# encoding: utf-8 LibraryDetection.defer do @name = :rails2_error depends_on do defined?(ActionController) && defined?(ActionController::Base) end depends_on do defined?(::Rails) && ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR.to_i == 2 end executes do OneApm::Manager.logger.info 'Installing Rails 2 Error instrumentation' end executes do ActionController::Base.class_eval do # Make a note of an exception associated with the currently executing # controller action. Note that this used to be available on Object # but we replaced that global method with OneApm::Agent#notice_error. # Use that one outside of controller actions. def oneapm_notice_error(exception, custom_params = {}) OneApm::Transaction.notice_error exception, :custom_params => custom_params, :request => request end def rescue_action_with_oneapm_trace(exception) rescue_action_without_oneapm_trace exception OneApm::Transaction.notice_error exception, :request => request end # Compare with #alias_method_chain, which is not available in # Rails 1.1: alias_method :rescue_action_without_oneapm_trace, :rescue_action alias_method :rescue_action, :rescue_action_with_oneapm_trace protected :rescue_action end end end