module AIXM module Concerns # Memoize the return value of a specific method across multiple instances for # the duration of a block. # # The method signature is taken into account, therefore calls of the same # method with different positional and/or keyword arguments are cached # independently. On the other hand, when calling the method with a block, # no memoization is performed at all. # # Nested memoization of the same method is allowed and won't reset the # memoization cache. # # @example # class Either # include AIXM::Concerns::Memoize # # def either(argument=nil, keyword: nil, &block) # $entropy || argument || keyword || ( if block) # end # memoize :either # end # # a, b, c =,, # # # No memoization before the block # $entropy = nil # a.either(1) # => 1 # b.either(keyword: 2) # => 2 # c.either { 3 } # => 3 # $entropy = :not_nil # a.either(1) # => :not_nil # b.either(keyword: 2) # => :not_nil # c.either { 3 } # => :not_nil # # # Memoization inside the block # AIXM::Concerns::Memoize.method :either do # $entropy = nil # a.either(1) # => 1 # b.either(keyword: 2) # => 2 # c.either { 3 } # => 3 # $entropy = :not_nil # a.either(1) # => 1 (memoized) # b.either(keyword: 2) # => 2 (memoized) # c.either { 3 } # => :not_nil (cannot be memoized) # end # # # No memoization after the block # $entropy = nil # a.either(1) # => 1 # $entropy = :not_nil # a.either(1) # => :not_nil module Memoize module ClassMethods def memoize(method) unmemoized_method = :"unmemoized_#{method}" alias_method unmemoized_method, method define_method method do |*args, **kargs, &block| if block || !AIXM::Concerns::Memoize.cache.has_key?(method) send(unmemoized_method, *args, **kargs, &block) else cache = AIXM::Concerns::Memoize.cache[method] id = object_id.hash ^ args.hash ^ kargs.hash if cache.has_key?(id) cache[id] else cache[id] = send(unmemoized_method, *args, **kargs) end end end end end class << self attr_reader :cache def included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) @cache = {} end def method(method, &block) # TODO: [ruby-3.1] use anonymous block "&" on this and next line send(:"call_with#{:out if cached?(method)}_cache", method, &block) end private def cached?(method) cache.has_key?(method) end def call_without_cache(method) yield end def call_with_cache(method) cache[method] = {} yield ensure cache.delete(method) end end end end end