#encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' describe PDFKit do context "initialization" do it "should accept HTML as the source" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('

Oh Hai

') expect(pdfkit.source).to be_html expect(pdfkit.source.to_s).to eq('

Oh Hai

') end it "should accept a URL as the source" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('http://google.com') expect(pdfkit.source).to be_url expect(pdfkit.source.to_s).to eq('http://google.com') end it "should accept a File as the source" do file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.html') pdfkit = PDFKit.new(File.new(file_path)) expect(pdfkit.source).to be_file expect(pdfkit.source.to_s).to eq(file_path) end it "should parse the options into a cmd line friedly format" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :page_size => 'Letter') expect(pdfkit.options).to have_key('--page-size') end it "should parse complex options into a cmd line friedly format" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :replace => {'value' => 'something else'} ) expect(pdfkit.options).to have_key('--replace') end it "should provide default options" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('

Oh Hai

') ['--margin-top', '--margin-right', '--margin-bottom', '--margin-left'].each do |option| expect(pdfkit.options).to have_key(option) end end it "should default to 'UTF-8' encoding" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('Captación') expect(pdfkit.options['--encoding']).to eq('UTF-8') end it "should not have any stylesheedt by default" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('

Oh Hai

') expect(pdfkit.stylesheets).to be_empty end end context "command" do it "should contstruct the correct command" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :page_size => 'Letter', :toc_l1_font_size => 12, :replace => {'foo' => 'bar'}) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "wkhtmltopdf" expect(command).to include "--page-size Letter" expect(command).to include "--toc-l1-font-size 12" expect(command).to include "--replace foo bar" end it "should setup one cookie only" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', cookie: {cookie_name: :cookie_value}) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name cookie_value" end it "should not break Windows paths" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html') allow(PDFKit.configuration).to receive(:wkhtmltopdf).and_return 'c:/Program Files/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf.exe' expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include('Program\ Files') end it "should setup multiple cookies when passed a hash" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :cookie => {:cookie_name1 => :cookie_val1, :cookie_name2 => :cookie_val2}) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name1 cookie_val1" expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name2 cookie_val2" end it "should setup multiple cookies when passed an array of tuples" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :cookie => [[:cookie_name1, :cookie_val1], [:cookie_name2, :cookie_val2]]) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name1 cookie_val1" expect(command).to include "--cookie cookie_name2 cookie_val2" end it "will not include default options it is told to omit" do PDFKit.configure do |config| config.default_options[:disable_smart_shrinking] = true end pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html') expect(pdfkit.command).to include('--disable-smart-shrinking') pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :disable_smart_shrinking => false) expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include('--disable-smart-shrinking') end it "should encapsulate string arguments in quotes" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :header_center => "foo [page]") expect(pdfkit.command).to include "--header-center foo\\ \\[page\\]" end it "should sanitize string arguments" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :header_center => "$(ls)") expect(pdfkit.command).to include "--header-center \\$\\(ls\\)" end it "read the source from stdin if it is html" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html') expect(pdfkit.command).to match /- -$/ end it "specify the URL to the source if it is a url" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('http://google.com') expect(pdfkit.command).to match /http:\/\/google.com -$/ end it "should specify the path to the source if it is a file" do file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.html') pdfkit = PDFKit.new(File.new(file_path)) expect(pdfkit.command).to match /#{file_path} -$/ end it "should specify the path for the ouput if a apth is given" do file_path = "/path/to/output.pdf" pdfkit = PDFKit.new("html") expect(pdfkit.command(file_path)).to match /#{file_path}$/ end it "should detect special pdfkit meta tags" do body = %{ } pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "--page-size Legal" expect(command).to include "--orientation Landscape" end it "should detect cookies meta tag" do body = %{ } pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "--cookie rails_session rails_session_value --cookie cookie_variable cookie_variable_value" end it "should detect disable_smart_shrinking meta tag" do body = %{ } pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "--disable-smart-shrinking" expect(command).not_to include "--disable-smart-shrinking true" end it "should detect names with hyphens instead of underscores" do body = %{
} pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body) expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include 'name\=' end it "should detect special pdfkit meta tags despite bad markup" do body = %{
} pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).to include "--page-size Legal" expect(command).to include "--orientation Landscape" end it "should skip non-pdfkit meta tags" do body = %{
} pdfkit = PDFKit.new(body) command = pdfkit.command expect(command).not_to include "--page-size Legal" expect(command).to include "--orientation Landscape" end it "should not use quiet" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', quiet: false) expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include '--quiet' end it "should use quiet option by defautl" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html') expect(pdfkit.command).to include '--quiet' end it "should not use quiet option in verbose mode" do PDFKit.configure do |config| config.verbose = true end pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html') expect(pdfkit.command).not_to include '--quiet' PDFKit.configure do |config| config.verbose = false end end end context "#to_pdf" do it "should not read the contents of the pdf when saving it as a file" do file_path = "/my/file/path.pdf" pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :page_size => 'Letter') mock_pdf = double expect(mock_pdf).to receive(:puts) expect(mock_pdf).not_to receive(:gets) # do no read the contents when given a file path expect(mock_pdf).to receive(:close_write) expect(IO).to receive(:popen) do |args, mode, &block| block.call(mock_pdf) end expect(::File).to receive(:size).with(file_path).and_return(50) pdfkit.to_pdf(file_path) end it "should generate a PDF of the HTML" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :page_size => 'Letter') pdf = pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdf[0...4]).to eq("%PDF") # PDF Signature at beginning of file end it "should generate a PDF with a numerical parameter" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :header_spacing => 1) pdf = pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdf[0...4]).to eq("%PDF") # PDF Signature at beginning of file end it "should generate a PDF with a symbol parameter" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :page_size => :Letter) pdf = pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdf[0...4]).to eq("%PDF") # PDF Signature at beginning of file end it "should have the stylesheet added to the head if it has one" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new("Hai!") css = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.css') pdfkit.stylesheets << css pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdfkit.source.to_s).to include("") end it "should prepend style tags if the HTML doesn't have a head tag" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new("Hai!") css = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.css') pdfkit.stylesheets << css pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdfkit.source.to_s).to include("") end it "should throw an error if the source is not html and stylesheets have been added" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('http://google.com') css = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.css') pdfkit.stylesheets << css expect { pdfkit.to_pdf }.to raise_error(PDFKit::ImproperSourceError) end it "should be able to deal with ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new(ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer.new "Hai!") css = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.css') pdfkit.stylesheets << css pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdfkit.source.to_s).to include("") end it "should escape \\X in stylesheets" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new("Hai!") css = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example_with_hex_symbol.css') pdfkit.stylesheets << css pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdfkit.source.to_s).to include("") end #NOTICE: This test is failed if use wkhtmltopdf-binary ( it "should throw an error if it is unable to connect" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new("http://google.com/this-should-not-be-found/404.html") expect { pdfkit.to_pdf }.to raise_error /exitstatus=2/ end it "should not throw an error if it is unable to connect", pending: 'this test works for wkhtmltopdf-binary (' do pdfkit = PDFKit.new("http://localhost/this-should-not-be-found/404.html") pdf = pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdf[0...4]).to eq("%PDF") # PDF Signature at the beginning end it "should generate PDF if there are missing assets" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new("", ignore_load_errors: true) pdf = pdfkit.to_pdf expect(pdf[0...4]).to eq("%PDF") # PDF Signature at the beginning end end context "#to_file" do before do @file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','test.pdf') File.delete(@file_path) if File.exist?(@file_path) end after do File.delete(@file_path) end it "should create a file with the PDF as content" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :page_size => 'Letter') file = pdfkit.to_file(@file_path) expect(file).to be_instance_of(File) expect(File.read(file.path)[0...4]).to eq("%PDF") # PDF Signature at beginning of file end it "should not truncate data (in Ruby 1.8.6)" do file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','example.html') pdfkit = PDFKit.new(File.new(file_path)) pdf_data = pdfkit.to_pdf file = pdfkit.to_file(@file_path) file_data = open(@file_path, 'rb') {|io| io.read } expect(pdf_data.size).to eq(file_data.size) end end context "security" do before do @test_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','security-oops') File.delete(@test_path) if File.exist?(@test_path) end after do File.delete(@test_path) if File.exist?(@test_path) end it "should not allow shell injection in options" do pdfkit = PDFKit.new('html', :header_center => "a title\"; touch #{@test_path} #") pdfkit.to_pdf expect(File.exist?(@test_path)).to eq(false) end end end