require 'ec2ssh/command/init' describe Ec2ssh::Command::Init do describe '#run' do let(:command) do do |cmd| allow(cmd).to receive(:ssh_config_path).and_return('/path/to/ssh/config') allow(cmd).to receive(:dotfile_path).and_return('/path/to/dotfile') end end let(:cli) do double(:cli, red: nil, yellow: nil, green: nil) end let(:ssh_config) do double(:ssh_config, mark_exist?: nil, append_mark!: nil) end before do expect(ssh_config).to receive(:mark_exist?).and_return(mark_exist) allow(command).to receive(:ssh_config).and_return(ssh_config) end context 'when the marker already exists' do let(:mark_exist) { true } it do expect { }.to raise_error(Ec2ssh::MarkAlreadyExists) expect(ssh_config).to_not have_received(:append_mark!) end end context 'when the marker does not exists' do let(:mark_exist) { false } it do expect { }.not_to raise_error expect(ssh_config).to have_received(:append_mark!).once end end end end