module ArchitectureJS module Command def watch(path = nil) require "fssm" path ||= Dir.getwd path = File.expand_path(path) puts ArchitectureJS::Notification.log "ArchitectureJS are watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop." project = ArchitectureJS::Project::new_from_config(path) project.update watch_hash = watch_files = Dir["#{path}/**/"] watch_files.shift # remove the project root # remove the build_dir watch_files.reject! { |dir| dir.match(/#{path}\/#{project.config[:build_dir]}/) } watch_files.each do |dir| watch_hash[dir] = "**/*.js" end watch_hash[path] = "**/*.architecture" watch_hash["#{ArchitectureJS::BASE_DIR}/repository"] = "**/*.js" # check changes to the repository as well FSSM.monitor do watch_hash.each do |dir, g| path "#{dir}" do glob g update do |base, relative| puts ArchitectureJS::Notification.event "change detected in #{relative}" if relative.match(/conf$/) project.update end create do |base, relative| puts ArchitectureJS::Notification.event "#{relative} created" project.update end delete do |base, relative| puts ArchitectureJS::Notification.event "#{relative} deleted" project.update end end end end end # watch def create(config = nil) settings = { name: nil, root: File.expand_path(Dir.getwd) } settings.merge!(config) unless config.nil? raise 'you must specify a project name: architect create ProjectName' if settings[:name].nil? project ={ name: settings[:name] }, settings[:root])# TODO add settings[:framework] project.create end def compile(options = nil) settings = { force_compress: false, path: File.expand_path(Dir.getwd) } settings.merge!(options) if options project = ArchitectureJS::create_project_from_config(settings[:path]) project.config[:output] = 'compressed' if settings[:force_compress] project.update end # TODO make generate generic to accept a type, look up in either local templates or master, and pass it options and flags parsed for use in erb files def generate(config) conf_path = "#{config[:project].root}/ninjs.conf" raise "ninjs.conf was not located in #{conf_path}" unless File.exists? conf_path generator = generator.generate end module_function :create, :watch, :compile, :generate end end