#coding: utf-8 require 'pp' require 'yaml' module Reckon class App VERSION = "Reckon 0.3.10" attr_accessor :options, :accounts, :tokens, :seen, :csv_parser def initialize(options = {}) self.options = options self.tokens = {} self.accounts = {} self.seen = {} self.options[:currency] ||= '$' options[:string] = File.read(options[:file]) unless options[:string] @csv_parser = CSVParser.new( options ) learn! end def interactive_output(str) return if options[:unattended] puts str end def learn_from(ledger) LedgerParser.new(ledger).entries.each do |entry| entry[:accounts].each do |account| learn_about_account( account[:name], [entry[:desc], account[:amount]].join(" ") ) unless account[:name] == options[:bank_account] seen[entry[:date]] ||= {} seen[entry[:date]][@csv_parser.pretty_money(account[:amount])] = true end end end def already_seen?(row) seen[row[:pretty_date]] && seen[row[:pretty_date]][row[:pretty_money]] end def extract_account_tokens(subtree, account = nil) if subtree.is_a?(Array) { account => subtree } else at = subtree.map { |k, v| extract_account_tokens(v, [account, k].compact.join(':')) } at.inject({}) { |k, v| k = k.merge(v)} end end def learn! if options[:account_tokens_file] fail "#{options[:account_tokens_file]} doesn't exist!" unless File.exists?(options[:account_tokens_file]) extract_account_tokens(YAML.load_file(options[:account_tokens_file])).each do |account, tokens| tokens.each { |t| learn_about_account(account, t) } end end return unless options[:existing_ledger_file] fail "#{options[:existing_ledger_file]} doesn't exist!" unless File.exists?(options[:existing_ledger_file]) ledger_data = File.read(options[:existing_ledger_file]) learn_from(ledger_data) end def learn_about_account(account, data) accounts[account] ||= 0 tokenize(data).each do |token| tokens[token] ||= {} tokens[token][account] ||= 0 tokens[token][account] += 1 accounts[account] += 1 end end def tokenize(str) str.downcase.split(/[\s\-]/) end def walk_backwards seen_anything_new = false each_row_backwards do |row| interactive_output Terminal::Table.new(:rows => [ [ row[:pretty_date], row[:pretty_money], row[:description] ] ]) if already_seen?(row) interactive_output "NOTE: This row is very similar to a previous one!" if !seen_anything_new interactive_output "Skipping..." next end else seen_anything_new = true end possible_answers = weighted_account_match( row ).map! { |a| a[:account] } ledger = if row[:money] > 0 if options[:unattended] out_of_account = possible_answers.first || options[:default_outof_account] || 'Income:Unknown' else out_of_account = ask("Which account provided this income? ([account]/[q]uit/[s]kip) ") { |q| q.completion = possible_answers q.readline = true q.default = possible_answers.first } end finish if out_of_account == "quit" || out_of_account == "q" if out_of_account == "skip" || out_of_account == "s" interactive_output "Skipping" next end ledger_format( row, [options[:bank_account], row[:pretty_money]], [out_of_account, row[:pretty_money_negated]] ) else if options[:unattended] into_account = possible_answers.first || options[:default_into_account] || 'Expenses:Unknown' else into_account = ask("To which account did this money go? ([account]/[q]uit/[s]kip) ") { |q| q.completion = possible_answers q.readline = true q.default = possible_answers.first } end finish if into_account == "quit" || into_account == 'q' if into_account == "skip" || into_account == 's' interactive_output "Skipping" next end ledger_format( row, [into_account, row[:pretty_money_negated]], [options[:bank_account], row[:pretty_money]] ) end learn_from(ledger) unless options[:account_tokens_file] output(ledger) end end def finish options[:output_file].close unless options[:output_file] == STDOUT interactive_output "Exiting." exit end def output(ledger_line) options[:output_file].puts ledger_line options[:output_file].flush end # Weigh accounts by how well they match the row def weighted_account_match( row ) query_tokens = tokenize(row[:description]) search_vector = [] account_vectors = {} query_tokens.each do |token| idf = Math.log((accounts.keys.length + 1) / ((tokens[token] || {}).keys.length.to_f + 1)) tf = 1.0 / query_tokens.length.to_f search_vector << tf*idf accounts.each do |account, total_terms| tf = (tokens[token] && tokens[token][account]) ? tokens[token][account] / total_terms.to_f : 0 account_vectors[account] ||= [] account_vectors[account] << tf*idf end end # Should I normalize the vectors? Probably unnecessary due to tf-idf and short documents. account_vectors = account_vectors.to_a.map do |account, account_vector| { :cosine => (0...account_vector.length).to_a.inject(0) { |m, i| m + search_vector[i] * account_vector[i] }, :account => account } end account_vectors.sort! {|a, b| b[:cosine] <=> a[:cosine] } # Return empty set if no accounts matched so that we can fallback to the defaults in the unattended mode if options[:unattended] if account_vectors.first && account_vectors.first[:account] account_vectors = [] if account_vectors.first[:cosine] == 0 end end return account_vectors end def ledger_format(row, line1, line2) out = "#{row[:pretty_date]}\t#{row[:description]}\n" out += "\t#{line1.first}\t\t\t\t\t#{line1.last}\n" out += "\t#{line2.first}\t\t\t\t\t#{line2.last}\n\n" out end def output_table output = Terminal::Table.new do |t| t.headings = 'Date', 'Amount', 'Description' each_row_backwards do |row| t << [ row[:pretty_date], row[:pretty_money], row[:description] ] end end interactive_output output end def each_row_backwards rows = [] (0...@csv_parser.columns.first.length).to_a.each do |index| rows << { :date => @csv_parser.date_for(index), :pretty_date => @csv_parser.pretty_date_for(index), :pretty_money => @csv_parser.pretty_money_for(index), :pretty_money_negated => @csv_parser.pretty_money_for(index, :negate), :money => @csv_parser.money_for(index), :description => @csv_parser.description_for(index) } end rows.sort { |a, b| a[:date] <=> b[:date] }.each do |row| yield row end end def self.parse_opts(args = ARGV) options = { :output_file => STDOUT } parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: Reckon.rb [options]" opts.separator "" opts.on("-f", "--file FILE", "The CSV file to parse") do |file| options[:file] = file end opts.on("-a", "--account name", "The Ledger Account this file is for") do |a| options[:bank_account] = a end opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v| options[:verbose] = v end opts.on("-i", "--inverse", "Use the negative of each amount") do |v| options[:inverse] = v end opts.on("-p", "--print-table", "Print out the parsed CSV in table form") do |p| options[:print_table] = p end opts.on("-o", "--output-file FILE", "The ledger file to append to") do |o| options[:output_file] = File.open(o, 'a') end opts.on("-l", "--learn-from FILE", "An existing ledger file to learn accounts from") do |l| options[:existing_ledger_file] = l end opts.on("", "--ignore-columns 1,2,5", "Columns to ignore in the CSV file - the first column is column 1") do |ignore| options[:ignore_columns] = ignore.split(",").map { |i| i.to_i } end opts.on("", "--contains-header [N]", "The first row of the CSV is a header and should be skipped. Optionally add the number of rows to skip.") do |contains_header| options[:contains_header] = 1 options[:contains_header] = contains_header.to_i if contains_header end opts.on("", "--csv-separator ','", "Separator for parsing the CSV - default is comma.") do |csv_separator| options[:csv_separator] = csv_separator end opts.on("", "--comma-separates-cents", "Use comma instead of period to deliminate dollars from cents when parsing ($100,50 instead of $100.50)") do |c| options[:comma_separates_cents] = c end opts.on("", "--encoding 'UTF-8'", "Specify an encoding for the CSV file; not usually needed") do |e| options[:encoding] = e end opts.on("-c", "--currency '$'", "Currency symbol to use, defaults to $ (£, EUR)") do |e| options[:currency] = e end opts.on("", "--date-format '%d/%m/%Y'", "Force the date format (see Ruby DateTime strftime)") do |d| options[:date_format] = d end opts.on("-u", "--unattended", "Don't ask questions and guess all the accounts automatically. Used with --learn-from or --account-tokens options.") do |n| options[:unattended] = n end opts.on("-t", "--account-tokens FILE", "YAML file with manually-assigned tokens for each account (see README)") do |a| options[:account_tokens_file] = a end opts.on("", "--default-into-account name", "Default into account") do |a| options[:default_into_account] = a end opts.on("", "--default-outof-account name", "Default 'out of' account") do |a| options[:default_outof_account] = a end opts.on("", "--suffixed", "If --currency should be used as a suffix. Defaults to false.") do |e| options[:suffixed] = e end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do puts VERSION exit end opts.parse!(args) end unless options[:file] options[:file] = ask("What CSV file should I parse? ") unless options[:file].length > 0 puts "\nYou must provide a CSV file to parse.\n" puts parser exit end end unless options[:bank_account] fail "Please specify --account for the unattended mode" if options[:unattended] options[:bank_account] = ask("What is the account name of this bank account in Ledger? ") do |q| q.readline = true q.validate = /^.{2,}$/ q.default = "Assets:Bank:Checking" end end options end end end