module MultiSite module ScopedModel def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def is_site_scoped? false end # only option at the moment is :shareable, which we take to mean that sites are optional: # if true it causes us not to set the site automatically or to validate its presence, # and to extend the scoping conditions so that objects with no site are returned as # well as objects with the specified site # that is, anything without a site is considered to be shared among all sites # the default is false def is_site_scoped(options = {}) return if is_site_scoped? options = { :shareable => false }.merge(options) class_eval <<-EO #{ self == User ? 'default_scope { joins(user_scope_condition) }' : 'default_scope { where(site_scope_condition) }' } extend MultiSite::ScopedModel::ScopedClassMethods include MultiSite::ScopedModel::ScopedInstanceMethods EO belongs_to :site Site.send(:has_many, plural_symbol_for_class) before_validation :set_site validates_presence_of :site unless options[:shareable] class << self attr_accessor :shareable alias_method :paginate_without_site, :paginate alias_method :paginate, :paginate_with_site %w{count average minimum maximum sum}.each do |getter| alias_method "#{getter}_without_site".intern, getter.intern alias_method getter.intern, "#{getter}_with_site".intern end end self.shareable = options[:shareable] end end module ScopedClassMethods def paginate_with_site(options = {}) return paginate_without_site(options) unless sites? where(site_scope_condition) do paginate_without_site(options) end end %w{count average minimum maximum sum}.each do |getter| define_method("#{getter}_with_site") do |*args| return send("#{getter}_without_site".intern, *args) unless sites? with_scope(:find => { :conditions => site_scope_condition }) do send "#{getter}_without_site".intern, *args end end end # this only works with :all and :first # and should only be used in odd cases like migration. def find_without_site(*args) options = args.extract_options! # set_readonly_option!(options) case args.first when :first then find_initial_without_site(options) # defined here when :all then all_without_site(options) # already defined by the alias chain end end def find_initial_without_site(options) options.update(:limit => 1) all_without_site(options).first end def sites? Site.table_exists? && Site.several? end def current_site! raise(ActiveRecord::SiteNotFound, "#{self} is site-scoped but current_site is #{self.current_site.inspect}", caller) if sites? && !self.current_site && !self.is_shareable? self.current_site end def current_site Page.current_site end def site_scope_condition if self.shareable condition = "" condition << "#{self.table_name}.site_id = #{} OR " if self.current_site condition << "#{self.table_name}.site_id IS NULL" else condition = "#{self.table_name}.site_id = #{self.current_site!.id}" end condition end def user_scope_condition return "" unless self.current_site "INNER JOIN `admins_sites` ON `admins_sites`.`admin_id` = `admins`.`id` AND `admins_sites`.`site_id` = #{}" end def plural_symbol_for_class self.to_s.pluralize.underscore.intern end def is_site_scoped? true end def is_shareable? !!self.shareable end end module ScopedInstanceMethods protected def set_site ||= self.class.current_site! unless self.class.is_shareable? end end end end