module Saucy module Project extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do belongs_to :account has_many :permissions, :dependent => :destroy has_many :users, :through => :permissions validates_presence_of :account_id, :keyword, :name validates_uniqueness_of :keyword, :scope => :account_id validates_format_of :keyword, :with => %r{^[a-z0-9_-]+$}, :message => "must be only lower case letters or underscores." validate :ensure_account_within_limit, :on => :update after_create :setup_memberships after_update :update_memberships attr_protected :account, :account_id # We have to define these here instead of mixing them in, # because ActiveRecord does the same. def user_ids=(new_user_ids) @new_user_ids = new_user_ids.reject { |user_id| user_id.blank? } end def users if new_record? { |permission| permission.membership.user } else permissions.includes(:user).map { |permission| permission.user } end end def user_ids end end module ClassMethods def visible_to(user) where([' IN(?)', user.project_ids]) end def archived where(:archived => true) end def active where(:archived => false) end def by_name order("") end def build_with_default_permissions new.assign_default_permissions end end def to_param keyword end def has_member?(user) permissions. joins(:membership). exists?(:memberships => { :user_id => }) end def assign_default_permissions account.memberships.where(:admin => true).each do |membership| => membership) end self end private def setup_memberships @new_user_ids ||= [] @new_user_ids += admin_user_ids removed_user_ids = self.user_ids - @new_user_ids added_user_ids = @new_user_ids - self.user_ids permissions.where(:user_id => removed_user_ids).destroy_all added_user_ids.each do |added_user_id| membership = account.memberships.where(:user_id => added_user_id).first permissions.create!(:membership => membership) end end def update_memberships setup_memberships if @new_user_ids end def admin_user_ids account. memberships. where(:admin => true). select(:user_id). map(&:user_id) end def ensure_account_within_limit message = "You are at your limit of %{name} for your current plan." if archived_changed? && !archived? && !Limit.can_add_one?("projects", account) errors.add(:archived, I18n.t("", :default => message, :name => 'projects')) end if account_id_changed? && !Limit.can_add_one?("projects", account) errors.add(:account_id, I18n.t("", :default => message, :name => 'projects')) end end end end