/*** = Description ** An interface to implement for classes that are members of +HValueMatrix+. ** ** A HRadioButton is an example of an class that implements ** the HValueMatrixInterface. ***/ var//RSence.Foundation HValueMatrixInterface = { /** = Description * Standard +HControl+ constructor model. * Passes parameters through to its base class's constructor, * then calls +self.setValueMatrix+. * **/ constructor: function(_rect, _parent, _options) { this.base(_rect, _parent, _options); this.setValueMatrix(); }, /** = Description * Binds itself to the parent's HValueMatrix instance. * * Creates a valueMatrix member into the parent of itself, if none is present yet. * Sets the +self.value+ to true or false depending on the parent's valueMatrix value. * **/ setValueMatrix: function(){ if(this.parent['valueMatrix'] === undefined){ this.parent.valueMatrix = HValueMatrix.nu(); } this.valueMatrixIndex = this.parent.valueMatrix.addControl(this); }, /** Sets itself active using the parent's valueMatrix on the click event. **/ click: function(){ if (this.parent.valueMatrix instanceof HValueMatrix) { this.parent.valueMatrix.setValue( this.valueMatrixIndex ); } }, /** The destructor makes sure +self+ is released from the parent's valueMatrix * upon destruction. **/ die: function(){ if(this['parent']){ if(this.parent['valueMatrix']){ this.parent.valueMatrix.release(this); } } this.base(); } }; /*** = Description ** A HValueMatrix operates a number of components that operate on boolean ** values, like the HRadioButton using a separate value for selecting the ** index of selected items. ***/ var//RSence.Foundation HValueMatrix = HClass.extend({ /** The constructor doesn't take parameters. **/ constructor: function(){ // An array to hold member components this.ctrls = []; // The index of the value member chosen this.value = -1; this.valueObj = new HDummyValue(); }, /** Method for value interfaces, called by the HValue instance when bound. **/ setValueObj: function(_valueObj){ this.valueObj = _valueObj; this.setValue(_valueObj.value); }, /** Method for value interfaces, the +_index+ is the * index of the item to select. **/ setValue: function(_index){ if( _index !== this.value ){ // Set the previous value object to false (reflects to its container component(s)) if(~this.value){ if(this.ctrls[this.value]){ this.ctrls[this.value].setValue(false); } } // Store the new index as the currently active value this.value = _index; if(~_index){ // Set the new value object to true (reflects to its container component(s)) if(_index