# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. gem "minitest" require "minitest/autorun" require "minitest/focus" require "minitest/rg" require "active_support" require "google/cloud/spanner" require "active_record" require "active_support/testing/stream" require "activerecord-spanner-adapter" require "active_record/connection_adapters/spanner_adapter" require "securerandom" require "composite_primary_keys" # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars $spanner_test_database = "ar-test-#{SecureRandom.hex 4}" def connector_config { "adapter" => "spanner", "emulator_host" => ENV["SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST"], "project" => ENV["SPANNER_TEST_PROJECT"], "instance" => ENV["SPANNER_TEST_INSTANCE"], "credentials" => ENV["SPANNER_TEST_KEYFILE"], "database" => $spanner_test_database } end def spanner $spanner ||= Google::Cloud::Spanner.new( project_id: ENV["SPANNER_TEST_PROJECT"], credentials: ENV["SPANNER_TEST_KEYFILE"] ) end def spanner_instance unless spanner.instance ENV["SPANNER_TEST_INSTANCE"] config = ENV["SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST"] ? "emulator-config" : "regional-us-central1" puts "Creating test instance #{ENV["SPANNER_TEST_INSTANCE"]} with config #{config}" job = spanner.create_instance ENV["SPANNER_TEST_INSTANCE"], name: "ActiveRecord Test Instance", config: config, nodes: 1 job.wait_until_done! $owned_test_instance = true end $spanner_instance ||= spanner.instance ENV["SPANNER_TEST_INSTANCE"] end def create_test_database job = spanner_instance.create_database $spanner_test_database job.wait_until_done! if job.error? raise "Error in creating database. Error code#{job.error.message}" end puts "'#{$spanner_test_database}' test db created." puts "Loading test schema..." ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection connector_config require_relative "schema/schema" create_tables_in_test_schema end def drop_test_database ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.disconnect! spanner_instance&.delete if $owned_test_instance spanner_instance.database($spanner_test_database)&.drop unless $owned_test_instance puts "Test instance #{spanner_instance} deleted" if $owned_test_instance puts "#{$spanner_test_database} database deleted" unless $owned_test_instance end def current_adapter? *names names.include? :SpannerAdapter end def load_test_schema ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection connector_config require_relative "schema/schema" create_tables_in_test_schema end module SpannerAdapter class TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase def assert_column(model, column_name, msg = nil) assert has_column?(model, column_name), msg end def assert_no_column(model, column_name, msg = nil) assert_not has_column?(model, column_name), msg end def has_column?(model, column_name) model.reset_column_information model.column_names.include?(column_name.to_s) end def capture_sql ActiveRecord::Base.connection.materialize_transactions SQLCounter.clear_log yield SQLCounter.log.dup end def assert_queries(num = 1, options = {}) ignore_none = options.fetch(:ignore_none) { num == :any } ActiveRecord::Base.connection.materialize_transactions SQLCounter.clear_log x = yield the_log = ignore_none ? SQLCounter.log_all : SQLCounter.log if num == :any assert_operator the_log.size, :>=, 1, "1 or more queries expected, but none were executed." else mesg = "#{the_log.size} instead of #{num} queries were executed.#{the_log.size == 0 ? '' : "\nQueries:\n#{the_log.join("\n")}"}" assert_equal num, the_log.size, mesg end x end def assert_no_queries(options = {}, &block) options.reverse_merge! ignore_none: true assert_queries(0, options, &block) end end module Migration module TestHelper attr_accessor :connection CONNECTION_METHODS = %w[ add_column remove_column rename_column add_index change_column rename_table column_exists? index_exists? add_reference add_belongs_to remove_reference remove_references remove_belongs_to change_column_default ].freeze class TestModel < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = :test_models end def setup ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection connector_config @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection unless @skip_test_table_create connection.create_table :test_models do |t| t.timestamps null: true end TestModel.reset_column_information end super end def skip_test_table_create! @skip_test_table_create = true end def teardown TestModel.reset_table_name unless @skip_test_table_create connection.drop_table :test_models, if_exists: true end super end def generate_id connection.next_sequence_value nil end delegate *CONNECTION_METHODS, to: :connection end end module Types module TestHelper attr_accessor :connection class TestTypeModel < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = :test_types end def setup super ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection connector_config @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection return if connection.table_exists? :test_types connection.create_table :test_types do |t| t.string :name, limit: 255 t.string :description t.text :bio t.integer :length t.float :weight t.numeric :price t.boolean :active t.binary :file t.binary :data, limit: 255 t.date :start_date t.datetime :start_datetime t.time :start_time t.json :details end end def teardown super TestTypeModel.delete_all end end end module Associations module TestHelper def setup ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection connector_config @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection end end end class SQLCounter class << self attr_accessor :ignored_sql, :log, :log_all def clear_log self.log = [] self.log_all = [] end end clear_log def call(name, start, finish, message_id, values) return if values[:cached] sql = values[:sql] self.class.log_all << sql self.class.log << sql unless ["SCHEMA", "TRANSACTION"].include? values[:name] end end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("sql.active_record", SQLCounter.new) end Minitest.after_run do drop_test_database end create_test_database # rubocop:enable Style/GlobalVars