
ClutterScore — Controller for multiple timelines


struct              ClutterScore;
struct              ClutterScoreClass;
ClutterScore *      clutter_score_new                   (void);
void                clutter_score_set_loop              (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         gboolean loop);
gboolean            clutter_score_get_loop              (ClutterScore *score);

gulong              clutter_score_append                (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *parent,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *timeline);
gulong              clutter_score_append_at_marker      (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *parent,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_score_remove                (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         gulong id_);
void                clutter_score_remove_all            (ClutterScore *score);
ClutterTimeline *   clutter_score_get_timeline          (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         gulong id_);
GSList *            clutter_score_list_timelines        (ClutterScore *score);

void                clutter_score_start                 (ClutterScore *score);
void                clutter_score_pause                 (ClutterScore *score);
void                clutter_score_stop                  (ClutterScore *score);
gboolean            clutter_score_is_playing            (ClutterScore *score);
void                clutter_score_rewind                (ClutterScore *score);

Object Hierarchy



  "loop"                     gboolean              : Read / Write


  "completed"                                      : Run Last
  "paused"                                         : Run Last
  "started"                                        : Run Last
  "timeline-completed"                             : Run Last
  "timeline-started"                               : Run Last


ClutterScore is a base class for sequencing multiple timelines in order. Using ClutterScore it is possible to start multiple timelines at the same time or launch multiple timelines when a particular timeline has emitted the ClutterTimeline::completed signal.

Each time a ClutterTimeline is started and completed, a signal will be emitted.

For example, this code will start two ClutterTimelines after a third timeline terminates:

ClutterTimeline *timeline_1, *timeline_2, *timeline_3;
ClutterScore *score;

timeline_1 = clutter_timeline_new_for_duration (1000);
timeline_2 = clutter_timeline_new_for_duration (500);
timeline_3 = clutter_timeline_new_for_duration (500);

score = clutter_score_new ();

clutter_score_append (score, NULL,       timeline_1);
clutter_score_append (score, timeline_1, timeline_2);
clutter_score_append (score, timeline_1, timeline_3);

clutter_score_start (score);

A ClutterScore takes a reference on the timelines it manages, so timelines can be safely unreferenced after being appended.

New timelines can be appended to the ClutterScore using clutter_score_append() and removed using clutter_score_remove().

Timelines can also be appended to a specific marker on the parent timeline, using clutter_score_append_at_marker().

The score can be cleared using clutter_score_remove_all().

The list of timelines can be retrieved using clutter_score_list_timelines().

The score state is controlled using clutter_score_start(), clutter_score_pause(), clutter_score_stop() and clutter_score_rewind(). The state can be queried using clutter_score_is_playing().

ClutterScore is available since Clutter 0.6


struct ClutterScore

struct ClutterScore;

The ClutterScore structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API

Since 0.6

struct ClutterScoreClass

struct ClutterScoreClass {
  void (* timeline_started)   (ClutterScore    *score,
                               ClutterTimeline *timeline);
  void (* timeline_completed) (ClutterScore    *score,
                               ClutterTimeline *timeline);

  void (* started)            (ClutterScore    *score);
  void (* completed)          (ClutterScore    *score);
  void (* paused)             (ClutterScore    *score);

The ClutterScoreClass structure contains only private data

timeline_started ()

handler for the "timeline-started" signal

timeline_completed ()

handler for the "timeline-completed" signal

started ()

handler for the "started" signal

completed ()

handler for the "completed" signal

paused ()

handler for the "paused" signal

Since 0.6

clutter_score_new ()

ClutterScore *      clutter_score_new                   (void);


clutter_score_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Creates a new ClutterScore. A ClutterScore is an object that can hold multiple ClutterTimelines in a sequential order.

Returns :

the newly created ClutterScore. Use g_object_unref() when done.

Since 0.6

clutter_score_set_loop ()

void                clutter_score_set_loop              (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         gboolean loop);


clutter_score_set_loop is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Sets whether score should loop. A looping ClutterScore will start from its initial state after the ::complete signal has been fired.

score :

a ClutterScore

loop :

TRUE for enable looping

Since 0.6

clutter_score_get_loop ()

gboolean            clutter_score_get_loop              (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_get_loop is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Gets whether score is looping

score :

a ClutterScore

Returns :

TRUE if the score is looping

Since 0.6

clutter_score_append ()

gulong              clutter_score_append                (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *parent,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *timeline);


clutter_score_append is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Appends a timeline to another one existing in the score; the newly appended timeline will be started when parent is complete.

If parent is NULL, the new ClutterTimeline will be started when clutter_score_start() is called.

ClutterScore will take a reference on timeline.

score :

a ClutterScore

parent :

a ClutterTimeline in the score, or NULL. [allow-none]

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the id of the ClutterTimeline inside the score, or 0 on failure. The returned id can be used with clutter_score_remove() or clutter_score_get_timeline().

Since 0.6

clutter_score_append_at_marker ()

gulong              clutter_score_append_at_marker      (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *parent,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name,
                                                         ClutterTimeline *timeline);


clutter_score_append_at_marker is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Appends timeline at the given marker_name on the parent ClutterTimeline.

If you want to append timeline at the end of parent, use clutter_score_append().

The ClutterScore will take a reference on timeline.

score :

a ClutterScore

parent :

the parent ClutterTimeline

marker_name :

the name of the marker to use

timeline :

the ClutterTimeline to append

Returns :

the id of the ClutterTimeline inside the score, or 0 on failure. The returned id can be used with clutter_score_remove() or clutter_score_get_timeline().

Since 0.8

clutter_score_remove ()

void                clutter_score_remove                (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         gulong id_);


clutter_score_remove is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Removes the ClutterTimeline with the given id inside score. If the timeline has other timelines attached to it, those are removed as well.

score :

a ClutterScore

id_ :

the id of the timeline to remove

Since 0.6

clutter_score_remove_all ()

void                clutter_score_remove_all            (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_remove_all is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Removes all the timelines inside score.

score :

a ClutterScore

Since 0.6

clutter_score_get_timeline ()

ClutterTimeline *   clutter_score_get_timeline          (ClutterScore *score,
                                                         gulong id_);


clutter_score_get_timeline is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Retrieves the ClutterTimeline for id_ inside score.

score :

a ClutterScore

id_ :

the id of the timeline

Returns :

the requested timeline, or NULL. This function does not increase the reference count on the returned ClutterTimeline. [transfer none]

Since 0.6

clutter_score_list_timelines ()

GSList *            clutter_score_list_timelines        (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_list_timelines is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Retrieves a list of all the ClutterTimelines managed by score.

score :

a ClutterScore

Returns :

a GSList containing all the timelines in the score. This function does not increase the reference count of the returned timelines. Use g_slist_free() on the returned list to deallocate its resources. [transfer container][element-type Clutter.Timeline]

Since 0.6

clutter_score_start ()

void                clutter_score_start                 (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_start is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Starts the score.

score :

A ClutterScore

Since 0.6

clutter_score_pause ()

void                clutter_score_pause                 (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_pause is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Pauses a playing score score.

score :

a ClutterScore

Since 0.6

clutter_score_stop ()

void                clutter_score_stop                  (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_stop is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Stops and rewinds a playing ClutterScore instance.

score :

A ClutterScore

Since 0.6

clutter_score_is_playing ()

gboolean            clutter_score_is_playing            (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_is_playing is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Query state of a ClutterScore instance.

score :

A ClutterScore

Returns :

TRUE if score is currently playing

Since 0.6

clutter_score_rewind ()

void                clutter_score_rewind                (ClutterScore *score);


clutter_score_rewind is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Rewinds a ClutterScore to its initial state.

score :

A ClutterScore

Since 0.6

Property Details

The "loop" property

  "loop"                     gboolean              : Read / Write


ClutterScore:loop is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

Whether the ClutterScore should restart once finished.

Default value: FALSE

Since 0.6

Signal Details

The "completed" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterScore *score,
                                                        gpointer      user_data)      : Run Last


ClutterScore::completed is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

The ::completed signal is emitted each time a ClutterScore terminates.

score :

the score which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.6

The "paused" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterScore *score,
                                                        gpointer      user_data)      : Run Last


ClutterScore::paused is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

The ::paused signal is emitted each time a ClutterScore is paused.

score :

the score which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.6

The "started" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterScore *score,
                                                        gpointer      user_data)      : Run Last


ClutterScore::started is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

The ::started signal is emitted each time a ClutterScore starts playing.

score :

the score which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.6

The "timeline-completed" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterScore    *score,
                                                        ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last


ClutterScore::timeline-completed is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

The ::timeline-completed signal is emitted each time a timeline inside a ClutterScore terminates.

score :

the score which received the signal

timeline :

the completed timeline

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.6

The "timeline-started" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterScore    *score,
                                                        ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last


ClutterScore::timeline-started is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 1.8

The ::timeline-started signal is emitted each time a new timeline inside a ClutterScore starts playing.

score :

the score which received the signal

timeline :

the current timeline

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.6