# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at . #++ require 'hexapdf/error' module HexaPDF module Font module TrueType # Implementation of a generic table inside a sfnt-formatted font file. # # See: https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/Chap6.html class Table autoload(:Directory, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/directory') autoload(:Head, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/head') autoload(:Cmap, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/cmap') autoload(:Hhea, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/hhea') autoload(:Hmtx, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/hmtx') autoload(:Loca, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/loca') autoload(:Maxp, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/maxp') autoload(:Name, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/name') autoload(:Post, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/post') autoload(:Glyf, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/glyf') autoload(:OS2, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/os2') autoload(:Kern, 'hexapdf/font/true_type/table/kern') # The time Epoch used in sfnt-formatted font files. TIME_EPOCH = Time.new(1904, 1, 1) # Calculates the checksum for the given data. def self.calculate_checksum(data) data.unpack('N*').inject(0) {|sum, long| sum + long } % 2**32 end # The TrueType font object associated with this table. attr_reader :font # Creates a new Table object for the given font and initializes it by reading the # data from the font's associated IO stream # # See: #parse_table def initialize(font, entry) @font = font @directory_entry = entry load_from_io end # Returns the directory entry for this table. # # See: Directory def directory_entry @directory_entry end # Returns +true+ if the checksum stored in the directory entry of the table matches the # tables data. def checksum_valid? directory_entry.checksum == self.class.calculate_checksum(raw_data) end # Returns the raw table data. def raw_data with_io_pos(directory_entry.offset) { io.read(directory_entry.length) } end private # The IO stream of the associated font object. def io @font.io end # Loads the data for this table from the IO stream of the associated font object into this # object. # # See #parse_table for more information. def load_from_io with_io_pos(directory_entry.offset) { parse_table } end # Parses the table with the IO position already at the correct offset. # # This method does the actual work of parsing a table entry and must be implemented by # subclasses. # # See: #load_from_io def parse_table # noop for unsupported tables end # Sets the IO cursor to the given position while yielding to the block and returns the # block's return value. def with_io_pos(pos) old_pos = io.pos io.pos = pos yield ensure io.pos = old_pos end # Reads +count+ bytes from the current position of the font's associated IO stream, unpacks # them using the provided format specifier and returns the result. def read_formatted(count, format) io.read(count).unpack(format) end # Reads a 16.16-bit signed fixed-point integer and returns a Rational as result. def read_fixed Rational(io.read(4).unpack1('i>'), 65536) end end end end end