module Doorkeeper class MissingConfiguration < StandardError def initialize super('Configuration for doorkeeper missing. Do you have doorkeeper initializer?') end end def self.configure(&block) @config = enable_orm check_for_missing_columns setup_application_owner if @config.enable_application_owner? end def self.configuration @config || (fail end def self.check_for_missing_columns if Doorkeeper.configuration.orm == :active_record && ActiveRecord::Base.connected? && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?( Doorkeeper::Application.table_name ) && !"scopes") puts <<-MSG.squish [doorkeeper] Missing column: `oauth_applications.scopes`. If you are using ActiveRecord run `rails generate doorkeeper:application_scopes && rake db:migrate` to add it. MSG end end def self.enable_orm class_name = "doorkeeper/orm/#{configuration.orm}".classify class_name.constantize.initialize_models! rescue NameError => e if e.instance_of?(NameError) fail e, "ORM adapter not found (#{configuration.orm})", <<-error_msg [doorkeeper] ORM adapter not found (#{configuration.orm}), or there was an error trying to load it. You probably need to add the related gem for this adapter to work with doorkeeper. If you are working on the adapter itself, double check that the constant exists, and that your `initialize_models!` method doesn't raise any errors.\n error_msg else raise e end end def self.setup_application_owner require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'models', 'concerns', 'ownership') Application.send :include, Models::Ownership end class Config class Builder def initialize(&block) @config = instance_eval(&block) end def build @config end def enable_application_owner(opts = {}) @config.instance_variable_set('@enable_application_owner', true) confirm_application_owner if opts[:confirmation].present? && opts[:confirmation] end def confirm_application_owner @config.instance_variable_set('@confirm_application_owner', true) end def default_scopes(*scopes) @config.instance_variable_set('@default_scopes', OAuth::Scopes.from_array(scopes)) end def optional_scopes(*scopes) @config.instance_variable_set('@optional_scopes', OAuth::Scopes.from_array(scopes)) end def client_credentials(*methods) @config.instance_variable_set('@client_credentials', methods) end def access_token_methods(*methods) @config.instance_variable_set('@access_token_methods', methods) end def use_refresh_token @config.instance_variable_set('@refresh_token_enabled', true) end def realm(realm) @config.instance_variable_set('@realm', realm) end def reuse_access_token @config.instance_variable_set("@reuse_access_token", true) end def force_ssl_in_redirect_uri(boolean) @config.instance_variable_set("@force_ssl_in_redirect_uri", boolean) end end module Option # Defines configuration option # # When you call option, it defines two methods. One method will take place # in the +Config+ class and the other method will take place in the # +Builder+ class. # # The +name+ parameter will set both builder method and config attribute. # If the +:as+ option is defined, the builder method will be the specified # option while the config attribute will be the +name+ parameter. # # If you want to introduce another level of config DSL you can # define +builder_class+ parameter. # Builder should take a block as the initializer parameter and respond to function +build+ # that returns the value of the config attribute. # # ==== Options # # * [:+as+] Set the builder method that goes inside +configure+ block # * [+:default+] The default value in case no option was set # # ==== Examples # # option :name # option :name, as: :set_name # option :name, default: 'My Name' # option :scopes builder_class: ScopesBuilder # def option(name, options = {}) attribute = options[:as] || name attribute_builder = options[:builder_class] Builder.instance_eval do define_method name do |*args, &block| # TODO: is builder_class option being used? value = unless attribute_builder block ? block : args.first else end @config.instance_variable_set(:"@#{attribute}", value) end end define_method attribute do |*args| if instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attribute}") instance_variable_get(:"@#{attribute}") else options[:default] end end public attribute end def extended(base) base.send(:private, :option) end end extend Option option :resource_owner_authenticator, as: :authenticate_resource_owner, default: (lambda do |_routes| logger.warn(I18n.translate('doorkeeper.errors.messages.resource_owner_authenticator_not_configured')) nil end) option :admin_authenticator, as: :authenticate_admin, default: ->(_routes) {} option :resource_owner_from_credentials, default: (lambda do |_routes| warn(I18n.translate('doorkeeper.errors.messages.credential_flow_not_configured')) nil end) option :skip_authorization, default: ->(_routes) {} option :access_token_expires_in, default: 7200 option :custom_access_token_expires_in, default: lambda { |_app| nil } option :authorization_code_expires_in, default: 600 option :orm, default: :active_record option :native_redirect_uri, default: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' option :active_record_options, default: {} option :realm, default: 'Doorkeeper' option :force_ssl_in_redirect_uri, default: !Rails.env.development? option :grant_flows, default: %w(authorization_code client_credentials) attr_reader :reuse_access_token def refresh_token_enabled? !!@refresh_token_enabled end def enable_application_owner? !!@enable_application_owner end def confirm_application_owner? !!@confirm_application_owner end def default_scopes @default_scopes ||= end def optional_scopes @optional_scopes ||= end def scopes @scopes ||= default_scopes + optional_scopes end def client_credentials_methods @client_credentials ||= [:from_basic, :from_params] end def access_token_methods @access_token_methods ||= [:from_bearer_authorization, :from_access_token_param, :from_bearer_param] end def realm @realm ||= 'Doorkeeper' end def authorization_response_types @authorization_response_types ||= calculate_authorization_response_types end def token_grant_types @token_grant_types ||= calculate_token_grant_types end private # Determines what values are acceptable for 'response_type' param in # authorization request endpoint, and return them as an array of strings. # def calculate_authorization_response_types types = [] types << 'code' if grant_flows.include? 'authorization_code' types << 'token' if grant_flows.include? 'implicit' types end # Determines what values are acceptable for 'grant_type' param token # request endpoint, and return them in array. # def calculate_token_grant_types types = grant_flows - ['implicit'] types << 'refresh_token' if refresh_token_enabled? types end end end