module HyperSpec module Helpers include Internal::ClientExecution include Internal::Controller include Internal::ComponentMount include Internal::CopyLocals include Internal::WindowSizing ## # Mount a component on a page, with a full execution environment # i.e. `mount('MyComponent')` will mount MyComponent on the page. # The params argument is a hash of parameters to be passed to the # component. # i.e. `mount('MyComponent', title: 'hello')` # The options parameters can set things like: # + controller: the controller class, defaults to HyperSpecTestController # + no_wait: do not wait for any JS to finish executing before proceeding with the spec # + render_on: :client_only (default), :client_and_server, or :server_only # + style_sheet: style sheet file defaults to 'application' # + javascript: javascript file defaults to 'application' # + layout: if provided will use the specified layout otherwise no layout is used # Note that if specifying options the params will have to inclosed in their # own hash. # i.e. `mount('MyComponent', { title: 'hello' }, render_on: :server_only)` # The options can be specified globally using the client_options method (see below.) # You may provide a block to mount. This block will be executed on the client # before mounting the component. This is useful for setting up test # components or modifying a components behavior. # i.e. # ```ruby # mount('MyComponent', title: 'hello') do # # this line will be printed on the client console # puts "I'm about to mount my component!" # end # ``` def mount(component_name = nil, params = nil, opts = {}, &block) unless params params = opts opts = {} end internal_mount(component_name, params, client_options(opts), &block) end ## # The following methods retrieve callback and event responses from # the mounted components. The history methods contain the array of all # responses, while last_... returns the last response. # i.e. event_history_for(:save) would return any save events # that the component has raised. %i[ callback_history_for last_callback_for clear_callback_history_for event_history_for last_event_for clear_event_history_for ].each do |method| define_method(method) do |event_name| evaluate_ruby( "Hyperstack::Internal::Component::TopLevelRailsComponent.#{method}('#{event_name}')" ) end end ## # Define a code block to be prefixed to the mount code. # Useful in before(:each) blocks. # In legacy code this was called `on_client`. To get the legacy # behavior alias on_client before_mount # but be aware that on_client is now by default the method # for executing a block of code on the client which was called # evaluate_ruby def before_mount(&block) @_hyperspec_private_client_code = "#{@_hyperspec_private_client_code}#{add_opal_block('', block)}" end # Execute the block both on the client and on the server. Useful # for mocking isomorphic classes such as ActiveRecord models. def isomorphic(&block) yield if page.instance_variable_get('@hyper_spec_mounted') internal_evaluate_ruby(&block) else before_mount(&block) end end # Allows options to the mount method to be specified globally def client_option(opts = {}) @_hyperspec_private_client_options ||= { arity_check: default_arity_check } @_hyperspec_private_client_options.merge! opts build_var_inclusion_lists @_hyperspec_private_client_options end def default_arity_check Rails.application.config.opal.arity_check_enabled if defined? Rails rescue StandardError false end alias client_options client_option ## # shorthand for mount with no params (which will effectively reload the page.) # also aliased as reload_page def load_page mount end alias reload_page load_page ## # evaluate a block (or string) on the client # on_client(, , &block) # # normal use is to pass a block that will be compiled to the client # but if the ruby code can be supplied as a string in the first arg. # opts are passed on to JSON.parse when retrieving the result # from the client. # vars is a hash of name: value pairs. Each name will be initialized # as a local variable on the client. # example: on_client(x: 12) { x * x } => 144 # in legacy code on_client was called before_mount # to get legacy on_client behavior you can alias # on_client before_mount alias on_client internal_evaluate_ruby # attempt to set the window to a particular size def size_window(width = nil, height = nil) hs_internal_resize_to(*determine_size(width, height)) rescue StandardError true end # same signature as on_client, but just returns the compiled # js code. Useful for debugging suspected issues with the # Opal compiler, etc. def to_js(*args, &block) opal_compile(*process_params(*args, &block)) end # legacy methods for backwards compatibility # these may be removed in a future version def expect_evaluate_ruby(*args, &block) expect(evaluate_ruby(*args, &block)) end alias evaluate_ruby internal_evaluate_ruby alias evaluate_promise evaluate_ruby alias expect_promise expect_evaluate_ruby def run_on_client(&block) script = opal_compile(Unparser.unparse(Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(block.source).children.last)) page.execute_script(script) end def insert_html(str) @_hyperspec_private_html_block = "#{@_hyperspec_private_html_block}\n#{str}" end def ppr(str) js = opal_compile(str) execute_script("console.log(#{js})") end def debugger `debugger` nil end def add_class(class_name, style) @_hyperspec_private_client_code = "#{@_hyperspec_private_client_code}ComponentHelpers.add_class('#{class_name}', #{style})\n" end def attributes_on_client(model) evaluate_ruby("#{}.find(#{}).attributes").symbolize_keys end ### --- Debugging Helpers ---- def pause(message = nil) if message puts message internal_evaluate_ruby "puts #{message.inspect}.to_s + ' (type go() to continue)'" end page.evaluate_script('window.hyper_spec_waiting_for_go = true') loop do sleep 0.25 break unless page.evaluate_script('window.hyper_spec_waiting_for_go') end end def open_in_chrome # if ['linux', 'freebsd'].include?(`uname`.downcase) # `google-chrome http://#{}:#{page.server.port}#{page.current_path}` # else `open http://#{}:#{page.server.port}#{page.current_path}` # end loop do sleep 1.hour end end # short hand for use in pry sessions alias c? internal_evaluate_ruby end end