#!/usr/bin/ruby =begin parser/activerecord.rb - parser for ActiveRecord Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Masao Mutoh You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same license terms as Ruby. $Id: activerecord.rb,v 1.9 2006/05/13 17:20:52 mutoh Exp $ =end require 'gettext' require 'gettext/parser/ruby' include GetText module GetText module ActiveRecordParser extend GetText include GetText GetText.bindtextdomain("rgettext") @config = { :db_yml => "config/database.yml", :db_mode => "development", :activerecord_classes => ["ActiveRecord::Base"], :use_classname => true, } @ar_re = nil module_function def require_rails(file) # :nodoc: begin require file rescue MissingSourceFile $stderr.puts _("'%{file}' is not found.") % {:file => file} end end # Sets some preferences to parse ActiveRecord files. # # * config: a Hash of the config. It can takes some values below: # * :use_classname: If true, the msgids of ActiveRecord become "ClassName|FieldName" (e.g. "Article|Title"). Otherwise the ClassName is not used (e.g. "Title"). Default is true. # * :db_yml: the path of database.yml. Default is "config/database.yml". # * :db_mode: the mode of the database. Default is "development" # * :activerecord_classes: an Array of the superclass of the models. The classes should be String value. Default is ["ActiveRecord::Base"] # # "ClassName|FieldName" uses GetText.sgettext. So you don't need to translate the left-side of "|". # See <Documents for Translators for more details(http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext-translate.html)>. def init(config) if config config.each{|k, v| @config[k] = v } end @ar_re = /class.*(#{@config[:activerecord_classes].join("|")})/ end def parse(file, targets = []) # :nodoc: old_constants = constants begin eval(open(file).read) rescue $stderr.puts _("Ignored '%{file}'. Solve dependencies first.") % {:file => file} $stderr.puts $! end loaded_constants = constants - old_constants loaded_constants.each do |classname| klass = eval(classname) if klass < ActiveRecord::Base add_target(targets, file, ::Inflector.singularize(klass.table_name.gsub(/_/, " "))) tablename = klass.class_name begin klass.columns.each do |column| if @config[:use_classname] msgid = tablename + "|" + klass.human_attribute_name(column.name) else msgid = klass.human_attribute_name(column.name) end add_target(targets, file, msgid) end rescue $stderr.puts _("No database is available.") $stderr.puts $! end end end if RubyParser.target?(file) targets = RubyParser.parse(file, targets) end targets.uniq! targets end def add_target(targets, file, msgid) # :nodoc: key_existed = targets.assoc(msgid) if key_existed targets[targets.index(key_existed)] = key_existed << "#{file}:-" else targets << [msgid, "#{file}:-"] end targets end def target?(file) # :nodoc: init(nil) unless @ar_re data = IO.readlines(file) data.each do |v| if @ar_re =~ v unless @db begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts _("rubygems are not found.") if $DEBUG end require 'active_record' begin yml = YAML.load(ERB.new(IO.read(@config[:db_yml])).result) rescue return false end ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = @config[:db_mode] require_rails 'config/boot.rb' require_rails 'config/environment.rb' require_rails 'app/controllers/application.rb' end return true end end false end end end if __FILE__ == $0 # ex) ruby model1.rb model2.rb ARGV.each do |file| if GetText::ActiveRecordParser.target?(file) p file p GetText::ActiveRecordParser.parse(file) end end end