module ONCCertificationG10TestKit class SMARTInvalidTokenGroup < Inferno::TestGroup title 'Invalid Access Token Request' short_title 'Invalid Token Request' input_instructions %( Register Inferno as a standalone application using the following information: * Redirect URI: `#{SMARTAppLaunch::AppRedirectTest.config.options[:redirect_uri]}` ) description %( This scenario verifies that a SMART Launch Sequence, specifically the [Standalone Launch]( Sequence, does not succeed in the case where the client sends an invalid Authorization code or client ID during the code exchange step. This must not result in a successful launch. This test is not included as part of earlier scenarios because some servers may not accept an authorization code after it has been used unsuccessfully in this manner. ) id :g10_smart_invalid_token_request run_as_group input :use_pkce, title: 'Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)', type: 'radio', default: 'false', options: { list_options: [ { label: 'Enabled', value: 'true' }, { label: 'Disabled', value: 'false' } ] } input :pkce_code_challenge_method, optional: true, title: 'PKCE Code Challenge Method', type: 'radio', default: 'S256', options: { list_options: [ { label: 'S256', value: 'S256' }, { label: 'plain', value: 'plain' } ] } input_order :url, :standalone_client_id, :standalone_client_secret, :standalone_requested_scopes, :use_pkce, :pkce_code_challenge_method, :smart_authorization_url, :smart_token_url config( inputs: { client_id: { name: :standalone_client_id, title: 'Standalone Client ID', description: 'Client ID provided during registration of Inferno as a standalone application' }, client_secret: { name: :standalone_client_secret, title: 'Standalone Client Secret', description: 'Client Secret provided during registration of Inferno as a standalone application' }, requested_scopes: { name: :standalone_requested_scopes, title: 'Standalone Scope', description: 'OAuth 2.0 scope provided by system to enable all required functionality', type: 'textarea', default: %( launch/patient openid fhirUser offline_access patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ ).gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ').strip }, url: { title: 'Standalone FHIR Endpoint', description: 'URL of the FHIR endpoint used by standalone applications' }, code: { name: :invalid_token_code }, state: { name: :invalid_token_state }, smart_authorization_url: { title: 'OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint', description: 'OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint provided during the patient standalone launch' }, smart_token_url: { title: 'OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint', description: 'OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint provided during the patient standalone launch' }, pkce_code_verifier: { name: :invalid_token_pkce_code_verifier } }, outputs: { code: { name: :invalid_token_code }, state: { name: :invalid_token_state }, expires_in: { name: :invalid_token_expires_in }, pkce_code_verifier: { name: :invalid_token_pkce_code_verifier } }, requests: { redirect: { name: :invalid_token_redirect }, token: { name: :invalid_token_token } } ) test from: :smart_app_redirect test from: :smart_code_received test do title ' OAuth token exchange fails when supplied invalid code' description %( If the request failed verification or is invalid, the authorization server returns an error response. ) uses_request :redirect input :use_pkce, :client_id, :client_secret, :smart_token_url input :pkce_code_verifier, optional: true run do skip_if request.query_parameters['error'].present?, 'Error during authorization request' oauth2_params = { grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: 'BAD_CODE', redirect_uri: config.options[:redirect_uri] } oauth2_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } if client_secret.present? client_credentials = "#{client_id}:#{client_secret}" oauth2_headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(client_credentials)}" else oauth2_params[:client_id] = client_id end oauth2_params[:code_verifier] = pkce_code_verifier if use_pkce == 'true' post(smart_token_url, body: oauth2_params, name: :token, headers: oauth2_headers) assert_response_status(400) end end test do title 'OAuth token exchange fails when supplied invalid client ID' description %( If the request failed verification or is invalid, the authorization server returns an error response. ) uses_request :redirect input :use_pkce, :code, :smart_token_url, :client_secret input :pkce_code_verifier, optional: true run do skip_if request.query_parameters['error'].present?, 'Error during authorization request' client_id = 'BAD_CLIENT_ID' oauth2_params = { grant_type: 'authorization_code', code:, redirect_uri: config.options[:redirect_uri] } oauth2_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } if client_secret.present? client_credentials = "#{client_id}:#{client_secret}" oauth2_headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(client_credentials)}" else oauth2_params[:client_id] = client_id end oauth2_params[:code_verifier] = pkce_code_verifier if use_pkce == 'true' post(smart_token_url, body: oauth2_params, name: :token, headers: oauth2_headers) assert_response_status([400, 401]) end end end end