# encoding: utf-8 require "moip" require "digest/sha1" MoIP::Client MoIP::DirectPayment describe "Make payments with the MoIP API" do let(:id){ '1' } before :all do id = 1 @pagador = { :nome => "Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva", :login_moip => "lula", :email => "presidente@planalto.gov.br", :tel_cel => "(61)9999-9999", :apelido => "Lula", :identidade => "111.111.111-11", :logradouro => "Praça dos Três Poderes", :numero => "0", :complemento => "Palácio do Planalto", :bairro => "Zona Cívico-Administrativa", :cidade => "Brasília", :estado => "DF", :pais => "BRA", :cep => "70100-000", :tel_fixo => "(61)3211-1221" } @billet_without_razao = { :valor => "8.90", :id_proprio => id, :forma => "BoletoBancario", :pagador => @pagador} @billet = { :valor => "8.90", :id_proprio => id, :forma => "BoletoBancario", :pagador => @pagador , :razao=> "Pagamento" } @debit = { :valor => "8.90", :id_proprio => id, :forma => "DebitoBancario", :instituicao => "BancoDoBrasil", :pagador => @pagador, :razao => "Pagamento" } @credit = { :valor => "8.90", :id_proprio => id, :forma => "CartaoCredito", :instituicao => "AmericanExpress",:numero => "345678901234564", :expiracao => "08/11", :codigo_seguranca => "1234", :nome => "João Silva", :identidade => "", :telefone => "(21)9208-0547", :data_nascimento => "25/10/1980", :parcelas => "2", :recebimento => "AVista", :pagador => @pagador, :razao => "Pagamento" } end context "misconfigured" do it "should raise a missing config error " do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = nil config.key = nil end MoIP::Client # for autoload lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingConfigError) end it "should raise a missing token error when token is nil" do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = nil config.key = 'key' end MoIP::Client # for autoload lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingTokenError) end it "should raise a missing key error when key is nil" do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = nil end MoIP::Client # for autoload lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingKeyError) end it "should raise a missing token error when token is empty" do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = '' config.key = 'key' end MoIP::Client # for autoload lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingTokenError) end it "should raise a missing key error when key is empty" do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = '' end MoIP::Client # for autoload lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingKeyError) end end context "thread safety" do before do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should have a threadsafe config" do thread = Thread.new do MoIP.setup {|config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/another_sandbox' } MoIP.uri.should eq('https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/another_sandbox') end thread.join MoIP.uri.should eq('https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox') end end context "validations" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should raise invalid phone" do @data = @credit.merge({:pagador => {:tel_fixo => 'InvalidPhone', :tel_cel => "(61)9999-9999"}}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidPhone) end it "should raise invalid cellphone" do @data = @credit.merge({:pagador => {:tel_cel => 'InvalidCellphone', :tel_fixo => "(61)9999-9999"}}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidCellphone) end it "should raise invalid expiry" do @data = @credit.merge({:expiracao => 'InvalidExpiry'}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidExpiry) end it "should raise missing birthdate" do @data = @credit.merge({:data_nascimento => nil}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingBirthdate) end it "should raise invalid institution error" do @data = @credit.merge({:instituicao => 'InvalidInstitution'}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidInstitution) end it "should raise invalid receiving error" do @data = @credit.merge({:recebimento => 'InvalidReceiving'}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidReceiving) end it "should raise invalid value error if 0" do @data = @credit.merge({:valor => 0}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidValue) end it "should raise invalid value error if '0'" do @data = @credit.merge({:valor => '0'}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidValue) end it "should raise invalid value error if 0.0" do @data = @credit.merge({:valor => 0.0}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidValue) end it "should raise invalid value error if '0.0'" do @data = @credit.merge({:valor => '0.0'}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidValue) end it "should raise invalid value error if -1" do @data = @credit.merge({:valor => -1}) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@data) }.should raise_error(MoIP::InvalidValue) end end context "checkout" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end MoIP::Client.stub!(:post). and_return("ns1:EnviarInstrucaoUnicaResponse"=> { "Resposta"=> { "ID"=>Time.now.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S"), "Status"=>"Sucesso", "Token" => "T2N0L0X8E0S71217U2H3W1T4F4S4G4K731D010V0S0V0S080M010E0Q082X2" } }) end context "when it is a billet checkout" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should raise an exception when razao parameter is not passed" do error = "É necessário informar a razão do pagamento" lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet_without_razao) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingPaymentTypeError,error) end it "should have status 'Sucesso'" do response = MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) response["Status"].should == "Sucesso" end end context "when it is a debit checkout" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should have status 'Sucesso' with valid arguments" do response = MoIP::Client.checkout(@debit) response["Status"].should == "Sucesso" end it "should have status 'Falha' when a instituition is not passed as argument" do @incorrect_debit = { :valor => "37.90", :id_proprio => id, :forma => "DebitoBancario", :pagador => @pagador, :razao => "Pagamento"} error = "Pagamento direto não é possível com a instituição de pagamento enviada" MoIP::Client.stub!(:post).and_return("ns1:EnviarInstrucaoUnicaResponse"=> { "Resposta"=> { "Status"=>"Falha", "Erro"=>error } }) error = "Pagamento direto não é possível com a instituição de pagamento enviada" lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@incorrect_debit) }.should raise_error(MoIP::WebServerResponseError, error) end it "should raise an exception if payer informations were not passed" do @incorrect_debit = { :valor => "37.90", :id_proprio => id, :forma => "DebitoBancario", :instituicao => "BancoDoBrasil", :razao => "Pagamento" } lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@incorrect_debit) }.should raise_error(MoIP::MissingPayerError, "É obrigatório passar as informações do pagador") end end context "when it is a credit card checkout" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should have status 'Sucesso' with valid arguments" do response = MoIP::Client.checkout(@credit) response["Status"].should == "Sucesso" end it "should have status 'Falha' when the card informations were not passed as argument" do @incorrect_credit = { :valor => "8.90", :id_proprio => id, :forma => "CartaoCredito", :pagador => @pagador, :razao => "Pagamento" } error = "Pagamento direto não é possível com a instituição de pagamento enviada" MoIP::Client.stub!(:post).and_return("ns1:EnviarInstrucaoUnicaResponse"=> { "Resposta"=> { "Status"=>"Falha", "Erro"=>error } }) error = "Pagamento direto não é possível com a instituição de pagamento enviada" lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@incorrect_credit) }.should raise_error(MoIP::WebServerResponseError, error) end end context "in error scenario" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should raise an exception if response is nil" do MoIP::Client.stub!(:post).and_return(nil) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) }.should raise_error(StandardError,"Ocorreu um erro ao chamar o webservice") end it "should raise an exception if status is fail" do MoIP::Client.stub!(:post).and_return("ns1:EnviarInstrucaoUnicaResponse"=> { "Resposta"=> {"Status"=>"Falha", "Erro"=>"O status da resposta é Falha" } }) lambda { MoIP::Client.checkout(@billet) }.should raise_error(StandardError, "O status da resposta é Falha") end end end context "query a transaction token" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end MoIP::Client.stub!(:get).and_return("ns1:ConsultarTokenResponse"=> { "RespostaConsultar"=> {"Status"=>"Sucesso", "ID"=>"201010291031001210000000046760" } }) end it "should retrieve the transaction" do response = MoIP::Client.query(token) response["Status"].should == "Sucesso" end context "in a error scenario" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should retrieve status 'Falha'" do MoIP::Client.stub!(:get).and_return("ns1:ConsultarTokenResponse"=> { "RespostaConsultar"=> {"Status"=>"Falha", "Erro"=>"Instrução não encontrada", "ID"=>"201010291102522860000000046768" } }) query = "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" lambda { MoIP::Client.query(query) }.should raise_error(StandardError, "Instrução não encontrada") end end end context "build the MoIP URL" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end end it "should build the correct URL" do page = "https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox/Instrucao.do?token=#{token}" MoIP::Client.moip_page(token).should == page end it "should raise an error if the token is not informed" do error = "É necessário informar um token para retornar os dados da transação" lambda { MoIP::Client.moip_page("").should raise_error(ArgumentError, error) } end it "should raise an error if nil is passed as the token" do error = "É necessário informar um token para retornar os dados da transação" lambda { MoIP::Client.moip_page(nil).should raise_error(ArgumentError, error) } end it "should raise a missing token error if nil is passed as the token" do lambda { MoIP::Client.moip_page(nil).should raise_error(MissingTokenError) } end it "should raise a missing token error if an empty string is passed as the token" do lambda { MoIP::Client.moip_page("").should raise_error(MissingTokenError) } end end context "when receive notification" do before(:each) do MoIP.setup do |config| config.uri = 'https://desenvolvedor.moip.com.br/sandbox' config.token = 'token' config.key = 'key' end @params = { "id_transacao" => "Pag62", "valor" => "8.90", "status_pagamento" => "3", "cod_moip" => "001", "forma_pagamento" => "73", "tipo_pagamento" => "BoletoBancario", "email_consumidor" => "presidente@planalto.gov.br" } end it "should return a hash with the params extracted from NASP" do response = { :transaction_id => "Pag62", :amount => "8.90", :status => "printed", :code => "001", :payment_type => "BoletoBancario", :email => "presidente@planalto.gov.br" } MoIP::Client.notification(@params).should == response end it "should return valid status based on status code" do MoIP::STATUS[1].should == "authorized" MoIP::STATUS[2].should == "started" MoIP::STATUS[3].should == "printed" MoIP::STATUS[4].should == "completed" MoIP::STATUS[5].should == "canceled" MoIP::STATUS[6].should == "analysing" end end def id "transaction_" + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest([Time.now, rand].join) end def token "T2X0Q1N021E0B2S9U1P0V3Y0G1F570Y2P4M0P000M0Z0F0J0G0U4N6C7W5T9" end def collect_deprecations old_behavior = ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior deprecations = [] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = Proc.new do |message, callstack| deprecations << message end result = yield deprecations ensure ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = old_behavior end end