/* $Id: rmutil.c,v 2008/09/10 23:22:46 rmagick Exp $ */ /*============================================================================\ | Copyright (C) 2008 by Timothy P. Hunter | Name: rmutil.c | Author: Tim Hunter | Purpose: Utility functions for RMagick \============================================================================*/ #include "rmagick.h" #include <errno.h> static const char *ComplianceType_name(ComplianceType *); static const char *StyleType_name(StyleType); static const char *StretchType_name(StretchType); static void Color_Name_to_PixelPacket(PixelPacket *, VALUE); static VALUE Enum_type_values(VALUE); static VALUE Enum_type_inspect(VALUE); static void handle_exception(ExceptionInfo *, Image *, ErrorRetention); #if defined(HAVE_NEW_COLORINFO) static VALUE Pixel_from_MagickPixelPacket(MagickPixelPacket *); #endif #if !defined(HAVE_ACQUIREMAGICKMEMORY) /* Dummy versions of ImageMagick memory routines for use with GraphicsMagick. */ static void *AcquireMagickMemory(const size_t size) { assert(size > 0); return malloc(size); } static void *RelinquishMagickMemory(void *memory) { if (memory) { free(memory); } return NULL; } static void *ResizeMagickMemory(void *memory, const size_t size) { void *new; if (!memory) { return malloc(size); } if (size == 0) { free(memory); return NULL; } new = realloc(memory, size); if (!new) { free(memory); } return new; } #endif /* Extern: magick_malloc, magick_free, magick_realloc Purpose: ****Magick versions of standard memory routines. Notes: use when managing memory that ****Magick may have allocated or may free. If malloc fails, it raises an exception */ void *magick_malloc(const size_t size) { void *ptr; ptr = AcquireMagickMemory(size); if (!ptr) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "not enough memory to continue"); } return ptr; } void magick_free(void *ptr) { (void) RelinquishMagickMemory(ptr); } void *magick_realloc(void *ptr, const size_t size) { void *v; v = ResizeMagickMemory(ptr, size); if (!v) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "not enough memory to continue"); } return v; } /* Extern: magick_clone_string Purpose: make a copy of a string in malloc'd memory Notes: Any existing string pointed to by *new_str is freed. CloneString asserts if no memory. No need to check its return value. */ void magick_clone_string(char **new_str, const char *str) { (void) CloneString(new_str, str); } /* Extern: rm_string_value_ptr(VALUE*) Purpose: emulate Ruby 1.8's rb_string_value_ptr Notes: This is essentially 1.8's rb_string_value_ptr with a few minor changes to make it work in 1.6. Always called via STRING_PTR */ #if !defined StringValuePtr char * rm_string_value_ptr(volatile VALUE *ptr) { volatile VALUE s = *ptr; // If VALUE is not a string, call to_str on it if (TYPE(s) != T_STRING) { s = rb_str_to_str(s); *ptr = s; } // If ptr == NULL, allocate a 1 char array if (!RSTRING(s)->ptr) { RSTRING(s)->ptr = ALLOC_N(char, 1); (RSTRING(s)->ptr)[0] = 0; RSTRING(s)->orig = 0; } return RSTRING(s)->ptr; } #endif /* Extern: rm_string_value_ptr_len Purpose: safe replacement for rb_str2cstr Returns: stores string length in 2nd arg, returns ptr to C string Notes: Uses rb/rm_string_value_ptr to ensure correct String argument. Always called via STRING_PTR_LEN */ char *rm_string_value_ptr_len(volatile VALUE *ptr, long *len) { volatile VALUE v = *ptr; char *str; str = STRING_PTR(v); *ptr = v; *len = RSTRING(v)->len; return str; } /* * Extern: rm_strcasecmp(s1, s2) * Purpose: compare s1 and s2 ignoring case * Returns: same as strcmp(3) */ int rm_strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { while (*s1 && *s2) { if (toupper(*s1) != toupper(*s2)) { break; } s1 += 1; s2 += 1; } return (int)(*s1 - *s2); } /* * Extern: rm_strncasecmp(s1, s2, n) * Purpose: compare s1 and s2 ignoring case * Returns: same as strcmp(3) */ int rm_strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) { if (n == 0) { return 0; } while (toupper(*s1) == toupper(*s2)) { if (--n == 0 || *s1 == '\0') { return 0; } s1 += 1; s2 += 1; } return (int)(*s1 - *s2); } /* * Extern: rm_check_ary_len(ary, len) * Purpose: raise exception if array too short */ void rm_check_ary_len(VALUE ary, long len) { if (RARRAY(ary)->len < len) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "not enough elements in array - expecting %ld, got %ld", len, RARRAY(ary)->len); } } /* Extern: rm_check_frozen Purpose: backport rb_check_frozen for 1.6.x releases */ void rm_check_frozen(VALUE obj) { if (OBJ_FROZEN(obj)) { rb_error_frozen(rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); } } /* Extern: rm_no_freeze(obj) Purpose: overrides freeze in classes that can't be frozen. */ VALUE rm_no_freeze(VALUE obj) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "can't freeze %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); } /* * Static: arg_is_number * Purpose: Try to convert the argument to a double, * raise an exception if fail. */ static VALUE arg_is_number(VALUE arg) { double d; d = NUM2DBL(arg); d = d; // satisfy icc return arg; } /* * Static: rescue_not_str * Purpose: called when `rb_str_to_str' raised an exception below */ static VALUE rescue_not_str(VALUE arg) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument must be a number or a string in the form 'NN%%' (%s given)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(arg))); } /* * Extern: rm_percentage(obj) * Purpose: Return a double between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. * If the argument is a number convert to a Float object, * otherwise it's supposed to be a string in the form "NN%". * Convert to a number and then to a Float. */ double rm_percentage(VALUE arg) { double pct; long pct_long; char *pct_str, *end; int not_num; // Try to convert the argument to a number. If failure, sets not_num to non-zero. (void) rb_protect(arg_is_number, arg, ¬_num); if (not_num) { arg = rb_rescue(rb_str_to_str, arg, rescue_not_str, arg); pct_str = STRING_PTR(arg); errno = 0; pct_long = strtol(pct_str, &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) { rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "`%s' out of range", pct_str); } if (*end != '\0' && *end != '%') { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected percentage, got `%s'", pct_str); } if (*end == '%' && pct_long != 0) { pct = ((double)pct_long) / 100.0; } else { pct = (double) pct_long; } if (pct < 0.0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "percentages may not be negative (got `%s')", pct_str); } } else { pct = NUM2DBL(arg); if (pct < 0.0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "percentages may not be negative (got `%g')", pct); } } return pct; } /* Static: check_num2dbl Purpose: return 0 if rb_num2dbl doesn't raise an exception */ static VALUE check_num2dbl(VALUE obj) { (void) rb_num2dbl(obj); return INT2FIX(1); } /* Static: rescue_not_dbl Purpose: called if rb_num2dbl raises an exception */ static VALUE rescue_not_dbl(VALUE ignored) { ignored = ignored; // defeat gcc message return INT2FIX(0); } /* Extern: rm_check_num2dbl Purpose: Return 1 if the object can be converted to a double, 0 otherwise. */ int rm_check_num2dbl(VALUE obj) { return FIX2INT(rb_rescue(check_num2dbl, obj, rescue_not_dbl, (VALUE)0)); } /* * Extern: rm_str_to_pct * Purpose: Given a string in the form NN% return the corresponding double. * */ double rm_str_to_pct(VALUE str) { long pct; char *pct_str, *end; str = rb_rescue(rb_str_to_str, str, rescue_not_str, str); pct_str = STRING_PTR(str); errno = 0; pct = strtol(pct_str, &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) { rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "`%s' out of range", pct_str); } if (*end != '%') { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected percentage, got `%s'", pct_str); } if (pct < 0L) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "percentages may not be negative (got `%s')", pct_str); } return pct / 100.0; } /* * Extern: rm_fuzz_to_dbl(obj) * Purpose: If the argument is a number, convert it to a double. * Otherwise it's supposed to be a string in the form 'NN%'. * Return a percentage of MaxRGB. * Notes: Called from Image#fuzz= and Info#fuzz= */ double rm_fuzz_to_dbl(VALUE fuzz_arg) { double fuzz; char *fuzz_str, *end; int not_num; // Try to convert the argument to a number. If failure, sets not_num to non-zero. (void) rb_protect(arg_is_number, fuzz_arg, ¬_num); if (not_num) { // Convert to string, issue error message if failure. fuzz_arg = rb_rescue(rb_str_to_str, fuzz_arg, rescue_not_str, fuzz_arg); fuzz_str = STRING_PTR(fuzz_arg); errno = 0; fuzz = strtod(fuzz_str, &end); if (errno == ERANGE) { rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "`%s' out of range", fuzz_str); } if(*end == '%') { if (fuzz < 0.0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "percentages may not be negative (got `%s')", fuzz_str); } fuzz = (fuzz * MaxRGB) / 100.0; } else if(*end != '\0') { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected percentage, got `%s'", fuzz_str); } } else { fuzz = NUM2DBL(fuzz_arg); if (fuzz < 0.0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "fuzz may not be negative (got `%g')", fuzz); } } return fuzz; } /* Extern: ImageList_cur_image Purpose: Sends the "cur_image" method to the object. If 'img' is an ImageList, then cur_image is self[@scene]. If 'img' is an image, then cur_image is simply 'self'. Returns: the return value from "cur_image" */ VALUE ImageList_cur_image(VALUE img) { return rb_funcall(img, rm_ID_cur_image, 0); } /* Method: Magick::PrimaryInfo#to_s Purpose: Create a string representation of a Magick::PrimaryInfo */ VALUE PrimaryInfo_to_s(VALUE self) { PrimaryInfo pi; char buff[100]; PrimaryInfo_to_PrimaryInfo(&pi, self); sprintf(buff, "x=%g, y=%g, z=%g", pi.x, pi.y, pi.z); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* Method: Magick::Chromaticity#to_s Purpose: Create a string representation of a Magick::Chromaticity */ VALUE ChromaticityInfo_to_s(VALUE self) { ChromaticityInfo ci; char buff[200]; ChromaticityInfo_to_ChromaticityInfo(&ci, self); sprintf(buff, "red_primary=(x=%g,y=%g) " "green_primary=(x=%g,y=%g) " "blue_primary=(x=%g,y=%g) " "white_point=(x=%g,y=%g) ", ci.red_primary.x, ci.red_primary.y, ci.green_primary.x, ci.green_primary.y, ci.blue_primary.x, ci.blue_primary.y, ci.white_point.x, ci.white_point.y); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* Method: Magick::Pixel#to_s Purpose: Create a string representation of a Magick::Pixel */ VALUE Pixel_to_s(VALUE self) { Pixel *pixel; char buff[100]; Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, pixel); sprintf(buff, "red=%d, green=%d, blue=%d, opacity=%d" , (int)pixel->red, (int)pixel->green, (int)pixel->blue, (int)pixel->opacity); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* Method: Magick::Pixel.from_color(string) Purpose: Construct an Magick::Pixel corresponding to the given color name. Notes: the "inverse" is Image *#to_color, b/c the conversion of a pixel to a color name requires both a color depth and if the opacity value has meaning (i.e. whether image->matte == True or not). Also see Magick::Pixel#to_color, below. */ VALUE Pixel_from_color(VALUE class, VALUE name) { PixelPacket pp; ExceptionInfo exception; MagickBooleanType okay; class = class; // defeat "never referenced" message from icc GetExceptionInfo(&exception); okay = QueryColorDatabase(STRING_PTR(name), &pp, &exception); CHECK_EXCEPTION() (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); if (!okay) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid color name: %s", STRING_PTR(name)); } return Pixel_from_PixelPacket(&pp); } /* Method: Magick::Pixel#to_color(compliance=Magick::???Compliance, matte=False depth=QuantumDepth) Purpose: return the color name corresponding to the pixel values Notes: the conversion respects the value of the 'opacity' field in the Pixel. */ VALUE Pixel_to_color(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Info *info; Image *image; Pixel *pixel; char name[MaxTextExtent]; ExceptionInfo exception; ComplianceType compliance = AllCompliance; unsigned int matte = False; unsigned int depth = QuantumDepth; switch (argc) { case 3: depth = NUM2UINT(argv[2]); // Ensure depth is appropriate for the way xMagick was compiled. switch (depth) { case 8: #if QuantumDepth == 16 || QuantumDepth == 32 case 16: #endif #if QuantumDepth == 32 case 32: #endif break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid depth (%d)", depth); break; } case 2: matte = RTEST(argv[1]); case 1: VALUE_TO_ENUM(argv[0], compliance, ComplianceType); case 0: break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 0 to 2)", argc); } Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, pixel); info = CloneImageInfo(NULL); image = AllocateImage(info); image->depth = depth; image->matte = matte; (void) DestroyImageInfo(info); GetExceptionInfo(&exception); (void) QueryColorname(image, pixel, compliance, name, &exception); (void) DestroyImage(image); CHECK_EXCEPTION() (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); // Always return a string, even if it's "" return rb_str_new2(name); } /* Method: Pixel#to_HSL Purpose: Converts an RGB pixel to the array [hue, saturation, luminosity]. */ VALUE Pixel_to_HSL(VALUE self) { Pixel *pixel; double hue, saturation, luminosity; volatile VALUE hsl; Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, pixel); #if defined(HAVE_CONVERTRGBTOHSL) ConvertRGBToHSL(pixel->red, pixel->green, pixel->blue, &hue, &saturation, &luminosity); #else TransformHSL(pixel->red, pixel->green, pixel->blue, &hue, &saturation, &luminosity); #endif hsl = rb_ary_new3(3, rb_float_new(hue), rb_float_new(saturation), rb_float_new(luminosity)); return hsl; } /* Method: Pixel.from_HSL Purpose: Constructs an RGB pixel from the array [hue, saturation, luminosity]. */ VALUE Pixel_from_HSL(VALUE class, VALUE hsl) { PixelPacket rgb = {0}; double hue, saturation, luminosity; class = class; // defeat "never referenced" message from icc hsl = rb_Array(hsl); // Ensure array if (RARRAY(hsl)->len < 3) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "array argument must have at least 3 elements"); } hue = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(hsl, 0)); saturation = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(hsl, 1)); luminosity = NUM2DBL(rb_ary_entry(hsl, 2)); #if defined(HAVE_CONVERTHSLTORGB) ConvertHSLToRGB(hue, saturation, luminosity, &rgb.red, &rgb.green, &rgb.blue); #else HSLTransform(hue, saturation, luminosity, &rgb.red, &rgb.green, &rgb.blue); #endif return Pixel_from_PixelPacket(&rgb); } /* Method: Pixel#eql? Purpose: For use with Hash */ VALUE Pixel_eql_q(VALUE self, VALUE other) { return NUM2INT(Pixel_spaceship(self, other)) == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* Method: Pixel#fcmp(other[, fuzz[, colorspace]]) Purpose: Compare pixel values for equality */ VALUE Pixel_fcmp(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { #if defined(HAVE_FUZZYCOLORCOMPARE) Image *image; Info *info; #endif Pixel *this, *that; ColorspaceType colorspace = RGBColorspace; double fuzz = 0.0; unsigned int equal; switch (argc) { case 3: VALUE_TO_ENUM(argv[2], colorspace, ColorspaceType); case 2: fuzz = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); case 1: // Allow 1 argument break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1 to 3)", argc); break; } Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, this); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], Pixel, that); #if defined(HAVE_FUZZYCOLORCOMPARE) || defined(HAVE_ISCOLORSIMILAR) // The FuzzyColorCompare function expects to get the // colorspace and fuzz parameters from an Image structure. info = CloneImageInfo(NULL); if (!info) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "not enough memory to continue"); } image = AllocateImage(info); if (!image) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "not enough memory to continue"); } (void) DestroyImageInfo(info); image->colorspace = colorspace; image->fuzz = fuzz; #if defined(HAVE_ISCOLORSIMILAR) equal = IsColorSimilar(image, this, that); #else equal = FuzzyColorCompare(image, this, that); #endif (void) DestroyImage(image); #else equal = FuzzyColorMatch(this, that, fuzz); #endif return equal ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* Method: Pixel#hash Notes: INT2FIX left-shifts 1 bit. Sacrifice 1 bit from the opacity attribute to the FIXNUM_FLAG. */ VALUE Pixel_hash(VALUE self) { Pixel *pixel; unsigned int hash; Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, pixel); hash = ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel->red) << 24; hash += ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel->green) << 16; hash += ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel->blue) << 8; hash += ScaleQuantumToChar(pixel->opacity); hash >>= 1; return INT2FIX(hash); } /* Method: Pixel#intensity Purpose: Return the "intensity" of a pixel */ VALUE Pixel_intensity(VALUE self) { Pixel *pixel; Quantum intensity; Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, pixel); intensity = ROUND_TO_QUANTUM((0.299*pixel->red) + (0.587*pixel->green) + (0.114*pixel->blue)); return ULONG2NUM((unsigned long) intensity); } /* Methods: Pixel RGBA attribute accessors Purpose: Get/set Pixel attributes Note: Pixel is Observable. Setters call changed, notify_observers Note: Setters return their argument values for backward compatibility to when Pixel was a Struct class. */ DEF_ATTR_READER(Pixel, red, int) DEF_ATTR_READER(Pixel, green, int) DEF_ATTR_READER(Pixel, blue, int) DEF_ATTR_READER(Pixel, opacity, int) DEF_PIXEL_CHANNEL_WRITER(red) DEF_PIXEL_CHANNEL_WRITER(green) DEF_PIXEL_CHANNEL_WRITER(blue) DEF_PIXEL_CHANNEL_WRITER(opacity) /* Methods: Pixel CMYK attribute accessors Purpose: Get/set Pixel attributes Note: Pixel is Observable. Setters call changed, notify_observers Note: Setters return their argument values for backward compatibility to when Pixel was a Struct class. */ DEF_PIXEL_CMYK_CHANNEL_ACCESSOR(cyan, red) DEF_PIXEL_CMYK_CHANNEL_ACCESSOR(magenta, green) DEF_PIXEL_CMYK_CHANNEL_ACCESSOR(yellow, blue) DEF_PIXEL_CMYK_CHANNEL_ACCESSOR(black, opacity) /* Method: Pixel#<=> Purpose: Support Comparable mixin */ VALUE Pixel_spaceship(VALUE self, VALUE other) { Pixel *this, *that; Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, this); Data_Get_Struct(other, Pixel, that); if (this->red != that->red) { return INT2NUM((this->red - that->red)/abs(this->red - that->red)); } else if(this->green != that->green) { return INT2NUM((this->green - that->green)/abs(this->green - that->green)); } else if(this->blue != that->blue) { return INT2NUM((this->blue - that->blue)/abs(this->blue - that->blue)); } else if(this->opacity != that->opacity) { return INT2NUM((this->opacity - that->opacity)/abs(this->opacity - that->opacity)); } // Values are equal, check class. return rb_funcall(CLASS_OF(self), rb_intern("<=>"), 1, CLASS_OF(other)); } /* Static: destroy_Pixel Purpose: Free the storage associated with a Pixel object */ static void destroy_Pixel(Pixel *pixel) { xfree(pixel); } #if defined(HAVE_RB_DEFINE_ALLOC_FUNC) /* Extern: Pixel_alloc Purpose: Allocate a Pixel object */ VALUE Pixel_alloc(VALUE class) { Pixel *pixel; pixel = ALLOC(Pixel); memset(pixel, '\0', sizeof(Pixel)); return Data_Wrap_Struct(class, NULL, destroy_Pixel, pixel); } #else /* Method: Pixel.new Purpose: Construct a new Pixel object */ VALUE Pixel_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE class) { Pixel *pixel; volatile VALUE pixel_obj; pixel = ALLOC(Pixel); memset(pixel, '\0', sizeof(Pixel)); pixel_obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(class, NULL, destroy_Pixel, pixel); rb_obj_call_init(pixel_obj, argc, argv); return pixel_obj; } #endif /* Method: Pixel#initialize(red=0,green=0,blue=0,opacity=0) Notes: For backward compatibility, arguments may be nil. */ VALUE Pixel_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Pixel *pixel; Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, pixel); switch(argc) { case 4: if (argv[3] != Qnil) { pixel->opacity = (Quantum) NUM2UINT(argv[3]); } case 3: if (argv[2] != Qnil) { pixel->blue = (Quantum) NUM2UINT(argv[2]); } case 2: if (argv[1] != Qnil) { pixel->green = (Quantum) NUM2UINT(argv[1]); } case 1: if (argv[0] != Qnil) { pixel->red = (Quantum) NUM2UINT(argv[0]); } case 0: break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 0 to 4)", argc); } return self; } /* Method: Pixel#=== Purpose: "Case equal" operator for Pixel */ VALUE Pixel_case_eq(VALUE self, VALUE other) { Pixel *this, *that; if (CLASS_OF(self) == CLASS_OF(other)) { Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, this); Data_Get_Struct(other, Pixel, that); return (this->red == that->red && this->blue == that->blue && this->green == that->green && this->opacity == that->opacity) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } return Qfalse; } VALUE Pixel_dup(VALUE self) { Pixel *pixel; volatile VALUE dup; pixel = ALLOC(Pixel); memset(pixel, '\0', sizeof(Pixel)); dup = Data_Wrap_Struct(CLASS_OF(self), NULL, destroy_Pixel, pixel); if (rb_obj_tainted(self)) { (void) rb_obj_taint(dup); } return rb_funcall(dup, rm_ID_initialize_copy, 1, self); } /* Method: Pixel#clone Notes: see dup, init_copy */ VALUE Pixel_clone(VALUE self) { volatile VALUE clone; clone = Pixel_dup(self); if (OBJ_FROZEN(self)) { (void) rb_obj_freeze(clone); } return clone; } /* Method: Pixel#initialize_copy Purpose: initialize clone, dup methods */ VALUE Pixel_init_copy(VALUE self, VALUE orig) { Pixel *copy, *original; Data_Get_Struct(orig, Pixel, original); Data_Get_Struct(self, Pixel, copy); *copy = *original; return self; } /* Method: Magick::Rectangle#to_s Purpose: Create a string representation of a Magick::Rectangle */ VALUE RectangleInfo_to_s(VALUE self) { RectangleInfo rect; char buff[100]; Rectangle_to_RectangleInfo(&rect, self); sprintf(buff, "width=%lu, height=%lu, x=%ld, y=%ld" , rect.width, rect.height, rect.x, rect.y); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* Method: Magick::SegmentInfo#to_s Purpose: Create a string representation of a Magick::Segment */ VALUE SegmentInfo_to_s(VALUE self) { SegmentInfo segment; char buff[100]; Segment_to_SegmentInfo(&segment, self); sprintf(buff, "x1=%g, y1=%g, x2=%g, y2=%g" , segment.x1, segment.y1, segment.x2, segment.y2); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* Extern: PixelPacket_to_Color_Name Purpose: Map the color intensity to a named color Returns: the named color as a String Notes: See below for the equivalent function that accepts an Info structure instead of an Image. */ VALUE PixelPacket_to_Color_Name(Image *image, PixelPacket *color) { char name[MaxTextExtent]; ExceptionInfo exception; GetExceptionInfo(&exception); (void) QueryColorname(image, color, X11Compliance, name, &exception); CHECK_EXCEPTION() (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); return rb_str_new2(name); } /* Extern: PixelPacket_to_Color_Name_Info Purpose: Map the color intensity to a named color Returns: the named color as a String Notes: Accepts an Info structure instead of an Image (see above). Simply create an Image from the Info, call QueryColorname, and then destroy the Image. If the Info structure is NULL, creates a new one. Note that the default depth is always used, and the matte value is set to False, which means "don't use the alpha channel". */ VALUE PixelPacket_to_Color_Name_Info(Info *info, PixelPacket *color) { Image *image; Info *my_info; volatile VALUE color_name; my_info = info ? info : CloneImageInfo(NULL); image = AllocateImage(info); image->matte = MagickFalse; color_name = PixelPacket_to_Color_Name(image, color); (void) DestroyImage(image); if (!info) { (void) DestroyImageInfo(my_info); } return color_name; } /* Static: Color_Name_to_PixelPacket Purpose: Convert a color name to a PixelPacket Raises: ArgumentError */ static void Color_Name_to_PixelPacket(PixelPacket *color, VALUE name_arg) { MagickBooleanType okay; char *name; ExceptionInfo exception; GetExceptionInfo(&exception); name = STRING_PTR(name_arg); okay = QueryColorDatabase(name, color, &exception); (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); if (!okay) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid color name %s", name); } } /* Extern: AffineMatrix_to_AffineMatrix Purpose: Convert a Magick::AffineMatrix object to a AffineMatrix structure. Notes: If not initialized, the defaults are [sx,rx,ry,sy,tx,ty] = [1,0,0,1,0,0] */ void AffineMatrix_to_AffineMatrix(AffineMatrix *am, VALUE st) { volatile VALUE values, v; if (CLASS_OF(st) != Class_AffineMatrix) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(st))); } values = rb_funcall(st, rm_ID_values, 0); v = rb_ary_entry(values, 0); am->sx = v == Qnil ? 1.0 : NUM2DBL(v); v = rb_ary_entry(values, 1); am->rx = v == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(v); v = rb_ary_entry(values, 2); am->ry = v == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(v); v = rb_ary_entry(values, 3); am->sy = v == Qnil ? 1.0 : NUM2DBL(v); v = rb_ary_entry(values, 4); am->tx = v == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(v); v = rb_ary_entry(values, 5); am->ty = v == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(v); } /* Extern: ClassType_new Purpose: Construct a ClassType enum object for the specified value */ VALUE ClassType_new(ClassType cls) { const char *name; switch(cls) { default: case UndefinedClass: name = "UndefineClass"; break; case DirectClass: name = "DirectClass"; break; case PseudoClass: name = "PseudoClass"; break; } return rm_enum_new(Class_ClassType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(cls)); } /* Extern: ColorspaceType_new Purpose: construct a ColorspaceType enum object for the specified value */ VALUE ColorspaceType_new(ColorspaceType cs) { const char *name; #if defined(HAVE_REC601YCBCRCOLORSPACE) // GM 1.2 defines this symbol to be equal to YCbCrColorspace, so we // can't use it as a case label. GM wants the string version of this // enumerator to be Rec601YCbCrColorspace (see ColorspaceTypeToString // in colorspace.c) so that's what we return for both versions of the // enumerator. if (cs == Rec601YCbCrColorspace) { return rm_enum_new(Class_ColorspaceType , ID2SYM(rb_intern("Rec601YCbCrColorspace")), INT2FIX(cs)); } #endif switch(cs) { default: case UndefinedColorspace: name = "UndefinedColorspace"; break; case RGBColorspace: name = "RGBColorspace"; break; case GRAYColorspace: name = "GRAYColorspace"; break; case TransparentColorspace: name = "TransparentColorspace"; break; case OHTAColorspace: name = "OHTAColorspace"; break; case XYZColorspace: name = "XYZColorspace"; break; case YCbCrColorspace: name = "YCbCrColorspace"; break; case YCCColorspace: name = "YCCColorspace"; break; case YIQColorspace: name = "YIQColorspace"; break; case YPbPrColorspace: name = "YPbPrColorspace"; break; case YUVColorspace: name = "YUVColorspace"; break; case CMYKColorspace: name = "CMYKColorspace"; break; case sRGBColorspace: name = "sRGBColorspace"; break; case HSLColorspace: name = "HSLColorspace"; break; case HWBColorspace: name = "HWBColorspace"; break; #if defined(HAVE_HSBCOLORSPACE) case HSBColorspace: name = "HSBColorspace"; break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_LABCOLORSPACE) case LABColorspace: name = "LABColorspace"; break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_CINEONLOGRGBCOLORSPACE) case CineonLogRGBColorspace: name = "CineonLogRGBColorspace"; break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_REC601LUMACOLORSPACE) case Rec601LumaColorspace: name = "Rec601LumaColorspace"; break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_REC709LUMACOLORSPACE) case Rec709LumaColorspace: name = "Rec709LumaColorspace"; break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_REC709YCBCRCOLORSPACE) case Rec709YCbCrColorspace: name = "Rec709YCbCrColorspace"; break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_LOGCOLORSPACE) case LogColorspace: name = "LogColorspace"; break; #endif } return rm_enum_new(Class_ColorspaceType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(cs)); } /* * Static: ComplianceType_new Purpose: construct a ComplianceType enum object for the specified value */ static VALUE ComplianceType_new(ComplianceType compliance) { const char *name; // Turn off undefined bits compliance &= (SVGCompliance|X11Compliance|XPMCompliance); name = ComplianceType_name(&compliance); return rm_enum_new(Class_ComplianceType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(compliance)); } /* Static: CompositeOperator_new Purpose: return the name of a CompositeOperator enum as a string */ static const char * CompositeOperator_name(CompositeOperator op) { switch (op) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(AddCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(AtopCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(BumpmapCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ClearCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_COLORDODGECOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorBurnCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(BlendCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorDodgeCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ExclusionCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(HardLightCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SoftLightCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorizeCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyBlueCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyCyanCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyMagentaCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyYellowCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyBlackCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyGreenCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyOpacityCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(CopyRedCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DarkenCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_DSTCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstAtopCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstInCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstOutCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DstOverCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(DifferenceCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DisplaceCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(DissolveCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(HueCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(InCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(LightenCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(LuminizeCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(MinusCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ModulateCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(MultiplyCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(OutCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(OverCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(OverlayCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(PlusCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_REPLACECOMPOSITEOP) // Added 5.5.8 ENUM_TO_NAME(ReplaceCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(SaturateCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ScreenCompositeOp) #if defined(HAVE_DSTCOMPOSITEOP) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcAtopCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcInCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcOutCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(SrcOverCompositeOp) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(SubtractCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(ThresholdCompositeOp) ENUM_TO_NAME(XorCompositeOp) } } /* External: CompositeOperator_new Purpose: Construct a CompositeOperator enum object for the specified value */ VALUE CompositeOperator_new(CompositeOperator op) { const char *name; name = CompositeOperator_name(op); return rm_enum_new(Class_CompositeOperator, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(op)); } /* Static: CompressionType_name Purpose: Return the name of a CompressionType enum as a string */ static const char * CompressionType_name(CompressionType ct) { switch (ct) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(BZipCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(FaxCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(Group4Compression) ENUM_TO_NAME(JPEGCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(LosslessJPEGCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(LZWCompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(RLECompression) ENUM_TO_NAME(ZipCompression) } } /* * External: CompressionType_new Purpose: Construct a CompressionType enum object for the specified value */ VALUE CompressionType_new(CompressionType ct) { const char *name; name = CompressionType_name(ct); return rm_enum_new(Class_CompressionType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(ct)); } /* Static: DisposeType_name Purpose: Return the name of a DisposeType enum as a string */ static const char * DisposeType_name(DisposeType type) { switch(type) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedDispose) ENUM_TO_NAME(BackgroundDispose) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoneDispose) ENUM_TO_NAME(PreviousDispose) } } /* External: DisposeType.new Purpose: Construct a DisposeType enum object for the specified value..new */ VALUE DisposeType_new(DisposeType type) { const char *name; name = DisposeType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_DisposeType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /* Static: FilterTypes_name Purpose: Return the name of a FilterTypes enum as a string */ static const char * FilterTypes_name(FilterTypes type) { switch(type) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(PointFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(BoxFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(TriangleFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(HermiteFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(HanningFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(HammingFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(BlackmanFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(GaussianFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(QuadraticFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(CubicFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(CatromFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(MitchellFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(LanczosFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(BesselFilter) ENUM_TO_NAME(SincFilter) } } /* External: FilterTypes.new Purpose: Construct an FilterTypes enum object for the specified value */ VALUE FilterTypes_new(FilterTypes type) { const char *name; name = FilterTypes_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_FilterTypes, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /* Static: EndianType_name Purpose: Return the name of a EndianType enum as a string */ static const char * EndianType_name(EndianType type) { switch(type) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedEndian) ENUM_TO_NAME(LSBEndian) ENUM_TO_NAME(MSBEndian) } } /* External: EndianType.new Purpose: Construct an EndianType enum object */ VALUE EndianType_new(EndianType type) { const char *name; name = EndianType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_EndianType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /* Static: ImageType_name Purpose: Return the name of a ImageType enum as a string */ static char * ImageType_name(ImageType type) { switch(type) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedType) ENUM_TO_NAME(BilevelType) ENUM_TO_NAME(GrayscaleType) ENUM_TO_NAME(GrayscaleMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(PaletteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(PaletteMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(TrueColorType) ENUM_TO_NAME(TrueColorMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorSeparationType) ENUM_TO_NAME(ColorSeparationMatteType) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizeType) #if defined(HAVE_PALETTEBILEVELMATTETYPE) ENUM_TO_NAME(PaletteBilevelMatteType) #endif } } /* External: ImageType.new Purpose: Construct an ImageType enum object for the specified value */ VALUE ImageType_new(ImageType type) { const char *name; name = ImageType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_ImageType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } /* Static: InterlaceType_name Purpose: Return the name of a InterlaceType enum as a string */ static const char * InterlaceType_name(InterlaceType interlace) { switch(interlace) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(NoInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(LineInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(PlaneInterlace) ENUM_TO_NAME(PartitionInterlace) } } /* External: InterlaceType_new Purpose: Construct an InterlaceType enum object for the specified value. */ VALUE InterlaceType_new(InterlaceType interlace) { const char *name; name = InterlaceType_name(interlace); return rm_enum_new(Class_InterlaceType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(interlace)); } /* Static: InterpolatePixelMethod_name Purpose: Return the name of a InterpolatePixelMethod enum as a string */ #if defined(HAVE_INTERPOLATEPIXELCOLOR) static const char * InterpolatePixelMethod_name(InterpolatePixelMethod interpolate) { switch(interpolate) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(AverageInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(BicubicInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(BilinearInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(FilterInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(IntegerInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(MeshInterpolatePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(NearestNeighborInterpolatePixel) } } /* External: InterpolatePixelMethod_new Purpose: Construct an InterpolatePixelMethod enum object for the specified value. */ VALUE InterpolatePixelMethod_new(InterpolatePixelMethod interpolate) { const char *name; name = InterpolatePixelMethod_name(interpolate); return rm_enum_new(Class_InterpolatePixelMethod, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(interpolate)); } #endif /* External: MagickLayerMethod_new Purpose: Construct an MagickLayerMethod enum object for the specified value. */ #if defined(HAVE_COMPAREIMAGELAYERS) static const char * MagickLayerMethod_name(MagickLayerMethod method) { switch(method) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CompareAnyLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CompareClearLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(CompareOverlayLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizeLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(OptimizePlusLayer) #if defined(HAVE_COALESCELAYER) ENUM_TO_NAME(CoalesceLayer) ENUM_TO_NAME(DisposeLayer) #endif } } VALUE MagickLayerMethod_new(MagickLayerMethod method) { const char *name; name = MagickLayerMethod_name(method); return rm_enum_new(Class_MagickLayerMethod, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(method)); } #endif /* Static: RenderingIntent_name Purpose: Return the name of a RenderingIntent enum as a string */ static const char * RenderingIntent_name(RenderingIntent intent) { switch(intent) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(SaturationIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(PerceptualIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(AbsoluteIntent) ENUM_TO_NAME(RelativeIntent) } } /* External: RenderingIntent_new Purpose: Construct an RenderingIntent enum object for the specified value. */ VALUE RenderingIntent_new(RenderingIntent intent) { const char *name; name = RenderingIntent_name(intent); return rm_enum_new(Class_RenderingIntent, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(intent)); } /* Static: ResolutionType_name Purpose: Return the name of a ResolutionType enum as a string */ static const char * ResolutionType_name(ResolutionType type) { switch(type) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedResolution) ENUM_TO_NAME(PixelsPerInchResolution) ENUM_TO_NAME(PixelsPerCentimeterResolution) } } /* External: ResolutionType_new Purpose: Construct an ResolutionType enum object for the specified value. */ VALUE ResolutionType_new(ResolutionType type) { const char *name; name = ResolutionType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_ResolutionType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } #if defined(HAVE_IMAGE_ORIENTATION) /* Static: OrientationType_name Purpose: Return the name of a OrientationType enum as a string */ static const char * OrientationType_name(OrientationType type) { switch(type) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(TopLeftOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(TopRightOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(BottomRightOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(BottomLeftOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(LeftTopOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(RightTopOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(RightBottomOrientation) ENUM_TO_NAME(LeftBottomOrientation) } } /* External: OrientationType_new Purpose: Construct an OrientationType enum object for the specified value. */ VALUE OrientationType_new(OrientationType type) { const char *name; name = OrientationType_name(type); return rm_enum_new(Class_OrientationType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(type)); } #endif /* External: Color_from_ColorInfo Purpose: Convert a ColorInfo structure to a Magick::Color */ VALUE Color_from_ColorInfo(const ColorInfo *ci) { ComplianceType compliance_type; volatile VALUE name; volatile VALUE compliance; volatile VALUE color; name = rb_str_new2(ci->name); compliance_type = ci->compliance; compliance = ComplianceType_new(compliance_type); #if defined(HAVE_NEW_COLORINFO) color = Pixel_from_MagickPixelPacket((MagickPixelPacket *)(&(ci->color))); #else color = Pixel_from_PixelPacket((PixelPacket *)(&(ci->color))); #endif return rb_funcall(Class_Color, rm_ID_new, 3 , name, compliance, color); } /* External: Color_to_ColorInfo Purpose: Convert a Magick::Color to a ColorInfo structure */ void Color_to_ColorInfo(ColorInfo *ci, VALUE st) { Pixel *pixel; volatile VALUE members, m; if (CLASS_OF(st) != Class_Color) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(st))); } memset(ci, '\0', sizeof(ColorInfo)); members = rb_funcall(st, rm_ID_values, 0); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 0); if (m != Qnil) { (void) CloneString((char **)&(ci->name), STRING_PTR(m)); } m = rb_ary_entry(members, 1); if (m != Qnil) { VALUE_TO_ENUM(m, ci->compliance, ComplianceType); } m = rb_ary_entry(members, 2); if (m != Qnil) { Data_Get_Struct(m, Pixel, pixel); #if defined(HAVE_NEW_COLORINFO) // For >= 6.3.0, ColorInfo.color is a MagickPixelPacket so we have to // convert the PixelPacket. GetMagickPixelPacket(NULL, &ci->color); ci->color.red = (MagickRealType) pixel->red; ci->color.green = (MagickRealType) pixel->green; ci->color.blue = (MagickRealType) pixel->blue; ci->color.opacity = (MagickRealType) OpaqueOpacity; ci->color.index = (MagickRealType) 0; #else ci->color = *pixel; #endif } } /* Static: destroy_ColorInfo Purpose: free the storage allocated by Color_to_ColorInfo, above. */ static void destroy_ColorInfo(ColorInfo *ci) { magick_free((void*)ci->name); ci->name = NULL; } /* Method: Color#to_s Purpose: Return a string representation of a Magick::Color object */ VALUE Color_to_s(VALUE self) { ColorInfo ci; char buff[1024]; Color_to_ColorInfo(&ci, self); #if defined(HAVE_NEW_COLORINFO) sprintf(buff, "name=%s, compliance=%s, " "color.red=%g, color.green=%g, color.blue=%g, color.opacity=%g ", ci.name, ComplianceType_name(&ci.compliance), ci.color.red, ci.color.green, ci.color.blue, ci.color.opacity); #else sprintf(buff, "name=%s, compliance=%s, " "color.red=%d, color.green=%d, color.blue=%d, color.opacity=%d ", ci.name, ComplianceType_name(&ci.compliance), ci.color.red, ci.color.green, ci.color.blue, ci.color.opacity); #endif destroy_ColorInfo(&ci); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* Extern: Pixel_from_PixelPacket Purpose: Create a Magick::Pixel object from a PixelPacket structure. Notes: bypasses normal Pixel.new, Pixel#initialize methods */ VALUE Pixel_from_PixelPacket(PixelPacket *pp) { Pixel *pixel; pixel = ALLOC(Pixel); *pixel = *pp; return Data_Wrap_Struct(Class_Pixel, NULL, destroy_Pixel, pixel); } /* Static: Pixel_from_MagickPixelPacket Purpose: Create a Magick::Pixel object from a MagickPixelPacket structure. Notes: bypasses normal Pixel.new, Pixel#initialize methods */ #if defined(HAVE_NEW_COLORINFO) static VALUE Pixel_from_MagickPixelPacket(MagickPixelPacket *pp) { Pixel *pixel; pixel = ALLOC(Pixel); pixel->red = ROUND_TO_QUANTUM(pp->red); pixel->green = ROUND_TO_QUANTUM(pp->green); pixel->blue = ROUND_TO_QUANTUM(pp->blue); pixel->opacity = ROUND_TO_QUANTUM(pp->opacity); return Data_Wrap_Struct(Class_Pixel, NULL, destroy_Pixel, pixel); } #endif /* * Static: color_arg_rescue * Purpose: raise ArgumentError if the color name cannot be converted * to a string via rb_str_to_str. */ static VALUE color_arg_rescue(VALUE arg) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument must be color name or pixel (%s given)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(arg))); } /* Extern: Color_to_PixelPacket Purpose: Convert either a String color name or a Magick::Pixel to a PixelPacket */ void Color_to_PixelPacket(PixelPacket *pp, VALUE color) { Pixel *pixel; // Allow color name or Pixel if (CLASS_OF(color) == Class_Pixel) { Data_Get_Struct(color, Pixel, pixel); *pp = *pixel; } else { // require 'to_str' here instead of just 'to_s'. color = rb_rescue(rb_str_to_str, color, color_arg_rescue, color); Color_Name_to_PixelPacket(pp, color); } } /* Extern: PrimaryInfo_from_PrimaryInfo(pp) Purpose: Create a Magick::PrimaryInfo object from a PrimaryInfo structure. */ VALUE PrimaryInfo_from_PrimaryInfo(PrimaryInfo *p) { return rb_funcall(Class_Primary, rm_ID_new, 3 , INT2FIX(p->x), INT2FIX(p->y), INT2FIX(p->z)); } /* Extern: PrimaryInfo_to_PrimaryInfo Purpose: Convert a Magick::PrimaryInfo object to a PrimaryInfo structure */ void PrimaryInfo_to_PrimaryInfo(PrimaryInfo *pi, VALUE sp) { volatile VALUE members, m; if (CLASS_OF(sp) != Class_Primary) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(sp))); } members = rb_funcall(sp, rm_ID_values, 0); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 0); pi->x = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 1); pi->y = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 2); pi->z = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); } /* Extern: PointInfo_to_Point(pp) Purpose: Create a Magick::Point object from a PointInfo structure. */ VALUE PointInfo_to_Point(PointInfo *p) { return rb_funcall(Class_Point, rm_ID_new, 2 , INT2FIX(p->x), INT2FIX(p->y)); } /* Extern: Point_to_PointInfo Purpose: Convert a Magick::Point object to a PointInfo structure */ void Point_to_PointInfo(PointInfo *pi, VALUE sp) { volatile VALUE members, m; if (CLASS_OF(sp) != Class_Point) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(sp))); } members = rb_funcall(sp, rm_ID_values, 0); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 0); pi->x = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 1); pi->y = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); } /* Extern: ChromaticityInfo_new(pp) Purpose: Create a Magick::ChromaticityInfo object from a ChromaticityInfo structure. */ VALUE ChromaticityInfo_new(ChromaticityInfo *ci) { volatile VALUE red_primary; volatile VALUE green_primary; volatile VALUE blue_primary; volatile VALUE white_point; red_primary = PrimaryInfo_from_PrimaryInfo(&ci->red_primary); green_primary = PrimaryInfo_from_PrimaryInfo(&ci->green_primary); blue_primary = PrimaryInfo_from_PrimaryInfo(&ci->blue_primary); white_point = PrimaryInfo_from_PrimaryInfo(&ci->white_point); return rb_funcall(Class_Chromaticity, rm_ID_new, 4 , red_primary, green_primary, blue_primary, white_point); } /* Extern: ChromaticityInfo_to_ChromaticityInfo Purpose: Extract the elements from a Magick::ChromaticityInfo and store in a ChromaticityInfo structure. */ void ChromaticityInfo_to_ChromaticityInfo(ChromaticityInfo *ci, VALUE chrom) { volatile VALUE chrom_members; volatile VALUE red_primary, green_primary, blue_primary, white_point; volatile VALUE entry_members, x, y; ID values_id; if (CLASS_OF(chrom) != Class_Chromaticity) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(chrom))); } values_id = rm_ID_values; // Get the struct members in an array chrom_members = rb_funcall(chrom, values_id, 0); red_primary = rb_ary_entry(chrom_members, 0); green_primary = rb_ary_entry(chrom_members, 1); blue_primary = rb_ary_entry(chrom_members, 2); white_point = rb_ary_entry(chrom_members, 3); // Get the red_primary PrimaryInfo members in an array entry_members = rb_funcall(red_primary, values_id, 0); x = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 0); // red_primary.x ci->red_primary.x = x == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(x); y = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 1); // red_primary.y ci->red_primary.y = y == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(y); ci->red_primary.z = 0.0; // Get the green_primary PrimaryInfo members in an array entry_members = rb_funcall(green_primary, values_id, 0); x = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 0); // green_primary.x ci->green_primary.x = x == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(x); y = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 1); // green_primary.y ci->green_primary.y = y == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(y); ci->green_primary.z = 0.0; // Get the blue_primary PrimaryInfo members in an array entry_members = rb_funcall(blue_primary, values_id, 0); x = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 0); // blue_primary.x ci->blue_primary.x = x == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(x); y = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 1); // blue_primary.y ci->blue_primary.y = y == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(y); ci->blue_primary.z = 0.0; // Get the white_point PrimaryInfo members in an array entry_members = rb_funcall(white_point, values_id, 0); x = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 0); // white_point.x ci->white_point.x = x == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(x); y = rb_ary_entry(entry_members, 1); // white_point.y ci->white_point.y = y == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(y); ci->white_point.z = 0.0; } /* External: Rectangle_from_RectangleInfo Purpose: Convert a RectangleInfo structure to a Magick::Rectangle */ VALUE Rectangle_from_RectangleInfo(RectangleInfo *rect) { volatile VALUE width; volatile VALUE height; volatile VALUE x, y; width = UINT2NUM(rect->width); height = UINT2NUM(rect->height); x = INT2NUM(rect->x); y = INT2NUM(rect->y); return rb_funcall(Class_Rectangle, rm_ID_new, 4 , width, height, x, y); } /* External: Rectangle_to_RectangleInfo Purpose: Convert a Magick::Rectangle to a RectangleInfo structure. */ void Rectangle_to_RectangleInfo(RectangleInfo *rect, VALUE sr) { volatile VALUE members, m; if (CLASS_OF(sr) != Class_Rectangle) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(sr))); } members = rb_funcall(sr, rm_ID_values, 0); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 0); rect->width = m == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2ULONG(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 1); rect->height = m == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2ULONG(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 2); rect->x = m == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2LONG (m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 3); rect->y = m == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2LONG (m); } /* External: Segment_from_SegmentInfo Purpose: Convert a SegmentInfo structure to a Magick::Segment */ VALUE Segment_from_SegmentInfo(SegmentInfo *segment) { volatile VALUE x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = rb_float_new(segment->x1); y1 = rb_float_new(segment->y1); x2 = rb_float_new(segment->x2); y2 = rb_float_new(segment->y2); return rb_funcall(Class_Segment, rm_ID_new, 4, x1, y1, x2, y2); } /* External: Segment_to_SegmentInfo Purpose: Convert a Magick::Segment to a SegmentInfo structure. */ void Segment_to_SegmentInfo(SegmentInfo *segment, VALUE s) { volatile VALUE members, m; if (CLASS_OF(s) != Class_Segment) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(s))); } members = rb_funcall(s, rm_ID_values, 0); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 0); segment->x1 = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 1); segment->y1 = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 2); segment->x2 = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 3); segment->y2 = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); } /* Static: StretchType_new Purpose: Construct a StretchType enum for a specified StretchType value */ static VALUE StretchType_new(StretchType stretch) { const char *name; name = StretchType_name(stretch); return rm_enum_new(Class_StretchType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(stretch)); } /* Static: StyleType_new Purpose: Construct a StyleType enum for a specified StyleType value */ static VALUE StyleType_new(StyleType style) { const char *name; name = StyleType_name(style); return rm_enum_new(Class_StyleType, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(style)); } /* External: Font_from_TypeInfo Purpose: Convert a TypeInfo structure to a Magick::Font */ VALUE Font_from_TypeInfo(TypeInfo *ti) { volatile VALUE name, description, family; volatile VALUE style, stretch, weight; volatile VALUE encoding, foundry, format; name = rb_str_new2(ti->name); family = rb_str_new2(ti->family); style = StyleType_new(ti->style); stretch = StretchType_new(ti->stretch); weight = UINT2NUM(ti->weight); description = ti->description ? rb_str_new2(ti->description) : Qnil; encoding = ti->encoding ? rb_str_new2(ti->encoding) : Qnil; foundry = ti->foundry ? rb_str_new2(ti->foundry) : Qnil; format = ti->format ? rb_str_new2(ti->format) : Qnil; return rb_funcall(Class_Font, rm_ID_new, 9 , name, description, family, style , stretch, weight, encoding, foundry, format); } /* External: Font_to_TypeInfo Purpose: Convert a Magick::Font to a TypeInfo structure */ void Font_to_TypeInfo(TypeInfo *ti, VALUE st) { volatile VALUE members, m; if (CLASS_OF(st) != Class_Font) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(st))); } memset(ti, '\0', sizeof(TypeInfo)); members = rb_funcall(st, rm_ID_values, 0); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 0); if (m != Qnil) { (void) CloneString((char **)&(ti->name), STRING_PTR(m)); } m = rb_ary_entry(members, 1); if (m != Qnil) { (void) CloneString((char **)&(ti->description), STRING_PTR(m)); } m = rb_ary_entry(members, 2); if (m != Qnil) { (void) CloneString((char **)&(ti->family), STRING_PTR(m)); } m = rb_ary_entry(members, 3); ti->style = m == Qnil ? 0 : FIX2INT(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 4); ti->stretch = m == Qnil ? 0 : FIX2INT(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 5); ti->weight = m == Qnil ? 0 : FIX2INT(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 6); if (m != Qnil) (void) CloneString((char **)&(ti->encoding), STRING_PTR(m)); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 7); if (m != Qnil) (void) CloneString((char **)&(ti->foundry), STRING_PTR(m)); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 8); if (m != Qnil) (void) CloneString((char **)&(ti->format), STRING_PTR(m)); } /* Static: destroy_TypeInfo Purpose: free the storage allocated by Font_to_TypeInfo, above. */ static void destroy_TypeInfo(TypeInfo *ti) { magick_free((void*)ti->name); ti->name = NULL; magick_free((void*)ti->description); ti->description = NULL; magick_free((void*)ti->family); ti->family = NULL; magick_free((void*)ti->encoding); ti->encoding = NULL; magick_free((void*)ti->foundry); ti->foundry = NULL; magick_free((void*)ti->format); ti->format = NULL; } /* External: Font_to_s Purpose: implement the Font#to_s method */ VALUE Font_to_s(VALUE self) { TypeInfo ti; char weight[20]; char buff[1024]; Font_to_TypeInfo(&ti, self); switch (ti.weight) { case 400: strcpy(weight, "NormalWeight"); break; case 700: strcpy(weight, "BoldWeight"); break; default: sprintf(weight, "%lu", ti.weight); break; } sprintf(buff, "name=%s, description=%s, " "family=%s, style=%s, stretch=%s, weight=%s, " "encoding=%s, foundry=%s, format=%s", ti.name, ti.description, ti.family, StyleType_name(ti.style), StretchType_name(ti.stretch), weight, ti.encoding ? ti.encoding : "", ti.foundry ? ti.foundry : "", ti.format ? ti.format : ""); destroy_TypeInfo(&ti); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* External: TypeMetric_from_TypeMetric Purpose: Convert a TypeMetric structure to a Magick::TypeMetric */ VALUE TypeMetric_from_TypeMetric(TypeMetric *tm) { volatile VALUE pixels_per_em; volatile VALUE ascent, descent; volatile VALUE width, height, max_advance; volatile VALUE bounds, underline_position, underline_thickness; pixels_per_em = PointInfo_to_Point(&tm->pixels_per_em); ascent = rb_float_new(tm->ascent); descent = rb_float_new(tm->descent); width = rb_float_new(tm->width); height = rb_float_new(tm->height); max_advance = rb_float_new(tm->max_advance); bounds = Segment_from_SegmentInfo(&tm->bounds); underline_position = rb_float_new(tm->underline_position); underline_thickness = rb_float_new(tm->underline_position); return rb_funcall(Class_TypeMetric, rm_ID_new, 9 , pixels_per_em, ascent, descent, width , height, max_advance, bounds , underline_position, underline_thickness); } /* External: TypeMetric_to_TypeMetric Purpose: Convert a Magick::TypeMetric to a TypeMetric structure. */ void TypeMetric_to_TypeMetric(TypeMetric *tm, VALUE st) { volatile VALUE members, m; volatile VALUE pixels_per_em; if (CLASS_OF(st) != Class_TypeMetric) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch: %s given", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(st))); } members = rb_funcall(st, rm_ID_values, 0); pixels_per_em = rb_ary_entry(members, 0); Point_to_PointInfo(&tm->pixels_per_em, pixels_per_em); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 1); tm->ascent = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 2); tm->descent = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 3); tm->width = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 4); tm->height = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 5); tm->max_advance = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 6); Segment_to_SegmentInfo(&tm->bounds, m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 7); tm->underline_position = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); m = rb_ary_entry(members, 8); tm->underline_thickness = m == Qnil ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(m); } /* Method: Magick::TypeMetric#to_s Purpose: Create a string representation of a Magick::TypeMetric */ VALUE TypeMetric_to_s(VALUE self) { TypeMetric tm; char buff[200]; TypeMetric_to_TypeMetric(&tm, self); sprintf(buff, "pixels_per_em=(x=%g,y=%g) " "ascent=%g descent=%g width=%g height=%g max_advance=%g " "bounds.x1=%g bounds.y1=%g bounds.x2=%g bounds.y2=%g " "underline_position=%g underline_thickness=%g", tm.pixels_per_em.x, tm.pixels_per_em.y, tm.ascent, tm.descent, tm.width, tm.height, tm.max_advance, tm.bounds.x1, tm.bounds.y1, tm.bounds.x2, tm.bounds.y2, tm.underline_position, tm.underline_thickness); return rb_str_new2(buff); } /* Static: VirtualPixelMethod_name Purpose: Return the string representation of a VirtualPixelMethod value */ static const char * VirtualPixelMethod_name(VirtualPixelMethod method) { switch (method) { default: ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(EdgeVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(MirrorVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(TileVirtualPixelMethod) #if defined(HAVE_TRANSPARENTVIRTUALPIXELMETHOD) ENUM_TO_NAME(TransparentVirtualPixelMethod) ENUM_TO_NAME(BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod) #endif } } /* Static: VirtualPixelMethod_new Purpose: Construct a VirtualPixelMethod enum for a specified VirtualPixelMethod value */ VALUE VirtualPixelMethod_new(VirtualPixelMethod style) { const char *name; name = VirtualPixelMethod_name(style); return rm_enum_new(Class_VirtualPixelMethod, ID2SYM(rb_intern(name)), INT2FIX(style)); } /* * Extern: rm_define_enum_type * Purpose: set up a subclass of Enum */ VALUE rm_define_enum_type(char *tag) { VALUE class; class = rb_define_class_under(Module_Magick, tag, Class_Enum);\ rb_define_singleton_method(class, "values", Enum_type_values, 0); rb_define_method(class, "initialize", Enum_type_initialize, 2); RUBY16(rb_enable_super(class, "initialize");) rb_define_method(class, "inspect", Enum_type_inspect, 0); return class; } #if defined(HAVE_RB_DEFINE_ALLOC_FUNC) /* Extern: rm_enum_new (1.8) Purpose: Construct a new Enum subclass instance */ VALUE rm_enum_new(VALUE class, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { VALUE argv[2]; argv[0] = sym; argv[1] = val; return rb_class_new_instance(2, argv, class); } /* Extern: Enum_alloc (1.8) Purpose: Enum class alloc function */ VALUE Enum_alloc(VALUE class) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; volatile VALUE enumr; enumr = Data_Make_Struct(class, MagickEnum, NULL, NULL, magick_enum); OBJ_FREEZE(enumr); return enumr; } #else /* Extern: rm_enum_new (1.6) Purpose: Construct a new Enum subclass instance */ VALUE rm_enum_new(VALUE class, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { return Enum_new(class, sym, val); } /* Method: Enum.new Purpose: Construct a new Enum object Notes: `class' can be an Enum subclass */ VALUE Enum_new(VALUE class, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { volatile VALUE new_enum; volatile VALUE argv[2]; MagickEnum *magick_enum; new_enum = Data_Make_Struct(class, MagickEnum, NULL, NULL, magick_enum); argv[0] = sym; argv[1] = val; rb_obj_call_init(new_enum, 2, argv); OBJ_FREEZE(new_enum); return new_enum; } #endif /* Method: Enum#initialize Purpose: Initialize a new Enum instance */ VALUE Enum_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); magick_enum->id = rb_to_id(sym); /* convert symbol to ID */ magick_enum->val = NUM2INT(val); return self; } /* Method: Enum#to_s Purpose: Return the name of an enum */ VALUE Enum_to_s(VALUE self) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); return rb_str_new2(rb_id2name(magick_enum->id)); } /* Method: Enum#to_i Purpose: Return the value of an enum */ VALUE Enum_to_i(VALUE self) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); return INT2NUM(magick_enum->val); } /* Method: Enum#<=> Purpose: Support Comparable module in Enum Returns: -1, 0, 1, or nil Notes: Enums must be instances of the same class to be equal. */ VALUE Enum_spaceship(VALUE self, VALUE other) { MagickEnum *this, *that; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, this); Data_Get_Struct(other, MagickEnum, that); if (this->val > that->val) { return INT2FIX(1); } else if (this->val < that->val) { return INT2FIX(-1); } // Values are equal, check class. return rb_funcall(CLASS_OF(self), rm_ID_spaceship, 1, CLASS_OF(other)); } /* Method: Enum#=== Purpose: "Case equal" operator for Enum Returns: true or false Notes: Yes, I know "case equal" is a misnomer. */ VALUE Enum_case_eq(VALUE self, VALUE other) { MagickEnum *this, *that; if (CLASS_OF(self) == CLASS_OF(other)) { Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, this); Data_Get_Struct(other, MagickEnum, that); return this->val == that->val ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } return Qfalse; } /* * Method: xxx#initialize * Purpose: initialize method for all Enum subclasses */ VALUE Enum_type_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE sym, VALUE val) { VALUE super_argv[2]; volatile VALUE enumerators; super_argv[0] = sym; super_argv[1] = val; (void) rb_call_super(2, super_argv); if (rb_cvar_defined(CLASS_OF(self), rm_ID_enumerators) != Qtrue) { RUBY18(rb_cvar_set(CLASS_OF(self), rm_ID_enumerators, rb_ary_new(), 0)); RUBY16(rb_cvar_set(CLASS_OF(self), rm_ID_enumerators, rb_ary_new())); } enumerators = rb_cvar_get(CLASS_OF(self), rm_ID_enumerators); (void) rb_ary_push(enumerators, self); return self; } /* * Method: xxx#inspect * Purpose: Enum subclass #inspect */ static VALUE Enum_type_inspect(VALUE self) { char str[100]; MagickEnum *magick_enum; Data_Get_Struct(self, MagickEnum, magick_enum); sprintf(str, "%.32s=%d", rb_id2name(magick_enum->id), magick_enum->val); return rb_str_new2(str); } /* * Method: xxx.values * Purpose: Behaves like #each if a block is present, otherwise like #to_a. * Notes: defined for each Enum subclass */ static VALUE Enum_type_values(VALUE class) { volatile VALUE enumerators, copy; volatile VALUE rv; int x; enumerators = rb_cvar_get(class, rm_ID_enumerators); if (rb_block_given_p()) { for (x = 0; x < RARRAY(enumerators)->len; x++) { (void) rb_yield(rb_ary_entry(enumerators, x)); } rv = class; } else { copy = rb_ary_new2(RARRAY(enumerators)->len); for (x = 0; x < RARRAY(enumerators)->len; x++) { (void) rb_ary_push(copy, rb_ary_entry(enumerators, x)); } OBJ_FREEZE(copy); rv = copy; } return rv; } /* Static: ComplianceType_name Purpose: Return the string representation of a ComplianceType value Notes: xMagick will OR multiple compliance types so we have to arbitrarily pick one name. Set the compliance argument to the selected value. */ static const char * ComplianceType_name(ComplianceType *c) { if ((*c & (SVGCompliance|X11Compliance|XPMCompliance)) == (SVGCompliance|X11Compliance|XPMCompliance)) { return "AllCompliance"; } else if (*c & SVGCompliance) { *c = SVGCompliance; return "SVGCompliance"; } else if (*c & X11Compliance) { *c = X11Compliance; return "X11Compliance"; } else if (*c & XPMCompliance) { *c = XPMCompliance; return "XPMCompliance"; } else if (*c == NoCompliance) { *c = NoCompliance; return "NoCompliance"; } else { *c = UndefinedCompliance; return "UndefinedCompliance"; } } #if defined(HAVE_GETIMAGESTATISTICS) /* Extern: Statistics_new(stats) Purpose: Create a Magick::Statistics object from an ImageStatistics structure. */ VALUE Statistics_new(ImageStatistics *stats) { volatile VALUE red, green, blue, opacity; volatile VALUE min, max, mean, stddev, var; min = rb_float_new(stats->red.minimum); max = rb_float_new(stats->red.maximum); mean = rb_float_new(stats->red.mean); stddev = rb_float_new(stats->red.standard_deviation); var = rb_float_new(stats->red.variance); red = rb_funcall(Class_StatisticsChannel, rm_ID_new, 5, max, min, mean, stddev, var); min = rb_float_new(stats->green.minimum); max = rb_float_new(stats->green.maximum); mean = rb_float_new(stats->green.mean); stddev = rb_float_new(stats->green.standard_deviation); var = rb_float_new(stats->green.variance); green = rb_funcall(Class_StatisticsChannel, rm_ID_new, 5, max, min, mean, stddev, var); min = rb_float_new(stats->blue.minimum); max = rb_float_new(stats->blue.maximum); mean = rb_float_new(stats->blue.mean); stddev = rb_float_new(stats->blue.standard_deviation); var = rb_float_new(stats->blue.variance); blue = rb_funcall(Class_StatisticsChannel, rm_ID_new, 5, max, min, mean, stddev, var); min = rb_float_new(stats->opacity.minimum); max = rb_float_new(stats->opacity.maximum); mean = rb_float_new(stats->opacity.mean); stddev = rb_float_new(stats->opacity.standard_deviation); var = rb_float_new(stats->opacity.variance); opacity = rb_funcall(Class_StatisticsChannel, rm_ID_new, 5, max, min, mean, stddev, var); return rb_funcall(Class_Statistics, rm_ID_new, 4, red, green, blue, opacity); } #endif // HAVE_GETIMAGESTATISTICS /* Extern: StorageType_name Purpose: Return the string representation of a StorageType value */ const char * StorageType_name(StorageType type) { switch (type) { ENUM_TO_NAME(CharPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(DoublePixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(FloatPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(IntegerPixel) ENUM_TO_NAME(LongPixel) #if defined(HAVE_QUANTUMPIXEL) ENUM_TO_NAME(QuantumPixel) #endif ENUM_TO_NAME(ShortPixel) default: #if defined(HAVE_UNDEFINEDGRAVITY) // UndefinedGravity & UndefinedPixel were both introduced in IM 6.0.0 ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedPixel) #else return "UndefinedPixel"; #endif } } /* Static: StretchType_name Purpose: Return the string representation of a StretchType value */ static const char * StretchType_name(StretchType stretch) { switch (stretch) { ENUM_TO_NAME(NormalStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(UltraCondensedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(ExtraCondensedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(CondensedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(SemiCondensedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(SemiExpandedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(ExpandedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(ExtraExpandedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(UltraExpandedStretch) ENUM_TO_NAME(AnyStretch) default: #if defined(HAVE_UNDEFINEDGRAVITY) // UndefinedGravity & UndefinedStretch were both introduced in IM 6.0.0 ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedStretch) #else return "UndefinedStretch"; #endif } } /* Static: StyleType_name Purpose: Return the string representation of a StyleType value */ static const char * StyleType_name(StyleType style) { switch (style) { ENUM_TO_NAME(NormalStyle) ENUM_TO_NAME(ItalicStyle) ENUM_TO_NAME(ObliqueStyle) ENUM_TO_NAME(AnyStyle) default: #if defined(HAVE_UNDEFINEDGRAVITY) // UndefinedGravity & UndefinedStyle were both introduced in IM 6.0.0 ENUM_TO_NAME(UndefinedStyle) #else return "UndefinedStyle"; #endif } } /* External: write_temp_image Purpose: Write a temporary copy of the image to the IM registry Returns: the "filename" of the registered image Notes: The `tmpnam' argument must point to an char array of size MaxTextExtent. */ void rm_write_temp_image(Image *image, char *tmpnam) { #if defined(HAVE_SETIMAGEREGISTRY) MagickBooleanType okay; ExceptionInfo exception; volatile VALUE id_value; int id; GetExceptionInfo(&exception); // 'id' is always the value of its previous use if (rb_cvar_defined(Module_Magick, rm_ID__tmpnam_) == Qtrue) { id_value = rb_cvar_get(Module_Magick, rm_ID__tmpnam_); id = FIX2INT(id_value); } else { id = 0; rb_define_class_variable(Module_Magick, "@@__tmpnam__", INT2FIX(id)); } id += 1; RUBY16(rb_cvar_set(Module_Magick, rm_ID__tmpnam_, INT2FIX(id));) RUBY18(rb_cvar_set(Module_Magick, rm_ID__tmpnam_, INT2FIX(id), 0);) sprintf(tmpnam, "mpri:%d", id); // Omit "mpri:" from filename to form the key okay = SetImageRegistry(ImageRegistryType, tmpnam+5, image, &exception); CHECK_EXCEPTION() DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); if (!okay) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "SetImageRegistry failed."); } #else long registry_id; #if !defined(GRAPHICSMAGICK) /* This leak doesn't occur in GraphicsMagick as far as I know. */ rb_warn("`%s' can cause memory leaks when RMagick was built with " Q(MAGICKNAME) " " MagickLibVersionText ".\nUpgrade to ImageMagick 6.3.4 or later to prevent this behavior." , rb_id2name(rb_frame_last_func())); #endif registry_id = SetMagickRegistry(ImageRegistryType, image, sizeof(Image), &image->exception); rm_check_image_exception(image, RetainOnError); if (registry_id < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "SetMagickRegistry failed."); } sprintf(tmpnam, "mpri:%ld", registry_id); #endif } /* External: delete_temp_image Purpose: Delete the temporary image from the registry Returns: void */ void rm_delete_temp_image(char *tmpnam) { #if defined(HAVE_SETIMAGEREGISTRY) MagickBooleanType okay = DeleteImageRegistry(tmpnam+5); if (!okay) { rb_warn("DeleteImageRegistry failed for `%s'", tmpnam); } #else long registry_id = -1; sscanf(tmpnam, "mpri:%ld", ®istry_id); if (registry_id >= 0) { (void) DeleteMagickRegistry(registry_id); } #endif } /* External: rm_not_implemented Purpose: raise NotImplementedError Notes: Called when a xMagick API is not available. Replaces Ruby's rb_notimplement function. Notes: The MagickPackageName macro is not available until 5.5.7. Use MAGICKNAME instead. */ void rm_not_implemented(void) { rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "the `%s' method is not supported by " Q(MAGICKNAME) " " MagickLibVersionText , rb_id2name(rb_frame_last_func())); } /* Static: rm_magick_error(msg, loc) Purpose: create a new ImageMagickError object and raise an exception Notes: does not return This funky technique allows me to safely add additional information to the ImageMagickError object in both 1.6.8 and 1.8.0. See www.ruby_talk.org/36408. */ void rm_magick_error(const char *msg, const char *loc) { volatile VALUE exc, mesg, extra; mesg = rb_str_new2(msg); extra = loc ? rb_str_new2(loc) : Qnil; exc = rb_funcall(Class_ImageMagickError, rm_ID_new, 2, mesg, extra); (void) rb_funcall(rb_cObject, rb_intern("raise"), 1, exc); } /* Method: ImageMagickError#initialize(msg, loc) Purpose: initialize a new ImageMagickError object - store the "loc" string in the @magick_location instance variable */ VALUE ImageMagickError_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE super_argv[1] = {(VALUE)0}; int super_argc = 0; volatile VALUE extra = Qnil; switch(argc) { case 2: extra = argv[1]; case 1: super_argv[0] = argv[0]; super_argc = 1; case 0: break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 0 to 2)", argc); } (void) rb_call_super(super_argc, super_argv); (void) rb_iv_set(self, "@"MAGICK_LOC, extra); return self; } /* Function: rm_get_property Purpose: Backport GetImageProperty for pre-6.3.1 versions of ImageMagick */ const char *rm_get_property(const Image *img, const char *property) { #if defined(HAVE_GETIMAGEPROPERTY) return GetImageProperty(img, property); #else const ImageAttribute *attr; attr = GetImageAttribute(img, property); return attr ? (const char *)attr->value : NULL; #endif } /* Function: rm_set_property Purpose: Backport SetImageProperty for pre-6.3.1 versions of ImageMagick */ unsigned int rm_set_property(Image *image, const char *property, const char *value) { #if defined(HAVE_SETIMAGEPROPERTY) return (unsigned int) SetImageProperty(image, property, value); #else return SetImageAttribute(image, property, value); #endif } /* Function: rm_exif_by_entry Purpose: replicate old (< 6.3.2) EXIF:* functionality using GetImageProperty by returning the exif entries as a single string, separated by \n's. Do this so that RMagick.rb works no matter which version of ImageMagick is in use. Notes: see magick/identify.c */ VALUE rm_exif_by_entry(Image *image) { #if defined(HAVE_GETIMAGEPROPERTY) const char *property, *value; char *str; size_t len = 0, property_l, value_l; volatile VALUE v; (void) GetImageProperty(image, "exif:*"); ResetImagePropertyIterator(image); property = GetNextImageProperty(image); // Measure the exif properties and values while (property) { // ignore properties that don't start with "exif:" property_l = strlen(property); if (property_l > 5 && rm_strncasecmp(property, "exif:", 5) == 0) { if (len > 0) { len += 1; // there will be a \n between property=value entries } len += property_l - 5; value = GetImageProperty(image,property); if (value) { // add 1 for the = between property and value len += 1 + strlen(value); } } property = GetNextImageProperty(image); } if (len == 0) { return Qnil; } str = xmalloc(len); len = 0; // Copy the exif properties and values into the string. ResetImagePropertyIterator(image); property = GetNextImageProperty(image); while (property) { property_l = strlen(property); if (property_l > 5 && rm_strncasecmp(property, "exif:", 5) == 0) { if (len > 0) { str[len++] = '\n'; } memcpy(str+len, property+5, property_l-5); len += property_l - 5; value = GetImageProperty(image,property); if (value) { value_l = strlen(value); str[len++] = '='; memcpy(str+len, value, value_l); len += value_l; } } property = GetNextImageProperty(image); } v = rb_str_new(str, len); xfree(str); return v; #else const ImageAttribute *attr = GetImageAttribute(image, "EXIF:*"); return attr ? rb_str_new2(attr->value) : Qnil; #endif } /* Function: rm_exif_by_number Purpose: replicate old (< 6.3.2) EXIF:! functionality using GetImageProperty by returning the exif entries as a single string, separated by \n's. Do this so that RMagick.rb works no matter which version of ImageMagick is in use. Notes: see magick/identify.c */ VALUE rm_exif_by_number(Image *image) { #if defined(HAVE_GETIMAGEPROPERTY) const char *property, *value; char *str; size_t len = 0, property_l, value_l; volatile VALUE v; (void) GetImageProperty(image, "exif:!"); ResetImagePropertyIterator(image); property = GetNextImageProperty(image); // Measure the exif properties and values while (property) { // ignore properties that don't start with "#" property_l = strlen(property); if (property_l > 1 && property[0] == '#') { if (len > 0) { len += 1; // there will be a \n between property=value entries } len += property_l; value = GetImageProperty(image,property); if (value) { // add 1 for the = between property and value len += 1 + strlen(value); } } property = GetNextImageProperty(image); } if (len == 0) { return Qnil; } str = xmalloc(len); len = 0; // Copy the exif properties and values into the string. ResetImagePropertyIterator(image); property = GetNextImageProperty(image); while (property) { property_l = strlen(property); if (property_l > 1 && property[0] == '#') { if (len > 0) { str[len++] = '\n'; } memcpy(str+len, property, property_l); len += property_l; value = GetImageProperty(image,property); if (value) { value_l = strlen(value); str[len++] = '='; memcpy(str+len, value, value_l); len += value_l; } } property = GetNextImageProperty(image); } v = rb_str_new(str, len); xfree(str); return v; #else const ImageAttribute *attr = GetImageAttribute(image, "EXIF:!"); return attr ? rb_str_new2(attr->value) : Qnil; #endif } /* * Extern: get_geometry * Purpose: Get the values from a Geometry object and return * them in C variables. */ void rm_get_geometry( VALUE geom, long *x, long *y, unsigned long *width, unsigned long *height, int *flag) { VALUE v; v = rb_funcall(geom, rm_ID_x, 0); *x = NUM2LONG(v); v = rb_funcall(geom, rm_ID_y, 0); *y = NUM2LONG(v); v = rb_funcall(geom, rm_ID_width, 0); *width = NUM2ULONG(v); v = rb_funcall(geom, rm_ID_height, 0); *height = NUM2ULONG(v); // Getting the flag field is a bit more difficult since it's // supposed to be an instance of the GeometryValue Enum class. We // may not know the VALUE for the GeometryValue class, and we // need to check that the flag field is an instance of that class. if (flag) { MagickEnum *magick_enum; v = rb_funcall(geom, rm_ID_flag, 0); if (!Class_GeometryValue) { Class_GeometryValue = rb_const_get(Module_Magick, rm_ID_GeometryValue); } if (CLASS_OF(v) != Class_GeometryValue) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong enumeration type - expected %s, got %s" , rb_class2name(Class_GeometryValue),rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(v))); } Data_Get_Struct(v, MagickEnum, magick_enum); *flag = magick_enum->val; } } /* * Extern: rm_clone_image * Purpose: clone an image, handle errors */ Image *rm_clone_image(Image *image) { Image *clone; ExceptionInfo exception; GetExceptionInfo(&exception); clone = CloneImage(image, 0, 0, MagickTrue, &exception); if (!clone) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "not enough memory to continue"); } rm_check_exception(&exception, clone, DestroyOnError); (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); return clone; } /* Extern: rm_progress_monitor Purpose: SetImage(Info)ProgressMonitor exit Notes: ImageMagick's "tag" argument is unused. We pass along the method name instead. */ #if defined(HAVE_SETIMAGEPROGRESSMONITOR) MagickBooleanType rm_progress_monitor( const char *tag, const MagickOffsetType of, const MagickSizeType sp, void *client_data) { volatile VALUE rval; volatile VALUE method, offset, span; tag = tag; // defeat gcc message #if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) // defined in Ruby's defines.h offset = rb_ll2inum(of); span = rb_ull2inum(sp); #else offset = rb_int2big((long)of); span = rb_uint2big((unsigned long)sp); #endif method = rb_str_new2(rb_id2name(rb_frame_last_func())); rval = rb_funcall((VALUE)client_data, rm_ID_call, 3, method, offset, span); return RTEST(rval) ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; } #endif /* Extern: rm_split Purpose: Remove the ImageMagick links between images in an scene sequence. Notes: The images remain grouped via the ImageList */ void rm_split(Image *image) { if (!image) { rb_bug("RMagick FATAL: unseq called with NULL argument."); } while (image) { (void) RemoveFirstImageFromList(&image); } } /* * Static: copy_exception * clear_exception * Purpose: Define alternative implementations of ImageMagick's * InheritException and ClearMagickException. * Notes: InheritException is ALWAYS defined in ImageMagick and * NEVER defined in GraphicsMagick. ClearMagickException * is defined in ImageMagick 6.2.6 and later and NEVER * defined in GraphicsMagick. * * The purpose of InheritException is to copy the exception * information from a "related" exception to a destination * exception if the related exception is more severe than the * destination exception. * * The purpose of ClearException is to reset the ExceptionInfo * structure to its initial format. */ #if defined(HAVE_INHERITEXCEPTION) // This is ImageMagick - InheritException is always defined static void copy_exception(ExceptionInfo *exception, ExceptionInfo *relative) { InheritException(exception, relative); } // ImageMagick < 6.2.6 had a different kind of ExceptionInfo struct // and doesn't define ClearMagickException. #if defined(HAVE_CLEARMAGICKEXCEPTION) static void clear_exception(ExceptionInfo *exception) { ClearMagickException(exception); } #else static void clear_exception(ExceptionInfo *exception) { DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); GetExceptionInfo(exception); } #endif #else // !defined(HAVE_INHERITEXCEPTION) // This is GraphicsMagick. Very old versions don't support the // module, function, and line fields in the ExceptionInfo struct. static void copy_exception(ExceptionInfo *exception, ExceptionInfo *relative) { assert(exception != NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); assert(relative != NULL); if (relative->severity < exception->severity) { return; } DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); GetExceptionInfo(exception); exception->severity = relative->severity; if (relative->reason) { magick_clone_string(&exception->reason, relative->reason); } if (relative->description) { magick_clone_string(&exception->description, relative->description); } #if defined(HAVE_EXCEPTIONINFO_MODULE) if (relative->module) { magick_clone_string(&exception->module, relative->module); } if (relative->function) { magick_clone_string(&exception->function, relative->function); } exception->line = relative->line; #endif } static void clear_exception(ExceptionInfo *exception) { DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); GetExceptionInfo(exception); } #endif /* Extern: rm_check_image_exception Purpose: If an ExceptionInfo struct in a list of images indicates a warning, issue a warning message. If an ExceptionInfo struct indicates an error, raise an exception and optionally destroy the images. */ void rm_check_image_exception(Image *imglist, ErrorRetention retention) { ExceptionInfo exception; Image *badboy = NULL; Image *image; if (imglist == NULL) { return; } GetExceptionInfo(&exception); // Find the image with the highest severity image = GetFirstImageInList(imglist); while (image) { if (image->exception.severity != UndefinedException) { if (!badboy || image->exception.severity > badboy->exception.severity) { badboy = image; copy_exception(&exception, &badboy->exception); } clear_exception(&image->exception); } image = GetNextImageInList(image); } if (badboy) { rm_check_exception(&exception, imglist, retention); } (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); } /* * Extern: rm_check_exception * Purpose: Call handle_exception if there is an exception to handle. */ void rm_check_exception(ExceptionInfo *exception, Image *imglist, ErrorRetention retention) { if (exception->severity == UndefinedException) { return; } handle_exception(exception, imglist, retention); } /* * Static: handle_exception * Purpose: called when rm_check_exception determines that we need * to either issue a warning message or raise an exception. * This function allocates a bunch of stack so we don't call * it unless we have to. */ static void handle_exception(ExceptionInfo *exception, Image *imglist, ErrorRetention retention) { char reason[500]; char desc[500]; char msg[sizeof(reason)+sizeof(desc)+20]; #if defined(HAVE_EXCEPTIONINFO_MODULE) char module[200], function[200]; char extra[sizeof(module)+sizeof(function)+20]; unsigned long line; #endif memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); // Handle simple warning if (exception->severity < ErrorException) { #if defined(HAVE_SNPRINTF) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "RMagick: %s%s%s", #else sprintf(msg, "RMagick: %.500s%s%.500s", #endif GetLocaleExceptionMessage(exception->severity, exception->reason), exception->description ? ": " : "", exception->description ? GetLocaleExceptionMessage(exception->severity, exception->description) : ""); msg[sizeof(msg)-1] = '\0'; rb_warning(msg); // Caller deletes ExceptionInfo... return; } // Raise an exception. We're not coming back... // Newly-created images should be destroyed, images that are part // of image objects should be retained but split. if (imglist) { if (retention == DestroyOnError) { (void) DestroyImageList(imglist); imglist = NULL; } else { rm_split(imglist); } } // Clone the ExceptionInfo with all arguments on the stack. memset(reason, 0, sizeof(reason)); memset(desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); if (exception->reason) { strncpy(reason, exception->reason, sizeof(reason)-1); reason[sizeof(reason)-1] = '\0'; } if (exception->description) { strncpy(desc, exception->description, sizeof(desc)-1); desc[sizeof(desc)-1] = '\0'; } #if defined(HAVE_SNPRINTF) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "%s%s%s", GetLocaleExceptionMessage(exception->severity, reason), desc[0] ? ": " : "", desc[0] ? GetLocaleExceptionMessage(exception->severity, desc) : ""); #else sprintf(msg, "%.*s%s%.*s", sizeof(reason)-1, GetLocaleExceptionMessage(exception->severity, reason), desc[0] ? ": " : "", sizeof(desc)-1, desc[0] ? GetLocaleExceptionMessage(exception->severity, desc) : ""); #endif msg[sizeof(msg)-1] = '\0'; #if defined(HAVE_EXCEPTIONINFO_MODULE) memset(module, 0, sizeof(module)); memset(function, 0, sizeof(function)); memset(extra, 0, sizeof(extra)); if (exception->module) { strncpy(module, exception->module, sizeof(module)-1); module[sizeof(module)-1] = '\0'; } if (exception->function) { strncpy(function, exception->function, sizeof(function)-1); function[sizeof(function)-1] = '\0'; } line = exception->line; #if defined(HAVE_SNPRINTF) snprintf(extra, sizeof(extra)-1, "%s at %s:%lu", function, module, line); #else sprintf(extra, "%.*s at %.*s:%lu", sizeof(function), function, sizeof(module), module, line); #endif extra[sizeof(extra)-1] = '\0'; (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); rm_magick_error(msg, extra); #else (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); rm_magick_error(msg, NULL); #endif } /* * Extern: rm_ensure_result * Purpose: RMagick expected a result. If it got NULL instead raise an exception. */ void rm_ensure_result(Image *image) { if (!image) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, MagickPackageName " library function failed to return a result."); } }