require 'fakeweb' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'pin_payment' require 'yaml' def fixtures return @fixtures if @fixtures @fixtures = {}.tap do |f| f['responses'] = YAML.load( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'responses.yml')) end end def common_setup FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false # If you want to test for realsies, change the above to true, and uncomment # below, after putting in your own test keys #PinPayment.secret_key = 'super secret' #PinPayment.public_key = 'not so secret' end def card_hash { number: 5520000000000000, expiry_month: 5, expiry_year: 2014, cvc: 123, name: 'Roland Robot', address_line1: '42 Sevenoaks St', address_city: 'Lathlain', address_postcode: 6454, address_state: 'WA', address_country: 'Australia' } end def charge_hash { amount: 400, currency: 'AUD', description: 'test charge', email: '', ip_address: '', card: card_hash } end def bank_account_hash { name: "Test Account", bsb: "736032", number: "123456" } end def transfer_hash(recipient_hash) { description: "Transfer of Things", amount: 100, currency: "AUD", recipient: recipient_hash } end def created_customer FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, '', body: fixtures['responses']['customer']['created']) customer = PinPayment::Customer.create('', card_hash) end def created_bank_account FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, '', body: fixtures['responses']['bank_account']['success']) customer = PinPayment::BankAccount.create(bank_account_hash) end def created_charge FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "", body: fixtures['responses']['charge']['success']) charge = PinPayment::Charge.create(charge_hash) end def created_recipient FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, '', body: fixtures['responses']['recipient']['created']) recipient = PinPayment::Recipient.create({email: '', name: "Test Name", bank_account: bank_account_hash}) end def created_transfer recipient = created_recipient FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, '', body: fixtures['responses']['transfer']['created']) transfer = PinPayment::Transfer.create(transfer_hash(recipient.token)) end