## htop [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Oefenweb/ansible-htop.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Oefenweb/ansible-htop) [![Ansible Galaxy](http://img.shields.io/badge/ansible--galaxy-htop-blue.svg)](https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/roles/1412) Set up htop in Debian-like systems. #### Requirements None #### Variables * `htop_htoprc_destinations` [default: `{skell: dest: /etc/skel/.config/htop, current: dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/htop"}`]: Destinations to copy the htoprc file to * `htop_htoprc_destinations.key`: The identifier of the file (e.g. `skel`) * `htop_htoprc_destinations.key.dest`: The remote path of the file to copy (e.g. `/etc/skel`) * `htop_htoprc_destinations.key.owner`: The name of the user that should own the file (optional, default `root`) * `htop_htoprc_destinations.key.group`: The name of the group that should own the file (optional, default `owner`, then `root`) * `htop_htoprc_destinations.key.mode`: The mode of the file, such as 0644 (optional, default `0644`) * `htop_replace_htoprc`: [default: `true`]: Whether or not to overwrite existing htoprc files ## Dependencies None #### Example ```yaml --- - hosts: all roles: - htop ``` #### License MIT #### Author Information Mischa ter Smitten #### Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ... Are [welcome](https://github.com/Oefenweb/ansible-htop/issues)!