Feature: Skip Scenario Scenario: With a passing step Given a file named "features/test.feature" with: """ Feature: test Scenario: test Given this step says to skip And this step passes """ And the standard step definitions And a file named "features/step_definitions/skippy.rb" with: """ Given /skip/ do skip_this_scenario end """ When I run `cucumber -q` Then it should pass with exactly: """ Feature: test Scenario: test Given this step says to skip And this step passes 1 scenario (1 skipped) 2 steps (2 skipped) """ @spawn Scenario: Use (deprecated) legacy API Given a file named "features/test.feature" with: """ Feature: test Scenario: test Given this step passes And this step passes """ And the standard step definitions And a file named "features/support/hook.rb" with: """ Before do |scenario| scenario.skip_invoke! end """ When I run `cucumber -q` Then it should pass with: """ Feature: test Scenario: test Given this step passes And this step passes 1 scenario (1 skipped) 2 steps (2 skipped) """ And the stderr should contain: """ deprecated """