require_relative "../lilypond-ruby.rb" # The LilyPond class provides an interface for generating LilyPond notation. class LilyPond # The Builder class is responsible for building LilyPond notation. class Builder # Creates a new LilyPond Builder object. def initialize @buffer = "\\version \"#{LilyPond.version_number}\"\n" @indent_level = 0 end # Returns the current indentation level. # # @return [String] the current indentation level in spaces def indent " " * @indent_level * 2 end # Generates a block of LilyPond notation. # # @param name [String] the name of the block # @param parallel [Boolean] whether the block should be parallel # @param options [Hash] the options for the block # @yield the block content def block(name = nil, parallel = false, options = {}) @buffer << "#{indent}" @buffer << "\\#{name} " unless name == nil if options.any? @buffer << "\\with { \n" @indent_level +=1 options.each do |key, value| @buffer << "#{indent}#{key.to_s.camelize_lower} = #" @buffer << ( == "String" ? "\"#{value}\"" : "#{value}") @buffer << "\n" end @indent_level -=1 @buffer << "#{indent}} " end @buffer << "#{parallel ? "<<" : "{" }" if block_given? @buffer << "\n" @indent_level += 1 yield @indent_level -= 1 @buffer << "#{indent}#{parallel ? ">>" : "}" }\n" else @buffer << "#{parallel ? ">>" : "}" }\n" end end # Defines the content for a LilyPond variable. # # @param variable_name [String] the name of the variable # @param lyricmode [Boolean] whether the variable should be in lyric mode # @yield the variable content def define_content(variable_name = nil, lyricmode = false) @buffer << "#{indent}" @buffer << "#{variable_name} = " unless variable_name.nil? @buffer << "\\lyricmode " if lyricmode @buffer << "{\n" @indent_level += 1 yield @indent_level -= 1 @buffer << "}\n" end # Uses the content of a LilyPond variable. # # @param variable_name [String] the name of the variable to use def use_content(variable_name) @buffer << "#{indent}\\#{variable_name}\n" end # Appends a string of LilyPond notation to the buffer. # # @param string [String] the LilyPond notation to append def append(string) @buffer << "#{indent}#{string}\n" end # Returns the current buffer as a string of LilyPond notation. # # @return [String] the LilyPond notation buffer def to_s @buffer end class << self # Generates a sample LilyPond notation. # # @return [LilyPond::Builder] the LilyPond notation builder def sample parallel = true options = { :midi_maximum_volume => 0.4, :instrument_name => "Piano" } ly = ly.append "%% MUSIC %%" ly.define_content("global") do |global| ly.append "\\numericTimeSignature" ly.append "\\time 4/4" ly.append "s1 * 4 |" ly.append "\\bar \"|.\"" end #global ly.define_content("sopranoMusic") do |sopranoMusic| ly.append "c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 |" ly.append "c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 |" ly.append "c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 |" ly.append "c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 |" end #sopranoMusic ly.append "%% LYRICS %%" ly.define_content("sopranoLyrics", true) do |sopranoLyrics| ly.append "do re me fa" ly.append "do re me fa" ly.append "do re me fa" ly.append "do re me fa" end #sopranoLyrics ly.append "%% BOOKS %%" ly.block("book") do |book| ly.block("score") do |score| ly.block(nil, parallel) do |score_content| ly.block("new Staff", parallel, options) do |staff| ly.block("new Voice", parallel) do |voice| ly.use_content("global") ly.use_content("sopranoMusic") end #voice ly.block("new Lyrics") do |lyrics| ly.use_content("sopranoLyrics") end #lyrics end #staff end #score_content ly.block("midi") ly.block("layout") end #score end #book return ly end #sample() end #self end #Builder end #LilyPond # Adds a `camelize_lower` method to the String class. class String # Converts an underscored string to camel case, except the first word remains downcase. # # Examples # # "my_foo".camelize_lower #=> "myFoo" # # @return [String] the camelized string def camelize_lower self.split('_').map.with_index do |word, i| i == 0 ? word.downcase : word.capitalize end.join('') end end