# Decorators Active Admin allows you to use the decorator pattern to provide view-specific versions of a resource. [Draper](https://github.com/drapergem/draper) is recommended but not required. To use decorator support without Draper, your decorator must support a variety of collection methods to support pagination, filtering, etc. See [this github issue discussion](https://github.com/activeadmin/activeadmin/issues/3600) and [this gem](https://github.com/kiote/activeadmin-poro-decorator) for more details. ## Example usage ```ruby # app/models/post.rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base # has title, content, and image_url end # app/decorators/post_decorator.rb class PostDecorator < Draper::Decorator delegate_all def image h.image_tag model.image_url end end # app/admin/post.rb ActiveAdmin.register Post do decorate_with PostDecorator index do column :title column :image actions end end ``` ## Forms By default, ActiveAdmin does *not* decorate the resource used to render forms. If you need ActiveAdmin to decorate the forms, you can pass `decorate: true` to the form block. ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Post do decorate_with PostDecorator form decorate: true do |f| # ... end end ```