes available. # Get full information about your system p Sys::Uname.uname # Check individual platform details about your system p Sys::Platform.linux? # => true p Sys::Platform::ARCH # => :x86_64 ``` ## Solaris Notes Users on SunOS get several extra methods: architecture, platform, hw_serial, hw_provider, srpc_domain, isa_list, and dhcp_cache. ## BSD flavors, including OS X Users on BSD platforms get the extra Uname.model method. ## HP-UX Notes HP-UX users get the extra Uname.id_number method. This is actually a String, not a Fixnum, because that's how it's defined in the utsname struct. ## MS Windows Notes The C version for Windows has been completely scrapped in favor of an OLE plus WMI approach. It is pure Ruby. Please see the MSDN documentation for the Win32_OperatingSystem class for a complete list of what each of the UnameStruct members mean. ## The Platform Class This was added both as a nicer way to check simple information about your system, and as a replacement for the old 'Platform' gem which is no longer maintained. ## Future Plans I may dump the "Uname" portion of this library, and rename the project to just sys-platform. ## Documentation For more details, see the 'uname.rdoc' file under the 'doc' directory.