# Application Gateway

This document explains how to get started using Azure Network Service with Fog to manage Application Gateway. With this gem you can create, update, list or delete Application Gateway.

## Usage

First of all, you need to require the Fog library by executing:

require 'fog/azurerm'
## Create Connection

Next, create a connection to the Application Gateway Service:

fog_application_gateway_service = Fog::ApplicationGateway::AzureRM.new(
      tenant_id:        '<Tenant Id>',                                                           # Tenant Id of Azure Active Directory Application
      client_id:        '<Client Id>',                                                           # Client Id of Azure Active Directory Application
      client_secret:    '<Client Secret>',                                                       # Client Secret of Azure Active Directory Application
      subscription_id:  '<Subscription Id>',                                                     # Subscription Id of an Azure Account
      environment:      '<AzureCloud/AzureChinaCloud/AzureUSGovernment/AzureGermanCloud>'        # Azure cloud environment. Default is AzureCloud.

## Check Application Gateway Existence

fog_application_gateway_service.gateways.check_application_gateway_exists('<Resource Group Name>', '<Gateway Name>')


## Create Application Gateway

Create a new Application Gateway.

gateway = fog_application_gateway_service.gateways.create(

        name: '<Gateway Name>',
        location: '<Location>',
        resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
        sku_name: '<SKU Name>',
        sku_tier: '<SKU Tier>',
        sku_capacity: '<SKU Capacity>',
                    name: '<Gateway IP Config Name>',
                    subnet_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourcegroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<Virtual Network Name>/subnets/<Subnet Name>'
                    name: '<Frontend IP Config Name>',
                    private_ip_allocation_method: '<IP Allocation Method>',
                    public_ip_address_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourcegroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<Public IP Address Name>',
                    private_ip_address: '<IP Address>'
                    name: '<Frontend Port Name>',
                    port: <Port Number>
                    name: '<Backend Address Pool Name>',
                    ip_addresses: [
                            ipAddress: '<IP Address>'
                    name: '<Gateway Settings Name>',
                    port: <Port Number>,
                    protocol: '<Protocol Name>',
                    cookie_based_affinity: '<Enabled/Disabled>',
                    request_timeout: '<Timeout Time>'
                    name: '<Gateway Listener Name>',
                    frontend_ip_config_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/<Gateway Name>/frontendIPConfigurations/<Frontend IP Config Name>',
                    frontend_port_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/<Gateway Name>/frontendPorts/<Frontend Port Name>',
                    protocol: '<Protocol Name>',
                    host_name: '',
                    require_server_name_indication: '<True/False>'
                    name: '<Gateway Request Route Rule Name>',
                    type: '<Type>',
                    http_listener_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/<Gateway Name>/httpListeners/<Gateway Listener Name>',
                    backend_address_pool_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/<Gateway Name>/backendAddressPools/<Backend Address Pool Name>',
                    backend_http_settings_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/<Gateway Name>/backendHttpSettingsCollection/<Gateway Settings Name>',
                    url_path_map: ''
	 tags: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2', keyN: 'valueN' }                          # [Optional]

There can be two ways of giving `frontend_ip_configurations` while creating application gateway

1. When giving public IP, then we need to provide `public_ip_address_id` as follows

			name: '<Frontend IP Config Name>',
			private_ip_allocation_method: '<IP Allocation Method>',
			public_ip_address_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourcegroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<Public IP Address Name>',
			private_ip_address: '<IP Address>'
2. When giving subnet id, then we need to provide `subnet_id` as follows

			name: '<Frontend IP Config Name>',
			private_ip_allocation_method: '<IP Allocation Method>',
			subnet_id: '<Subnet ID>',
			private_ip_address: '<IP Address>'
## List Application Gateways

List all application gateways in a resource group

gateways = fog_application_gateway_service.gateways(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>')
gateways.each do |gateway|
	puts "#{gateway.name}"

## Retrieve a single Application Gateway

Get a single record of Application Gateway

gateway = fog_application_gateway_service
                            .get('<Resource Group Name>', '<Application Gateway Name>')
puts "#{gateway.name}"

## Update SKU attributes (Name and Capacity)                

ag.update_sku('<SKU Name>', '<SKU Capacity>')

## Update gateway IP configuration (Subnet Id) 

ag.update_gateway_ip_configuration('/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/<Resource Group Name>/<Gateway Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<Virtual Network Name>/subnets/<Subnet Name>')

## Add/ Remove SSL Certificates 

       name: '<SSL Certificate Name>',
       data: '<SSL Certificate Data>',
       password: '<Password>',
       public_cert_data: '<Public Certificate Data>'
       name: '<SSL Certificate Name>',
       data: '<SSL Certificate Data>',
       password: '<Password>',
       public_cert_data: '<Public Certificate Data>'

## Add/ Remove Frontend ports    

ag.add_frontend_port({name: '<Frontend Port Name>', port: <Port Number>})
ag.remove_frontend_port({name: '<Frontend Port Name>', port: <Port Number>})

## Add/ Remove Probes    

    name: '<Probe Name>',
    protocol: '<Protocol Name>',
    host: '<Host Name>',
    path: '<Probe Path>',
    interval: <Interval Time>, 
    timeout: <Timeout Time>,
    unhealthy_threshold: <Threshold Value>

    name: '<Probe name>',
    protocol: '<Protocol Name>',
    host: '<Protocol Name>',
    path: '<Probe Path>',
    interval: <Interval Time>, 
    timeout: <Timeout Time>,
    unhealthy_threshold: <Threshold Value>

## Destroy a single Application Gateway

Get a application gateway object from the get method and then destroy that application gateway.


## Support and Feedback
Your feedback is highly appreciated! If you have specific issues with the Fog ARM, you should file an issue via Github.