require 'spec_helper' describe Nydp do let(:parser) { } let(:vm) { } def run txt Nydp.setup ns Nydp.eval_src ns, txt end it "should make a symbol from a string" do expect(run '(sym "the-family")').to eq sym(:"the-family") end it "should sum integers" do expect(run "(+ 1 2)").to eq 3 end it "should add strings" do expect(run '(+ "hello" " " "world")').to eq"hello world") end it "should add Pairs" do expect(run "(+ '(a b) '(c d))").to eq Nydp::Pair.from_list([sym(:a), sym(:b), sym(:c), sym(:d)]) end it "should add Pairs without recursing" do alist = Nydp::Pair.from_list([sym(:a), sym(:a)]) blist = Nydp::Pair.from_list([sym(:b), sym(:b)]) clist = Nydp::Pair.from_list([sym(:c), sym(:c)]) dlist = Nydp::Pair.from_list([sym(:d), sym(:d)]) expect(run "(+ '((a a) (b b)) '((c c) (d d)))").to eq Nydp::Pair.from_list([alist, blist, clist, dlist]) end it "should diff integers" do expect(run "(- 144 121)").to eq 23 end it "should multiply integers" do expect(run "(* 7 11)").to eq 77 end it "should convert items to strings" do expect(run "(to-string 3.1415)").to eq"3.1415") end it "should compare integers" do expect(run "(> 13 17)").to eq Nydp.NIL expect(run "(> 29 23)").to eq Nydp.T expect(run "(< 13 17)").to eq Nydp.T expect(run "(< 29 23)").to eq Nydp.NIL end it "should execute an inline list function" do expected = Nydp::Pair.from_list (1..3).to_a expect(run "((fn a a) 1 2 3)").to eq expected end it "should execute an inline sum function" do expect(run "((fn (a b) (+ a b)) 9 16)").to eq 25 end it "should assign a function to a global variable and execute it" do f1 = "(fn (a b) (+ a b))" f2 = "(assign f1 #{f1})" f3 = "(f1 36 64)" result = run "#{f2} #{f3}" expect(result).to eq 100 end it "should call functions in a chain" do f1 = "(fn (a b) (+ a b))" f2 = "(assign f1 #{f1})" f3 = "(fn (x y) (* x y))" f4 = "(assign f3 #{f3})" f5 = "(f1 (f3 6 6) (f3 8 8))" result = run "#{f2} #{f4} #{f5}" expect(result).to eq 100 end it "should recurse without consuming extra memory" do program = "(assign f1 (fn (x acc) (cond (< x 1) (vm-info) (f1 (- x 1) (+ x acc))))) (f1 1000 0)" expected = parse "((contexts . 0) (instructions . 0) (args . 0))" expect(run program).to eq expected end describe :cond do it "should execute false conditionals" do cond = "(cond (> 31 37) 'foo 'bar)" expect(run cond).to eq sym(:bar) end it "should execute conditionals" do cond = "(cond (> 37 31) 'foo 'bar)" expect(run cond).to eq sym(:foo) end end describe "eval" do it "should eval the given expression and return the result" do code = "(eval '(+ 2 (* 3 5)))" expect(run code).to eq 17 end end end