module Tekeya module Feed module Activity module Resque extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do MAXTIMESTAMP = 10.days.ago.to_i unless defined?(MAXTIMESTAMP) end module ClassMethods # Writes the activity reference to the feed with the supplied key # # @param [String] feed_key the key of the feed where the activity will be referenced # @param [Integer] score the score of the activity (timestamp) used to order the feed # @param [String] activity_key a string containing the key to reference the activity def write_to_feed(feed_key, score, activity_key) # add the activity to the owner's profile feed ::Tekeya.redis.zadd(feed_key, score, activity_key) # increment the activity counter to keep track of its presence in feeds activity_counter_key = "#{activity_key}:counter" ::Tekeya.redis.incr(activity_counter_key) end private # Trims the feed according to the MAXTIMESTAMP set and returns the removed keys (for garbage collection) # # @param [String] feed_key a string containing the key of the feed to be trimed def trim_feed(feed_key) removed_keys = ::Tekeya.redis.zrevrangebyscore(feed_key, '-inf', MAXTIMESTAMP) ::Tekeya.redis.zremrangebyscore(feed_key, '-inf', MAXTIMESTAMP) return removed_keys end # Checks if the given keys are referenced in any feed otherwise removes the activity # # @param [Array] keys an array of activity keys to be removed def collect_garbage(keys) keys.each do |key| activity_counter_key = "#{key}:counter" # Check if the key is referenced anywhere if ::Tekeya.redis.get(activity_counter_key).to_i <= 0 # Delete the activity and the counter ::Tekeya.redis.multi do ::Tekeya.redis.del(key) ::Tekeya.redis.del(activity_counter_key) end end end end end end end end end