# Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Daniel DeLeo # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require "ostruct" class TestableShellSession < Shell::ShellSession def rebuild_node nil end def rebuild_collection nil end def loading nil end def loading_complete nil end end describe Shell::ShellSession do it "is a singleton object" do expect(Shell::ShellSession).to include(Singleton) end end describe Shell::ClientSession do before do Chef::Config[:shell_config] = { :override_runlist => [Chef::RunList::RunListItem.new('shell::override')] } @chef_rest = double("Chef::REST") @session = Shell::ClientSession.instance @node = Chef::Node.build("foo") @session.node = @node @client = double("Chef::Client.new", :run_ohai => true, :load_node => true, :build_node => true, :register => true, :sync_cookbooks => {}) end it "builds the node's run_context with the proper environment" do @session.instance_variable_set(:@client, @client) @expansion = Chef::RunList::RunListExpansion.new(@node.chef_environment, []) expect(@node.run_list).to receive(:expand).with(@node.chef_environment).and_return(@expansion) expect(Chef::REST).to receive(:new).with(Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]).and_return(@chef_rest) @session.rebuild_context end it "passes the shell CLI args to the client" do expect(Chef::Client).to receive(:new).with(nil, Chef::Config[:shell_config]).and_return(@client) @session.send(:rebuild_node) end end describe Shell::StandAloneSession do before do Chef::Config[:shell_config] = { :override_runlist => [Chef::RunList::RunListItem.new('shell::override')] } @session = Shell::StandAloneSession.instance @node = @session.node = Chef::Node.new @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new @run_context = @session.run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(@node, {}, @events) @recipe = @session.recipe = Chef::Recipe.new(nil, nil, @run_context) Shell::Extensions.extend_context_recipe(@recipe) end it "has a run_context" do expect(@session.run_context).to equal(@run_context) end it "returns a collection based on it's standalone recipe file" do expect(@session.resource_collection).to eq(@recipe.run_context.resource_collection) end it "gives nil for the definitions (for now)" do expect(@session.definitions).to be_nil end it "gives nil for the cookbook_loader" do expect(@session.cookbook_loader).to be_nil end it "runs chef with the standalone recipe" do allow(@session).to receive(:node_built?).and_return(true) allow(Chef::Log).to receive(:level) chef_runner = double("Chef::Runner.new", :converge => :converged) # pre-heat resource collection cache @session.resource_collection expect(Chef::Runner).to receive(:new).with(@session.recipe.run_context).and_return(chef_runner) expect(@recipe.run_chef).to eq(:converged) end it "passes the shell CLI args to the client" do @client = double("Chef::Client.new", :run_ohai => true, :load_node => true, :build_node => true, :register => true, :sync_cookbooks => {}) expect(Chef::Client).to receive(:new).with(nil, Chef::Config[:shell_config]).and_return(@client) @session.send(:rebuild_node) end end describe Shell::SoloSession do before do Chef::Config[:shell_config] = { :override_runlist => [Chef::RunList::RunListItem.new('shell::override')] } Chef::Config[:shell_solo] = true @session = Shell::SoloSession.instance @node = Chef::Node.new @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new @run_context = @session.run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(@node, {}, @events) @session.node = @node @recipe = @session.recipe = Chef::Recipe.new(nil, nil, @run_context) Shell::Extensions.extend_context_recipe(@recipe) end after do Chef::Config[:shell_solo] = nil end it "returns a collection based on it's compilation object and the extra recipe provided by chef-shell" do allow(@session).to receive(:node_built?).and_return(true) kitteh = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("keyboard") @recipe.run_context.resource_collection << kitteh expect(@session.resource_collection).to include(kitteh) end it "returns definitions from its compilation object" do expect(@session.definitions).to eq(@run_context.definitions) end it "keeps json attribs and passes them to the node for consumption" do @session.node_attributes = {"besnard_lakes" => "are_the_dark_horse"} expect(@session.node.besnard_lakes).to eq("are_the_dark_horse") #pending "1) keep attribs in an ivar 2) pass them to the node 3) feed them to the node on reset" end it "generates its resource collection from the compiled cookbooks and the ad hoc recipe" do allow(@session).to receive(:node_built?).and_return(true) kitteh_cat = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("kitteh") @run_context.resource_collection << kitteh_cat keyboard_cat = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("keyboard_cat") @recipe.run_context.resource_collection << keyboard_cat #@session.rebuild_collection expect(@session.resource_collection).to include(kitteh_cat, keyboard_cat) end it "runs chef with a resource collection from the compiled cookbooks" do allow(@session).to receive(:node_built?).and_return(true) allow(Chef::Log).to receive(:level) chef_runner = double("Chef::Runner.new", :converge => :converged) expect(Chef::Runner).to receive(:new).with(an_instance_of(Chef::RunContext)).and_return(chef_runner) expect(@recipe.run_chef).to eq(:converged) end it "passes the shell CLI args to the client" do @client = double("Chef::Client.new", :run_ohai => true, :load_node => true, :build_node => true, :register => true, :sync_cookbooks => {}) expect(Chef::Client).to receive(:new).with(nil, Chef::Config[:shell_config]).and_return(@client) @session.send(:rebuild_node) end end