module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL GraphPattern `minus` operator. # # @example # (prefix ((ex: )) # (project (?animal) # (minus # (bgp (triple ?animal ex:Animal)) # (filter (|| (= ?type ex:Reptile) (= ?type ex:Insect)) # (bgp (triple ?animal ?type)))))) # # @see # @see class Minus < Operator::Binary include Query NAME = :minus ## # Executes each operand with `queryable` and performs the `join` operation # by creating a new solution set containing the `merge` of all solutions # from each set that are `compatible` with each other. # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to query # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional keyword options # @yield [solution] # each matching solution # @yieldparam [RDF::Query::Solution] solution # @yieldreturn [void] ignored # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] # the resulting solution sequence # @see # @see def execute(queryable, **options, &block) # Let Ω1 and Ω2 be multisets of solution mappings. We define: # # Minus(Ω1, Ω2) = { μ | μ in Ω1 . ∀ μ' in Ω2, either μ and μ' are not compatible or dom(μ) and dom(μ') are disjoint } # # card[Minus(Ω1, Ω2)](μ) = card[Ω1](μ) debug(options) {"Minus"} left = queryable.query(operand(0), depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) debug(options) {"(minus left) #{left.inspect}"} right = queryable.query(operand(1), depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) debug(options) {"(minus right) #{right.inspect}"} @solutions = left.minus(right) @solutions.each(&block) if block_given? @solutions end ## # Returns an optimized version of this query. # # Groups of one graph pattern (not a filter) become join(Z, A) and can be replaced by A. # The empty graph pattern Z is the identity for join: # Replace join(Z, A) by A # Replace join(A, Z) by A # # @return [Join, RDF::Query] `self` def optimize ops = {|o| o.optimize }.select {|o| o.respond_to?(:empty?) && !o.empty?} @operands = ops self end end # Minus end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra