Feature: Manage file matching Scenario: Select a file by Ruby regexp Given a configuration with this prepare block """ if file.match /dummy/ task.tags << 'matched' end """ When a file "dummy.wav" is imported Then the task should have tag "matched" Scenario: Select a file with helper 'with' Given a configuration with this prepare block """ with /dummy/ do task.tag 'matched' end """ When a file "dummy.wav" is imported Then the task should have tag "matched" Scenario: Select a cast by file name Given a cart "123" exists with title:"A long Title" And a configuration with this prepare block """ cart.find_by_title file.basename """ When a file "a-long-title.wav" is imported Then the task should have destination "Cart 123" Scenario: Select a cast by file name Given a cart "123" exists with title:"A long Title", group:"PAD" And a cart "666" exists with title:"A long Title", group:"MUSIC" And a configuration with this prepare block """ cart.find_by_title file.basename, :group => 'PAD' """ When a file "a-long-title.wav" is imported Then the task should have destination "Cart 123"