s P5 )&L[M#0"0"F~enfakerbooktitleAbsalom, Absalom!!After Many a Summer Dies the SwanAh, Wilderness!All Passion SpentAll the King's MenAlone on a Wide, Wide SeaAn Acceptable TimeAntic HayAn Evil CradlingArms and the ManAs I Lay DyingA Time to KillBehold the ManBeneath the BleedingBeyond the Mexique BayBlithe SpiritBlood's a RoverBlue Remembered EarthRosemary SutcliffFrançoise SaganBrandy of the DamnedBury My Heart at Wounded KneeButter In a Lordly Dish,By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and WeptCabbages and KingsCarrion ComfortA Catskill EagleClouds of WitnessA Confederacy of DuncesConsider PhlebasConsider the LiliesCover Her FaceThe Cricket on the Hearth1The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeThe Daffodil SkyDance Dance DanceA Darkling PlainDeath Be Not ProudThe Doors of PerceptionDown to a Sunless SeaDulce et Decorum EstDying of the LightEast of EdenEgo Dominus TuusEndless NightEverything is IlluminatedEyeless in GazaFair Stood the Wind for FranceFame Is the SpurEdna O'BrienThe Far-Distant OxusA Farewell to ArmsFar From the Madding CrowdFear and TremblingFor a Breath I TarryFor Whom the Bell TollsFrequent HearsesFrom Here to EternityA Glass of BlessingsThe Glory and the DreamThe Golden Apples of the SunThe Golden BowlGone with the WindThe Grapes of WrathGreat Work of TimeThe Green Bay TreeA Handful of DustHave His CarcaseThe Heart Is a Lonely Hunter'The Heart Is Deceitful Above All ThingsHis Dark MaterialsThe House of MirthSleep the BraveI Know Why the Caged Bird SingsI Sing the Body ElectricI Will Fear No EvilIf I Forget Thee JerusalemIf Not Now, When?Infinite JestIn a Dry SeasonIn a Glass DarklyIn Death GroundIn Dubious BattleAn Instant In The WindIt's a BattlefieldJacob Have I LovedO Jerusalem!Jesting PilateThe Last EnemyThe Last TemptationThe Lathe of HeavenLet Us Now Praise Famous MenLilies of the FieldThis Lime Tree BowerThe Line of BeautyThe Little FoxesLittle Hands ClappingLook Homeward, AngelLook to WindwardThe Man WithinMany WatersA Many-Splendoured ThingThe Mermaids SingingThe Millstone$The Mirror Crack'd from Side to SideMoab Is My WashpotThe Monkey's RaincoatA Monstrous Regiment of WomenThe Moon by NightMother NightThe Moving FingerThe Moving ToyshopMr StandfastNectar in a SieveThe Needle's EyeNine Coaches WaitingNo Country for Old MenNo HighwayNoli Me TangereNo Longer at EaseNow Sleeps the Crimson PetalNumber the StarsOf Human BondageOf Mice and MenOh! To be in EnglandThe Other Side of SilenceThe Painted VeilPale Kings and PrincesThe Parliament of ManPaths of GloryA Passage to IndiaO Pioneers!Postern of FatePrecious BaneThe Proper StudyQuo VadisRecalled to LifeRecalled to LifeRing of Bright WaterThe Road Less TraveledA Scanner DarklyShall not PerishThe Skull Beneath the SkinThe Soldier's ArtSome Buried CaesarSpecimen DaysThe Stars' Tennis BallsStranger in a Strange LandSuch, Such Were the JoysA Summer Bird-CageThe Sun Also RisesSurprised by JoyA Swiftly Tilting PlanetTaming a Sea HorseTender Is the NightTerrible Swift SwordThat Good NightThat Hideous StrengthThings Fall ApartThis Side of Paradise)Those Barren Leaves, Thrones, DominationsTiger! Tiger!A Time of GiftsTime of our DarknessTime To Murder And CreateTirra Lirra by the RiverTo a God UnknownTo Sail Beyond the SunsetTo Say Nothing of the DogTo Your Scattered Bodies GoThe Torment of OthersUnweaving the RainbowVanity FairVile BodiesThe Violent Bear It AwayWaiting for the BarbariansThe Waste LandThe Way of All FleshThe Way Through the WoodsThe Wealth of NationsWhat's Become of WaringWhen the Green Woods LaughWhere Angels Fear to TreadThe Widening GyreWildfire at MidnightThe Wind's Twelve QuartersThe Wings of the DoveThe Wives of Bath"The World, the Flesh and the DevilThe Yellow Meads of Asphodelauthor#{Name.name}publisherAcademic PressAce BooksAddison-WesleyAdis InternationalAiriti PressAndré DeutschAndrews McMeel PublishingAnova BooksAnvil Press PoetryApplewood BooksApressAthabasca University PressAtheneum BooksAtheneum PublishersAtlantic BooksAtlas PressBallantine BooksBanner of Truth TrustBantam BooksBantam SpectraBarrie & JenkinsBasic BooksBBC BooksHarvard University PressBelknap PressBella BooksBellevue Literary PressBerg PublishersBerkley BooksBison BooksBlack Dog PublishingBlack LibraryBlack Sparrow BooksBlackie and Son LimitedBlackstaff PressBlackwell PublishingJohn Blake PublishingBloodaxe BooksBloomsbury Publishing PlcBlue Ribbon BooksBook League of AmericaBook WorksBooktropeBorgo PressBowes & BowesBoydell & BrewerBreslov Research InstituteBrill PublishersBrimstone PressBroadview PressBurns & OatesButterworth-HeinemannCaister Academic PressCambridge University PressCandlewick PressCanongate BooksCarcanet PressCarlton BooksCarlton Publishing Group Carnegie Mellon University PressCasemate PublishersCengage Learning!Central European University PressChambers HarrapCharles Scribner's SonsChatto and WindusChick PublicationsChronicle BooksChurchill LivingstoneCisco PressCity Lights PublishersCloverdale CorporationD. 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